The shuttle was approaching Triton. Soon, its occupants would be facing the Destroyer. Torque looked at the monitor as the former moon came closer and closer. In the seat next to him was his fellow Psi-Lord, Balaam. Behind him was Gilad, Obadiah, and Takashi. When those three had come to Palisade II with the news of Mothergod's return, Psi-Lord Superion Gryffen had immediately ordered Balaam to accompany them to the Destroyer's home. Torque demanded to go with them, and Gryffen had eventually allowed him to do so. Torque found his thoughts drifting towards his father. Magnus would know how to handle this situation. Along with Gilad and many other heroes, Magnus had fought side by side with the Destroyer in the war against Mothergod. He could only hope that there was enough of Solar left in the Destroyer to get him to help them defeat Mothergod this time.
"What is the meaning of this intrusion?" the Destroyer asked as his image appeared on the shuttle's monitor.
"Seleski, we are in need of your aid," said Gilad.
"Ah, Gilad Anni-Padda, the Eternal Warrior. It's been years. But I'm afraid that the man you once knew as Solar... as Phillip Seleski is no more. I am now..."
"Erica Pierce has returned," Gilad said cutting off the Destroyer.
For the next minute, there was dead silence. Finally, the Destroyer spoke.
"You may land your ship. We have much to discuss."
"But you must help us! Earth doesn't stand a chance against Mothergod in its current state. We need your help!" Torque was saying to the Destroyer.
"I understand your dilemma, but you must understand mine. I have no interest in the Earth anymore. Why should I care if Erica takes over. Perhaps she'll make a good ruler," the Destroyer returned.
"She's unstable and you know it," Gilad said. "And how long will it be until she tries the whole Unity thing again. What then, Seleski?"
"I doubt that she'd try anything like that again, but if she did then perhaps I'd be forced to act. But until that time comes, I will not act. Oh, and I'd advise that you cease calling me by that name immediatly."
"But what can we do? The Earth is still shaken up by the Malev's failed take over last year. The people just don't have the spirit to fight again. The Psi-Lords will fight, but they won't stand a chance by themselves," Gilad pleaded.
"If only my father was here," Torque added. "I'm sure that the people would unite if their leader could return."
"Ah yes. Your father, young Psi-Lord. I've been meaning to contact you on that matter. Your father is alive," the Destroyer said.
"My father! Are you certain?!"
"I've located him and my initial assumption was correct. My chronal blast did in fact dislocate him in the time stream. He is living in the America of 1974 ad."
"Destroyer, you must send me there. I must find my father."
"... so be it. I can send you back, disguise your appearance, and give you the means to return. I do this out of respect for my former ally. But remember, once you return you are on your own. I want to be left alone."
"Torque, I'm going with you," Obadiah said. "You might need help."
"Yes, take Obadiah. The rest of us will return to Palisade II and prepare to defend the Earth," Balaam said.
"Okay," said Torque. Then he turned to face the Destroyer. "We are ready," he said.
"I wish you luck in your endeavor," said the Destroyer. He then waved his hand, and in a blink of light, Torque and Obie were gone.
Balaam, Gilad, and Takashi's shuttle was entering the Earth's atmosphere when their radio intercepted a transmission being broadcasted world wide.
"People of Earth. The Queen, Mothergod, has returned. You are to surrender to her rule immediately. All of your leaders have been incarcerated. You have no choice but to cooperate. Your so-called defenders have already been dealt with. Don't share their fate."
"What does he mean by so-called defenders?" Takashi asked.
Gilad turned to the monitor. "Computer, give us a view of Palisade II on screen."
The monitor soon showed that all that was left of the Psi-Lords' headquarters was a huge smoking hole in the ground.
"No!" said Balaam. "It can't be. They're gone. They're all gone."
"We don't know that," said Gilad. "Maybe some of them got away."
They landed the shuttle on the mountain that was located near the fallen base.
"There is a hidden cavern nearby," said Balaam. "That is where we are to regroup should anything like this happen. If anybody survived, that's where they'd be."
The three went to the cavern. Balaam entered the code that allowed them to enter. Inside they found a small group of Psi-Lords. One of them was Superion Gryffen.
"What happened, sir?" asked Balaam.
"Balaam, it was horrible. We had no warning. They attacked from all directions. We...we..." Gryffen started to stutter.
"We held them off okay," finished another Psi-Lord, Aesha, "but then Mothergod arrived. I ordered my unit, Hexstrike Alpha, to get Gryffen to safety at all costs. I didn't think we would make it, but we had some... help."
"That would be me." Balaam looked over to see the Psi-Lord traitor Ravenrock leaning against the wall.
"Yes, apparently Ravenrock escaped once again in all the confusion," Aesha continued. "And it's a good thing he did. He was able to get us out of there in a small transporter he stole from the hanger. Believe it or not, we owe our lives to him."
Balaam looked at the traitor. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. This man was responsible for the deaths of so many Psi-Lords and also for the destruction of their homeworld. And know they had him to thank for savingthe Superion's life.
"Anyways," Aesha continued, "we got away, but when we looked back we saw lights surround Palisade. Seconds later, it vaporized. All of our people... are dead."
They all stood there in silence. Balaam looked around the room. Other than Gryffen, Ravenrock, and Aesha, there were only a few other Psi-Lords left. He counted thirteen others, besides other five members of Hexstrike Alpha. That's when he noticed that there were only four other members of the team present.
"Where's Graal?" he asked.
Aesha looked down. "He wouldn't listen to me. I told him... ordered him to come with us, but he wouldn't. He still resented me for replacing him as team captain. He just kept on fighting and told us to go on without him. He said that he wouldn't leave in the middle of a fight. Why couldn't he just accept that I was in charge?"
"It was his stubborness that got him killed," Gilad said. "Don't blame yourself."
"I know, and I don't. It just doesn't matter anymore. We've lost," she said.
Gryffen looked at them. "What happened to Torque and the young Rai?" he asked.
Balaam filled them in on the situation. Gryffen nodded his head. "It grieves me to learn that the Destroyer won't help us, but if Magnus were to return, perhaps we may stand a chance. Surely the people of this world would unite under his leadership. Yes, I fear that Magnus may be our only hope."
© 1997