The Return

Obie and Takashi were led to the cell as soon as they arrived. Clane and Grandfather weren't too happy to see Takashi, but then Obie filled them in on the situation. There was a moment of silence when they learned of Suki's fate. Finally, President Bedard broke the silence.
"This has gone too far. There must be something we can do."
"Actually, I do have a plan," said Aram, the Geomancer. Everyone in the room turned to look at him.
"I've been having a conversation of sorts with the computer on the other side of the cell door. It appears that the cultists have built some kind of a generator that can open the wormhole that is imprisoning Mothergod. Apparently, when they run the generator it draws energy that is used by all the other machinery in the complex. And that includes..."
"The field around the cell that is dampening our powers and making the reinforced walls impenetrable. Of course!" finished Gilad.
"Exactally. Once they activate the generator, the combined might of Rai, Takashi, Gilly, and myself may be able to break through the wall."
"And in the confusion that follows Mothergod's return, we may be able to get out of here!" Obie said.
"Yes, but then what do we do? Mothergod will be free," said Clane.
"We must go to Solar for help," said Gilad. "We have no other choice."
"Actually, it's Destroyer now," added Aram. "But you're right. You must go to him when you get out."
"You mean 'we' don't you?" asked Obie.
"No, he's right," answered Gilad. "There is no way that all of us could get out of here unnoticed. Only a few of us can go. I believe they should be you, Takashi, and myself. We three have the best chance at getting out of here alive."
"But shouldn't Armstrong come with us? He'd be able to fight out of here as well."
"No, I'm gonna stay with the world's leaders here," said Aram. "We can't leave them alone. And Gilly's a better warrior than me. He'll go with you. I suggest that you go to Palisade II, first. You must warn the Psi-Lords about what is happening."
"Of course. You are correct," said Obie. After that, they all sat back and waited. The time for their break was quickly approaching.

In the main chamber of the temple, many people were gathering. They knew that the time had arrived when all their work was going to pay off. Once they were all accounted for, the cult's leader climbed onto the platform in the front of the room. The leader recited a speech and then turned and pointed at two cultists standing by the large machine that was created for the sole purpose of releasing their leader. The two cultists entered the codes and adjusted the settings that would make the machine do its job. Seconds later, the machine roared to life.
"It's time," spoke Aram in the cell.

The prisoners put their escape plan into motion. Aram, Gilad, and Obadiah putall their strength together and slammed the wall. It didn't work.
"Nothing, not even a crack," Gilad said.
"Stand aside," said Takashi as a sword materialized in his hand. He swung the sword at the wall. Upon impact, the wall blew outward leaving a big whole in its place. Everybody stared in shock at what they just saw. Everbody, that is, except for Gilad. The sight brought back the memory of the time that he, Magnus, and Tohru Nakadai went to the Lost Land to fight Mothergod. Tohru had done the same thing to break down the barrier blocking the entrance. It appeared that Takashi truly had found a way to become a Rai.
"Let's move, quickly," Gilad ordered.

Gilad, Obadiah, and Takashi had no problem escaping from the temple. The few cultists left behind to guard were taken out without a problem. As they approached the exit, Obie turned to look down the corridor to the main room. He couldn't believe what he saw there. There were bright lights shooting out of the machine into the air. At the end of the beams of light, there was a whirlpool of color forming. Seconds later, a form emerged. The last thing that Obie saw before Gilad pulled him out the door was a woman with brown hair standing on top of the platform. Erica Pierce, the Mothergod, had returned.


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