
(Rai and the Future Force)

(issues 0,1-8,24-33 have the title Rai)
(issues 9-23 have the title Rai and the Future Force)

mini-series 1-4
(mini-series 1-4 are flip-books with Magnus Robot Fighter 5-8)

Character Info:
The 42nd Rai
lead character in issues 1-8 (he doesn't actually appear in issue 8, though)
Real Name: Tohru Nakadai

"The Last" Rai
lead character in issues 0,9-22
Real Name: Takao Konishi

"The New" Rai
lead character in issues 23-33
Real Name: Obadiah Konishi

Click here for a listing of Future Force members.

The Series:

After the series:
The series was continued in the pages of Magnus Robot Fighter. Of course Rai escaped Takashi. But he discovered the ability to alter his body structure for battle in the process. After he rejoined Magnus and Torque, he participated in the battle with the Psi-Lords. He then remained on the scene as a supporting character for the duration of that series. What happened after that is unknown.

The Same As It Never Was:
Rai hasn't been introduced in the new books yet. What's wrong with them? I want Rai!!!

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