
Shogun Action Vehicles Gallery

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Back in the late 70's Mattel started to bring over many of the non-robot Popy die-cast toys as part of it's Shogun Warriors line. These were called the Shogun Action Vehicles. For the most part, they were all futuristic Sci-Fi vehicles that came from various Japanese TV shows at the time... the most familiar being the ones that came from early Go-Ranger (Power Ranger) seasons and the few that came from the giant robot animation shows.

While common for a while, most of these are getting harder to come by today and the market really skyrocketed in the late 90's. But these have never been nearly as popular as the robot toys and many collectors are now getting turned off due to the high prices being charged. As of this writing, I know of a few dealers who have been sitting on some of these for quite some time due to their own insistance on pricing with over-inflated guides. I really haven't added much to my own collection since late in 1998. While they are nice toys, IMHO, they just aren't worth what most dealers have been asking lately. I really hope to see the prices start to come back down to earth in the near future.

From the Gaiking series:
This is the giant Space Dragon Kargosaur (Daiku-Maryu in Japan) that transports Gaiking and the rest of the team.

The mechanical bird from the Gaiking series.This one is actually a Japanese Popy release rather than a Mattel release.

Nessar, the dino-robot from Gaiking. Again in the Japanese box.

The final Gaiking series robot is Bazoler, the triceratops robot. This one actually has a peg broken off of the back, where one of the "mini-Bazolers" mount. Seems to be a common break point on these, as I've seen a couple this way. I'll get around to repairing it one of these days...

From the Dangard Ace series:
Sky Arrow fighter
This is the fighter jet used by the Dangard team. The front cockpit shoots off and the rear one swings forward to take it's place. This version has the later release "safety missiles". The Sky Arrow is one of the most common of the Action Vehicles.

Daungard Launcher
When Dangard Ace transforms into flight mode, the head ejects and becomes a little fighter jet. The Dangard Launcher is a small model of that fighter jet.

From the Go Ranger series:
Not having seen the show, I assume that this is one of the, of not the, main battle vehicles from an ealy Go Ranger series. Another rather common one of the Action Vehicles.

This is a neat winged transport for the Veritank. This one is the Japanese release and has different colors in the rainbow of wings than the Mattel release. The little blue piece on the nose it actually a mini-Varitank (I do not beleive this was included in the US version.

Other Action Vehicles:
Grand Car
One of the more unusual designs, this large missile on top of this car launches.

This bug-ship from the Raydeen series has retracting legs on the sides and launches a silver missile from the front.

Shigcon Tank
Here are two versions of the Shigcon Tank. The only difference is in missiles that cam with the toy. The later version included "X"-shaped yellow safety missiles in place of the earlier red "eye-poker-outers".

Shigcon Jet
This is the jet from the same series as the Shigcon Tank. I do not have the box or the correct missiles for this one.

This one reminds me of the Transformer Skyhammer toy. A large V-tol that carries a small armored car underneath. One of my favorites.

Solar Saucer
This is the saucer transport for the giant robot Grandizer. The robot acts as spring loaded missile.

U-Combine Combattra #3
One of the hardest sets to find is the Combattra U-Combine Set. The 5 vehicles combine into a rather impressive, deluxe size Combattra robot. This is basicly the same toy that came out as the Godaikins Combattra release in the early 80's. They had been previously released as 5 individually boxed vehicles and as a gift set.

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