Magnus Robot Fighter

(issues 5-8 are flip-books with Rai mini-series 1-4)
Magnus Robot Fighter Yearbook 1
Magnus Robot Fighter & Nexus 1 & 2
Predator versus Magnus Robot Fighter 1 & 2
Vintage Magnus Robot Fighter 1-4
The Original Magnus Robot Fighter 1
Character Info:
Magnus, Robot Fighter
lead character issues 0-38,47-64
Real Name: just Magnus
Powers: Harbinger with enhanced strength and durability
Torque, Son of Robot Fighter
lead character issues 39-46
Real Name: just Torque
Powers (pre Psi-Lord): Harbinger with enhanced strength and durability
Powers (as a Psi-Lord): he has access to the Psi-Lord powers -big suprize, huh?
The Series:
After the series:
It was never revealed what happened to Magnus after the Destroyer's blast in
the final issue. One can only assume that he was indeed misplaced in time
again, and that Torque spent a lot of time searching for a way to bring him
back. I mean, now that he's an immortal Psi-Lord, he has all the time in the
world... and beyond.
The Same As It Never Was:
Magnus Robot Fighter vol.2 is about a guy named Russ Magnus who came to the
present from the distant future in an attempt to prevent his hellish future
from becoming a reality. In his time robots run everything while the people
sit and rot. Magnus doesn't like this and so he's trying to prevent it by
destroying all machinery that has the potential of developing into thinking
machines. (It's kind of like Terminator 2.) Magnus has some kind of liquid
metal in him that gives him enhanced strength and healing.
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