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Doctor Who: Sylvester McCoy

The seventh actor to play Doctor Who was Slyvestor McCoy. The Doctor is now about 950 years old and lasts until he reachs 1000. He is now a short little man He his personality is one of a crabby nature but affectionate towards his companions. The mystery surrounding the Doctor intensifies as on several occasions he refers to himself as "more than just another Time Lord". He wears a brownish sweater with red question marks on it and a milky colored jacket. He cares with him a tan straw hat and an umbrella with a red question mark as a handle. In this incarnation the Doctor acts much more reserved and relies more on subterfuge and stealth to defeat his enemies rather than out ward antics. The Doctor at the end of this regeneration finds the time to refit the TARDIS's inward appearance which takes place just before he regenerates. The Doctor is called upon by the High Council of the Time Lords to go and pick up the remains of his arch nemesis The Master. It seems that the Master has been executed in by the Daleks for his interfereing in their affairs. The Doctor arrives on Skaro and swiftly picks up the Masters remains before the Daleks know hes there. On the way back to Gallifrey however the Master is not as dead as everyone thinks and a slug like manifistation of himself slithers into the main TARDIS console and causes the Doctor to crash on Earth in the year 1999. The Doctor exits the TARDIS to find parts to repair it when he is shot by gang members. He is taken to the hospital where a Doctor Grace Holloway operates on the Doctor thinking he has a heart problem. She does not know that as a Time Lord the Doctor has two hearts and she kills him. But in the morgue he regenerates into his 8th incarnation.

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