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<!-- Billy Bob's BBBabe Ring Code Start --> <CENTER><TABLE BORDER WIDTH="67%" BGCOLOR="#000000"> <TR ALIGN=CENTER VALIGN=CENTER> <TD ALIGN=CENTER><A HREF="/Area51/Dimension/2768/bbbabering.html" target="_top"><IMG SRC="bbtoilsm.jpg" BORDER=0 HEIGHT=180 WIDTH=237 ALIGN=LEFT ALT="Billy Bob's BBBabe Ring"></A></TD> <TD><FONT SIZE=1 face="verdana" COLOR="#3366FF">This <A HREF="/Area51/Dimension/2768/bbbabering.html" target="_top"></FONT><FONT SIZE=1 face="verdana"Color="#FF006C"><B>Billy Bob's BBBabe Ring</A></B></FONT> <BR><FONT SIZE=1 face="verdana" COLOR="#3366FF">site is owned by </FONT><A HREF="mailto:--xxx@xxx.com--"><FONT SIZE=1 face="verdana" Color="#FF006C">--Jane/John Doe--</A></FONT><FONT SIZE=1 face="verdana" COLOR="#3366FF">.</FONT> <BR><FONT SIZE=1 face="verdana" COLOR="#3366FF">BBBabe Ring <A HREF="/Area51/Dimension/2768/bbbabering.html" target="_top"><FONT SIZE=1 face="verdana" Color="#FF006C">information</A></FONT><FONT SIZE=1 face="verdana" COLOR="#3366FF">.</FONT><FONT SIZE=1 face="verdana" COLOR="#3366FF"> <BR><P> <BR><P> <BR><P> <BR><P> <BR>[<A HREF="http://www.webring.org/cgi-bin/webring?ring=bbbabering;--id=x--;prev" target="_top"></FONT><FONT SIZE=1 face="verdana" Color="#FF006C">Prev</A></FONT><FONT SIZE=1 face="verdana" Color="#FF006C"></FONT><FONT SIZE=1 face="verdana" COLOR="#3366FF">] [<A HREF="http://www.webring.org/cgi-bin/webring?ring=bbbabering;--id=x--;next" target="_top"></FONT><FONT SIZE=1 face="verdana" Color="#FF006C">Next</A></FONT><FONT SIZE=1 face="verdana" COLOR="#3366FF">] [<A HREF="http://www.webring.org/cgi-bin/webring?random;ring=bbbabering" target="_top"><FONT SIZE=1 face="verdana" Color="#FF006C">Random</A></FONT><FONT SIZE=1 face="verdana" COLOR="#3366FF">] [<A HREF="http://www.webring.org/cgi-bin/webring?ring=bbbabering;--id=x--;next5" target="_top"></FONT><FONT SIZE=1 face="verdana" Color="#FF006C">Next 5</A></FONT><FONT SIZE=1 face="verdana" COLOR="#3366FF">] [<A HREF="http://www.webring.org/cgi-bin/webring?ring=bbbabering;list" target="_top"><FONT SIZE=1 face="verdana" Color="#FF006C">List Sites</A></FONT>]</TD> </TR> </TABLE></CENTER> <!--Billy Bob's BBBabe Ring Code End-->
The Logo was designed by the incredibly talented Les Toil.  He is a pro who designed the logo for the BBBabe Ring to show his support of the BBBabes.  The gorgeous babe is representative of all the BBBabes.  Les also does fabulous portraits of BBW at a very reasonable price.  It is rare that I would promote anything commercial through my website, so you know I am impressed.  If you are interested in having him do a portrait, or purchasing existing work, email him.  You will not be disappointed.  His work is my personal favorite and I am honored to have made his acquaintance as well as to use his art to represent my webring.  The graphic designed by Les will be the only authorized graphic used in my ring, no exceptions... like anyone would want to use something else anyway ;-)

If you are already a member and want to edit your information, use the form below.   You may also use the link below to check how much traffic the ring is bringing your site.

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site is owned by Billy Bob.
BBBabe Ring information.

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Billy Bob's BBBabe Ring is made possible by webring,
by Jensen, the designer of The BBBabe Webring as well as my website,
and by LesToil, the incredibly talented and cool designer of the BBBabe Logo.

The hippest cat on the web!