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Doctor Who: Tom Baker

See the Doctor Regenerate

The next actor to play Doctor Who was Tom Baker. Tom Baker was the only actor to play the part the longest.(1974-1981) It's a coincedence that Mr.Baker played the part the longest because in this regeneration the Doctor was 750 years old and last 150 years before regenerating. In this regeneration the Doctor was witty and irreverent. Bohemian in dress, wild and eccentric in his actions. With his mop of wild curls, perpetually pop-eyed look of wonder, and unfortunate tendency to trip over his long flowing scarf. Although possessed with a warm personality this regeneration appeared more withdrawn around humans and rarely, if ever, showed open affection. His hatred for the Time Lords surfaced the strongest in this incarnation so much that he returned to Gallifrey only when forced by circumstances. He was also an expert in computer science and knew more about medicine than his predecessors. Arrogant and fearless, he had almost inexaustible energy and amazing self confidence. Curious and eager to explore, he rarely stayed in one place to long. At the end of his life he confronted the Master yet again. This time his nemesis was trying to take over a planet called Logopolis, which use a very special form of mathematics called Block Transfer Computations to prevent destructive energy from entering into our Universe. The Master had interupted the process and the Universe started to decay. The Master and the Doctor were forced to work together, replacing the lost Logopolis with the giant computers of The Pharos Project on Earth. The Master attempted to turn their victory into his own by holding the Pharos Project hostage. The Doctor stopped him, but at the risk of falling off the satellite dish and plummeting to the ground. He was forced to regenerate.

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