2003 Flea Market Finds 1/3 Thrift Store Tigerhawk, with 1 missile & 1 feather Uni-Five Mazinga, MIB Uni-Five Gaiking, MIB Total Cost: $29 --------- 3/1 Thrift Store 1 Tigerhawk feather MCAM Starscream MOTU He-Man, no parts (prob re-release) MOTU Buzz Off, comp 2 Martha Washington figs, comp Jay & Silent Bob figs, figs only Bob & Doug Mckensie figs, some parts Manardin Spawn, red, comp A few FP Little People parts Total cost: about $7.50 ------------- 3/23 Flea Markets Micromaster Airwave (just the MM) G2 Deluge, no weapon BW Megasaur - No missiles or squirter BW Wolfang - missing missiles & shield BW Prowl (1/3 Magnaboss), no tail, msg 1 leg BW Airrazor, missing gun & 1 foot TsM Megatron, missing dino arms AM Overrun's engine pod BW Scorp's Cyberbee 1 Grey Lego Castle bullet helm D&D Orge King, stripped Total Cost: About $3.50 --------------------- 4/12 G2 RotoForce race car, no parts TNMT - All 4 original turtles w/ weapons Total cost: $1.50 ------------------------- 4/27 Sourge, no parts Soundwave (needs some work), no weapons Blaster, no gun, bkn ears Brawn Powerglide Pounce, no guns Roadgrabber shell, stripped TsM2 Cheetor, w/tail, no gun or missile Nightscream, missig 1 arm BW Rampage, stripped Menasor chest plate/car Menasor waist plate Seacon stand baseplate Wildrider car cannon Fastlane gun Rampage sword Air Raid gun Sunstreaker back cover Scrapped TF Bodies: Gears, Windcharger, Grapple, Perceptor, Starscream, Swoop, Barrage 2 Gobot power suits 3 Puzzer Gobots Small Transforming Bonapart Tulcas MMPR Rescue Megazord Ambulance Voltron Yellow & Blue Lions, Plastic MASK Camaro w/ figure TCats Lion-o power unit Greatest American Hero Bill Maxwell 3 3/4" figure 3 Boxes of of scrapped GiJoe vehicles Total cost: About $65 ----------------------------- 5/2 Flea Market & Rummage Sale Skids, no parts Silverbolt, no parts Overdrive, no parts Swerve Runabout, no gun Bluestreak, no weapons, msg 1 door Broadside, no weaps, msg landing gear Jetfire backpack center Thundercracker R wing & launcher Apetimus Primal, msg missiles, mace & "mask" Dinobot, msg mask & 1 "heel" Cheetor (blue eyes), missing internal part of head BW Scorponok, msg missiles Inferno, missing one leg & weapon Jetstorm, no missiles Manterror, complete Clawjaw, no weapon TsM2 Megatron, Comp Op OP. Comp BM Mega Cheetor, Comp BM Dx Optimus, Comp FK Dinobot, Comp FK Waspinator, Comp McBM Optimus MCArmada Hot Shot, MIP Scrapped TF bodies: Mirage, Roadbuster, Tailgate, Sludge, Hot Rod, Starscream, T-craker, Downshift, Beachcomber GiJoe VAMP Mk2, with diver, msg all accessories GiJoe Ninja Lightning cycle, MIB POTF2 Tie Fighter POTF2 X-wing Luke fig, no weaps POTF2 Hoth Han fig, with rifle POTF2 "Chewbacca Fett" fig, with ax & gun POTF2 Hammerhead, with rifle Jango Fett fig, no acc. Action fleet X-wing & Y-wing Aliens Outbreak graphic novel AD&D2 Tome of Magic Big Voltron sword Total Cost: About $46.75 ----------- 5/5 Thrift Store AM Laserbeak Total Cost: $1 -------------- 6/8 Flea Markets MIB Omega Supreme (msg 2 sm clips & IS) Tailgate G2 Gobots Megatron, no gun BM Optimus, no weapon Scrapped BW Jetstorm BM Super Jetstorm missile, shark & tailfin BW Inferno legs & missiles Transquito legs TFs at Universal Studios button Gobot Super Spay-C Takara Micro-Robot #1 (red/blue ver), no weapon Shogun 5" Mazinga (2 fists, 1 sword & pack) 5" Dragun, comp, plus extra red fist 5" Poseiden, no missiles 5" Raider, no parts 3" Gaiking 3" Combattra Kargosaur, no parts Verilift, scrapped, has claws Godaikins mini Godsigma, with sword, but no fists Jet for 6" Voltron I Old Zoid toy, incomplete Diecast A-team van 6" Mcdonaldland Professor (1977, Remco) Remco transforming truck Tub o Legos Bag of Fisher Price Little People (Ebay Fodder!) Interact Cyclone 3D Joystick Star Wars EpII Book on tape set SW Darth Maul - Shadow Hunter Book on CD Propheses of Nostradamas book Total Cost: About $135 -------------------- 6/11/03 Auction Optimal Op - msg 2 missiles & a shield piece TsM Rampage - msg one crab leg TsM Airrazor - Comp TsM Optimus Primal - Missing maces TsM Tarantulas - missing gun TsM Megatron - complete, but needs repairs TsM Waspinator - missing one missile & 1 sm wing TsM2 Cheetor - missing gun & missile Optimus Minor - missing tail Bantor - Complete Quickstrike - Complete Dinobot - msg mask, sword & 1 dino arm "Apetimus" Prime, missing most weapons and back panels Scorponok, missing leg, bee & missiles Rattrap, missing 1 rat foot, arm & 1/2 gun Rhinox, missing back panels, leg, maces & disk Wolfang, missing legs & tail BW Inferno, missing lots Waspinator, missing wings & missiles TsM2 Dinobot, missing arm G2 Jazz, scrapped Star Wars (all newer): Millenium Falcon, missing gun turret assy AWing, apparently complete AT-ST, missing little top gun DR's Outrider, missing little top gun Landspeeder TIE Fighter Naboo Fighter About 26 figures 12" C-3PO Plush C-3PO AT-AT canopy Some SW Micromachine toys Small lot of Star Wars Lego 3 SW books & 1 Magazine And more... Other stuff (Can you say Ebay? I knew you could!): About 200 Pokemon Cards Half-dozon Spawn figures Small lot of Jurasik Park figs & playsets Lots of Mighty Max sets Small lot of Ghostbusters stuff 2 Furbys Other Junk I can't ID - Much of which gets tossed... Total Cost: $28.74 ----------------- 6/14/03 Flea Market G1 Ransack, no parts TechnoZoids Pegasus, MIB (unassembled) Star Wars Comtech reader & 11 chips 8 SW Ep1 trading cards Dungeons & Dragons Video Howard Stern Butt Bongo Video MC Escher tile slide puzzle Wizard of Oz TinMan MOSC Wizard of Oz Scarecrow MOSC Total cost: about $16 --------------------- 6/21/03 Flea Markets Slag, no accys BW K-9, for parts RID UM, stripped RID Sideburn gun & missile McArm OP (x2) McBM BA McArm Meg's Turret GIJoe Figs (all w. no parts): Crimson Guard Baroness (broken pelvis) Blow Torch Lt. Falcon Nemesis Enforcer Toxo Viper Road Pig Lightfoot Iceburg Lego Anakin's Pod Racer, complete Lego 6454 Rocket Set Zbots Megabot, comp w/ box 2 Sets of Model Soldiers Uno Rage card game ROTJ card game Blade II DVD Spiderman cartoon video Fisher Price toys ------------------- 6/25 Auction Defensor R fist Defensor R foot Defensor gun Blades LS cannon Bonecrusher handgun Box of Construx Total Cost: $2 ----------------------- 6/29, Flea Markets & Yard Sales TFs: Hot Spot, no accys Fangry, no accys Afterburner, no accys Twin Twist, no gun Tailgate Gears (needs repairs) Warpath Tailspin G2 Beachcomber Tankorr, no missile or flaps Rattrap, complete Jetstorm, complete TsM2 Cheetor, Comp TsM2 Cheetor, no missile Ramulus, comp TsM Airrazor, msg pontoons TsM Ramage, msg most accys Sonar, missing a beast leg RID Super Prowl, no weapons ARM Sideways, no minicons 2 Grey Optimus missiles Prowl missile launcher set Megatron scope center piece AM Prowl gun Various scrap BW for parts Box Lot with: (complete unless noted) Grimlock (needs repairs, no parts) Magnaboss Tripredacus Insectacon Polar Claw Retrax Space Case MW Thundercracker MW Skywarp Megagator Sonar FK Rhinox Torca MW Prowl Ramulus TsM Spittor BW Inferno, missing 1 missile BM Optimus BM Quickstrike Stinkbomb Bantor Noctorro Terragator Skyshadow Optimus Minor TsM Scavenger BW Snarl Catgut (Treadshot's AM partner) Green Dino-Zaurs Bird (may not be complete) TM Tatantuals, no gun Various BW era toys for scrap parts Other Cool Stuff: ExoSquad: -Walking E-frame, w/box -Assault E-Frame, w/ box -Amphibious E-Frame, W/box -Deleon E-frame, w/box -Interogatoe E-frame, w/box -Subsonic Scout E-Frame w/ box -Neo-Command E-frame, comp -Repair E-Frame, comp -4 Jump Troops, mostly complete 12" BobaFett, w/box msg gun 12" Snowtrooper, no missile 12" StormShadow, w/box missing missile 3 3/4" Luke Jedi, no weapons 3 3/4" BobaFett, no gun 2 Battle Beasts 5 Gal bucket of Legos (infested with Mega Bloks) 2 D&D Figures Alien Figure (From Kenner line) Ewoks TV show (VHS) Sphere (DVD) 2 Boxes of GiJoe Vehicles & parts (no figs), incl: -Slugger -2 Bridge Layers -X-wing Jet -HAVOC -Armadillo -Air Defence Battle Station -LAW Battle Station -WOLF -Persuader -Road Toad -Sky Sweeper -Pogo -Hydro Sled -Lots more... Other junk: Some Gobots/KOs Big Bandai Transforming Truck TFing Slot Machine Some McD's TFs Knock-Off Blast Off 2 Dlx MMPR sets, incomplete Varous Super Hero Figs Total Cost: About $96 (boy that adds up!) --------------- 7/5 - Flea Market, Thrift Store (NC roadtrip) Deadend, no parts Freeway Goldbug G2 Megatron tank missile K-9 missile Right side of Minicon Dirt Boss Half of Minicon High Wire Misc body parts of RID Prowl Cobra Crimson Guardsman, w/pack GIJoe gun for Snow Serpent GIJoe pack (came with 10+ figs) GIJoe Uzi SMG Total Cost: About $12 ------------------- 7/12 - Flea Markets Hoist, NP Sideswipe, missing window & parts, bkn spoiler Slag, no parts, msg 1 horn & hip cap Wreck-Gar, stripped BM Optimus, no weapon BM Scavenger RID Scavenger McArm Starscream Devastator missile Sunstreaker missile Bluestreak gun, bkn tip Sideswipe ML, broken clip Some BW scrap parts GiJoe Lady Jaye 1997, no parts Joe Budo pack & Helmet Joe Spearhead pack MMPR red dragon Vintage Gamorrean Guard Some Mighty Max parts Tin of Lego 1 ExoFrame 2 Die Cast cars 2 Zbots 21 MUSCLE figures Robocop animated video 28 CDs ($20) Total Cost: About $36 ----------------- 7/20 Flea Market & Yard Sale Terrordive, no gun BW Snapper BW Spittor Depth Charge, no parts RID Mini-OP RID Rollbar, no parts RID Nightcruz for parts RID Grimlock, no shovel BW MegaSaur, no head assy Animorphs Infernal thingee, no missile Broken Freeway Bluestreak launcher OP grey missile OP Minor tail McBM Thrust Some KO TF parts 7 Gundam Mini figures (6 sealed) 8 2002 GiJoes, with some parts Yellow Voltron Dragon Bag o' Pokemon cards SW Rogue Planet book-on-tape GiJoe Video, vol 8 MOTU Kobra Khan, no gun 4 MASK figs w/ helms TCat Lion-o Sword, orange Set of 2002 Olympics pins Fisher Price LP bus & 5 figs SPI games War Of The Ring Un ID'd Anime babe figure Greatest American Hero Bill Maxwell 3 3/4" figure One BIG $300 GiJoe collection- Well over 100 figures -Varying completeness -Mostly 1987-1992 releases 4 boxes of vehicles including: -Terrordrome -General Total Cost: About $342.25 ------------------------- 7/27 OTFCC '03 God Fire Convoy Gift Set TigerTracks, MISB Black Tracks, MISB NY Sideswipe Black SixTurbo White SixWing Reg SixBuilder Black Keychains Set Japanese Magazine Optimus Toy Kabaya Micron Set Kabaya Die Cast TF cars set 5 Smallest TFs (commons) MISB Blurr, VA autograph MISB Kup, VA autograph MISB BW Inferno, VA autograph MOSC Slog TMII Op Minor & Sonar Sunstrorm OTFCC Vipers 2 pack OTFCC Sideswipe OTFCC Sunstreaker (x2) OTFCC PCV 6-pack Rook DiCola & Thread CD's, Autographed Battle damaged OP & Meg PVC set Micorn CD set #2 Starconvoy & GinRai PVCs Challenge of the Gobots Bent Wing, MOSC Set of Matrix Necklaces Dinner & Arcee Lithos Dinner Plate (when it arrives) Bunch o' Parts Gold Metalforce Prime prize from Fumihiko's table Another great Con has come and gone. Despite all of the bad mouthing, protests, boycots and all, this turned out to be a well-run show with a very good turn-out. It was a shame to miss some of the regulars, but there will always be too much politics in a fandom this large. As has become usual the last few years, I've become more and more tied to my table... Making deals and pulling more toys out as the stuff I have up sells. I did pretty well this year. Some of the high dollar toys didn't sell, others went quick, but I moved a lot of loose toys: BW & G1. It's all about pricing things fairly - People need to realize that, other than a few key early show characters, loose BW toys are "used" toys, not "collectable" toys. No one is going to pay a premium for them. That's how I priced them and moved a lot. Other dealers took most of their's home. I did get a moment to do a quick run through of the art room. I have no artistic talent, myself, so I could never try and compete in there. But I advise those who missed it to find one of the photo galleries that will be posted. We had a rock/paper/scissors game at Fumihiko's table again. A few grumbles, but I think most people know it is the best way to figure out who gets the chance to buy some of the unique toys they bring. If it's an auction, we end up with Ebay prices - If it's a scramble, then people get pissed off and certain dealers try to monopolize the purchasing just to resell the toys. I think they had the only God Fire Convoy set, Minelba and Twincaster (at least the only ones I saw) at the show. They also had some HMs and a dino cassette. All at pretty reasonable prices. While people are disappointed if they don't win, I don't think anyone get's mad. It's all in their hands ("Why did I throw Rock??? Aaaarggghhh!) They also had a "thank you" give away: An all gold Metalforce Convoy made by the original sculptor. Really nice piece. Amazingly, it was won by the same guy who won both of the give-aways last year. Same guy who ended up with the SFC set, too. I had a great time, overall. IMHO, the good, bad & ugly of it: Good: Nice turn-out of fans. Things seemed to run smoothly. In general, toy prices were pretty reasonable, with a wide selection. Panels were well-received (so I hear, I missed them.) Bad: Dinner Plates and Comics were not ready in time for the show. T-shirts ended up being a "substitute" design. Overall, a very expensive con: Between the hotel and tax rate, that left less to buy toys with. Ugly: Missing a lot of regular fans due to politics. Exclusive packaging was thin: Not nice, but does help keep costs down. Long walk to the nearest fast food. ------------------ 8/3 Flea Markets Ratchet, red cross ver, comp Miarge, no parts Trailbreaker, some parts Hound, np Sunstreaker, np Sideswipe, with gun Jazz, w/ML (Kitbashed w/ G2 roof) Smokesceen, bkn rear windows Prowl, bkn roof Bluestreak, broken roof Inferno, some parts Hot Spot, no parts Optimus Prime (grey roller ver), bkn trailer, 1 fist OP cab #2, no parts Magnus trailer & some parts Huffer x2 Red Bumblebee Red Cliffjumper Powerglide Brawn Outback, no gun Beachcomber 3 MiniSpies Topspin, no gun Twin Twist, complete 3 Sm Aerialbots, one gun Starscream, some parts Ramjet, some parts Dirge, some parts Extra Dirge & Ramjet bodies All 5 Combatacons, some parts Hook (UNbroken) w/ gun Long Haul w/ gun & sm wing Scrapper (x2) Scavenger w/ Dev fists & missile Mixmaster w/ big gun & missile Blitzwing w/ gun & sword Kickback, comp Shrapnel, comp Shrapnel junker G2 Slag w/ gun G2 Jazz junker Apetimus Primal, no weapons Batimus Primal, -1 sword Rattrap, no gun, msg 1 foot Blackarachnia, -1 missile MegaGator, comp Armadillo, no weapons Iguanas, -1 foot Ultra Jetstorm junker RID Sideburn junker RID Wedge 4 McTF toys Extra Parts: Set of Skywarp wings, 1 fist & 3 missiles 4 Omega Clips & 1 foot Metroplex fist, guns, missile Scamper small gun & roof Soundwave gun & 3 missiles Astrotrain gun Superion small shield, fists & head Ravage guns Swoop ML & 2 missiles & sword Grimlock gun & missile Perceptor ML & 3 missiles Astrotrain gun G2 Sideswipe gun Red Alert ML & 2 missiles Barrage gun Wheeljack ML & spoiler Blaster Gun Jetfire Booster & 1 inner leg armor Megs Silver gun Rumble gun Inferno head assy Rodimus Blast shields G2 Starscream tailfins Sideswipe IB Starscream IB Barrage IB Magnus IB Astrotrain IB Mixmaster Stickers (I think) Megatron Headknocker, MIB 6 Gobots Super Gobot Stacks Super Gobot Psycho Transforming number "4" Corgi Supermobile MOC 1995 R2D2 MOC BattleBeast set Battle Beast Seahorse, no weapon Exo-Squad Assault E-frame shieldpiece 1 McZ-bot Lego 425 set Total Cost: About $120