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July 26, 20005

News Mars Life May Be Contaminated by Spacecraft, Experts Warn
News Rising CO2 levels may make crops more bountiful, less nourishing.
Report Origins of Methane on Earth

July 25, 2005

Report Plant toxins in the diets of early humans drove the evolution of taste
Research Scientists seek fresh chance to dig up Stonehenge's secrets
News Is the Tasmanian Tiger really Extinct?

July 22, 2005

Research Scientists Discover That Three Molecules May Be Developed Into New Alzheimer's Drugs
Research Multi-species genome comparison sheds new light on evolutionary processes
Report Scientists discover stem cell origin of neck and shoulders

July 18, 2005

report 'Tuskless' gene in elephants becoming common as poaching affects gene pool

July 15, 20005

Research Learning how Leukemia develops
Research Asthma, Allergies May Reduce Risk of Brain Cancer
News China plans for second manned launch
News Archaeologists find plate in Lebanon with cuneiform writing
News Cosmic Rays could help measure time on Earth
report Aspirin, Vitamin E Show Little Effect in Preventing Cancer

July 14, 2005

News New fabrics could help control moisture, body temperature.
News Scientists adapt 'facial recognition' software to scan genome
News Scientists study dynamics of RNA
Report Experts Discuss Moral Use of Human Stem Cells in Ape and Monkey Brains

July 13, 2005

News New Class of Planet pondered
Commentary English not one language, but many.
Research Organic Farm Produces Same Yield as Conventional
News Dinosaur had pulmonary system similar to bird
News Nanowiring the Brain
Research Misfolded Proteins may be key to Neurological disorders
News DNA Printing Press : computer technology

July 12, 2005

News Tiny Pink Baby Pandas!
Report UK Scientist explores the way humans view reality, universe
News Archaeologists find quarry for Stonehenge in Wales
News Nanophotonics lab gets research grant.
Research Spanish reports research on differences in identical twins.
News Nano-Graphite, hydrogen fuel cells

July 11, 2005

News Research done on Kennewick Man
Report Seismic activity recorded in NW U.S. Indian lore
Interview An interview with linguist Nicholas Ostler.
Report Consonants guide us to identify words - linguistic study.