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Doctor Who: William Hartnell

See the Doctor Regeneate

The first person to play Doctor Who was William Hartnell. Mr. Hartnell played the Doctor from 1963-1966. In his first incarnation, the Doctor was a slender, stooped, elderly man. His high cheek bones, thin-lipped mouth, and sometimes severe expression gave him an air of austere superiority. He had long white hair which he wore brushed back from a receding hair line, and a conservative Victorian style dress. The first Doctor according to the continuity fled Gallifrey with his granddaughter Susan because of a revolt that had sprang up. The Doctor and Susan borrowed(stole) a Type-40 TT Capsule(commonly known as a TARDIS) from his homeworld and traveled through the Universe. However when he stole the vechile he did not know it was in for repairs and including other things the navigationl systems weren't reliable resulting in not so planned trips. Their travels brought them to Earth in the year 1963. He enrolled his granddaughter in Coal Hill School. When his grand daughter was found out by two school teacher named Ian Chesterson, and Barbra Wright the Doctor lef Earth immediatly. However the teachers had forced their ways into the Doctors TARDIS and so began the first Doctors adventures. At one point the Doctor meet with the evil creatures of the Universe known as the Daleks(see Monsters), and the Cybermen. The first Doctor is considered to be the most scientific of his other regenerations. He was less interested in people than events, he enjoyed collecting facts and statistics. He had extensive knowledge about the Earth and Gallifrey. At the end of his life the Doctor spoke of being over 600 years old. His age eventually caught up with him. In an adventure against the Cybermen the Doctor collapsed on the TARDIS floor from utter exhaustion. He had put of the regeneration of his body too long and his death was near. However the TARDIS which shares an empathic link with the Time Lord just started his body into regeneration into his second incarnation.

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