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Doctor Who: Patrick Troughton

The next actor to play the role of the Doctor was PatrickTroughton. He played the Doctor from 1966-1969.Now in his second incarnation we see a very strange thing occuring. His new personality displayed a maturing process. This incarnation seems almost rebellious since his personality appears to have completely reversed itself. Cheerful, outgoing, even comic, he is much more concerned with people than historical events. In fact, this facet of his personality is almost a complete backlash of his first incarnation. His body now is middle-aged with a mop of straight, dark-brown hair worn like one of the Beatles. A blue-and-white polka-bot tie invariably dangled off-center from his open collar shirt added to his rakish appearance. He is the only Doctor to play a musical instrument, finding comfort in a recorder much to the annoyance of his Companions. He was also the first Doctor to create the popular Sonic Screwdriver but other than that his mechanical skills stopped at tinkering. He could not repair mostly anything on the TARDIS resulting in its continued decaying. In his second incarnation the Doctor faced many dangers and monster which resulted in him only living about 25 years in his second body before he had to regenerate. The Doctor was having trouble defeating a renegade TimeLord named the Warchief so he sent out a signal to his home planet to ask for assitance. The Time Lords arrived and executed the Warchief for his crimes against humanity and time. However they also charged the Doctor with meddling in the affairs of men but took into consideration his hard work at ridding the Universe of evil. Therefore they forced his body to regenerate and sent him into exhile on the planet Earth in the year 1970.

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