The Second Life of

Dr. Mirage


Character Info:
Dr. Mirage
Full Name: Hwen Mirage
Given Name: Hwen Dong Fong (he changed it so people wouldn't call him Dr. Dong)

Carmen, the Dr.'s Wife
Full Name: Carmen Ruiz
Powers: She doesn't have any.

The Series:

After the series:
Nothing is really known about the rest of Dr. Mirage's second life. We do know that he and Carmen investigated X-O's disappearance in the X-O/Iron Man cross-over. This was recorded in a book written in 1999 that somehow ended up in the Acclaim Universe (as revealed in the Man of the Atom special). Other than that, we know absolutely nothing. We don't even know if Dr. Mirage survived the destruction of the Darque Power in 1999.

The Same As It Never Was:
A new Dr. Mirage series is scheduled for 1998.

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