
Pics of my Collection - Page 4

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These are pictures taken after Botcon 99.

My Autobot Display Shelf
Since my cabinets are full, I've started stacking some of the nicer toys I find wherever I find room. Here's a shelf that has a handful of later Autobot toys on it.

My Decepticon Display Shelf
And the shelf right above it, loaded with Decepticons... And a few War Planets.

Top of the Decep Cabinet
The top of my Autobot display cabinet. Ceiling's low here, so I'm kind of limited to the short toys. Actually this started out as all of the non-Transformers I was picking up at flea markets, but I needed someplace to put a few BW guys.

Top of the Decep Cabinet
Found more room on top of the Decepticon diplay cabinet... With room for some bigger toys, like the Shogun Godzilla..

Time for a picture of a convoy. No, not THE Convoy... A convoy. Y'know, a good old 1970's, big rig, "10-4 good buddy" style convoy. Don't you guys remember the 70's, when truckin' was cool?... Come to think about it, were most of you even born then? [sigh]

Top of shelf of the Autobot cabinet
A little bit of everything in here... Fort Max, some Action Masters, some Gestalts, a few Imports...

Autobot cars shelf.
Just a bunch of the Autobot cars hangin out and looking cool. The yellow Sideswipe is actually a Diaclone version. It was pretty trashed when I got it, but by sacrificing a nice G2 SS and with the help of one of Ravestrike's repro sticker sheets, it's looks pretty good now.

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