Hello, this is The Unknown's Guestbook, welcome and feel free to view what other alien abductees and UFO watchers have said...

10/15/98 00:12:39
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing and came accross your page Thanks

Kara Townsend - 07/02/98 01:30:35
My URL:http://www.dynamicSex.com
My Email:dwebmistress@yahoo.com

Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!

*becky* - 06/17/98 04:49:21
My Email:starrgrrrl182@yahoo.com
Are you a believer?: yes
Have you ever had a paranormal experience?: yes, once when i was a small child , my refrigerator talked to me. i did whatever it told me to do. and to this day i still do.
How did you come across this site?: i cant remember
very interesting ian. i believe that you are a truely odd , but yet, gifted person. i believe that you are an alien, thats why i want to kill you, (plus my refrigerator tells me to)

Reeb - 01/02/98 07:19:41
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ks/reeb4/
My Email:wheatstate@hotmail.com
Are you a believer?: ...yes.
Have you ever had a paranormal experience?: no
How did you come across this site?: Alien search.
Hello,Please look at my homepage.And then e-mail me.See I wanna totally redo my homepage to JUST aliens you'll see what Im talking bout when you visit my page.I wanna do just aliens but I need some pics.Mainly just alien head pics.So please e-mail me.Than s!

Steve Berrier - 11/27/97 23:22:03
My URL:/Area51/Cavern/5309
My Email:drwcsb@bellsouth.net
Are you a believer?: Sure am
Have you ever had a paranormal experience?: Nope
How did you come across this site?: Area 51 web ring
I really like your site - nice layout & some very nice pics. Keep up the good work & If you get a chance, visit my site - I have lots on different alien species, crop circles, Mars face, hubble pics & a strange occurance section (City X, Lost city of Atl ntis, etc.)

Dr. Giggles - 11/02/97 01:19:03
My Email:Dr.Giggles@mailexcite.com
Are you a believer?: yes
Have you ever had a paranormal experience?: no
How did you come across this site?: looking for comedy central

Mike Callahan - 10/05/97 02:45:20
My Email:Satan@kdn0.attnet.or.jp
Are you a believer?: I believe it's not butter
Have you ever had a paranormal experience?: One time Sybil's butt threw up
How did you come across this site?: That's gross!!!
I don't think there are any aliens in Japan. I haven't seen anyone with big eyes yet. I guess I'll keep looking. Oh, I gotta go...my sushi is almost done cooking!

ETD's StarDust - 09/18/97 20:10:42
My URL:http://www.ewol.com/cli
My Email:spamspamspam@usa.net
Are you a believer?: Yes
Have you ever had a paranormal experience?: Yes
How did you come across this site?: Anal Probe

One time I got beamed up and they forced me to look at your page. They also put this camera.... ahhhhhh they're beaming me away!

If you can see this you are way to close!

Dan - 08/30/97 15:21:13
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TelevisionCity/6210
My Email:brownmj@magna.com.au
Are you a believer?: OF WHAT?
Have you ever had a paranormal experience?: MANY MY WATCH STOPPED ON THE PLANE
How did you come across this site?: ABDUCTED BY GREEN MEN

Icecoldwizard - 08/30/97 10:42:35
My URL:/Area51/2534/index.html
My Email:icecoldwizard@geocities.com
Are you a believer?: Hell yeah!!
Have you ever had a paranormal experience?: I live in Oregon... nothing ever happens here.
How did you come across this site?: You signed my guestbook.
I think your site rocks man. Thanks for signing my guestbook. I will eventually add your site to my links page.

LARRY! - 08/28/97 19:41:41
My URL:/Broadway/Stage/4723 (not working yet)
My Email:lowery@sunline.net
Are you a believer?: I like that song "I'm A Believer" its kinda old, though. X-Files is kinda cool, but I knw what really goes on!!!!!! -Hi Ian!
Have you ever had a paranormal experience?: Knowing Ian Medhurst is abnormal enough for me.
How did you come across this site?: I know, and I could tell you, but then I'd have to abduct you and change your memory and stuff.
Ian Medhurst is cool. Who he is, you may !!!NEVER!!! know. I WANT MY BONUS POINT!!!!! Oh, and a warning, my site will not be up and running until about . . . Febuary. Or when I'm actually inclined enough to work. School sucks. OH! You want comments about your site! My bad. I haven't seen it yet. . . I think. I was missing for a couple hours singing Seasons of the Wolf and PANTERA with short gray and green guys with big black eyes and ray guns. They were pretty cool, in fact I think a few of them go to our school in good-b t-see-throughable-disguises. If you don't believe me look at Ben Essenburg and Justin Porter! AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!

LARRY! - 08/28/97 19:29:55
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Broadway/Stage/4723
My Email:lowery@sunline.net
Are you a believer?: I believe in mosquito bites! Just kidding. -Hi Ian!
Have you ever had a paranormal experience?: Knowing Ian Medhurst is abnormal enough for me.
How did you come across this site?: hmmm. . . I don't know . . .
Ian Medhurst is cool. Who he is, you may !!!NEVER!!! know.

-=Mr Prassard - 08/22/97 08:52:56 GMT
My URL:/Area51/Zone/7062
My Email:prassard@hotmail.com
Are you a believer?: yes
Have you ever had a paranormal experience?: yes
How did you come across this site?: yes

Connor - 08/06/97 04:48:03 GMT
My Email:LLetts7160@aol.com
Are you a believer?: yes always have been
Have you ever had a paranormal experience?: nope
How did you come across this site?: looked for it
aliens are cool

Ada - 07/31/97 03:02:43 GMT
Are you a believer?: obsessive-compulsively, yes
Have you ever had a paranormal experience?: what is "normal"?
How did you come across this site?: celestial slide XY, fifth star on the left
The words we use define our reality: I propose that we usurp the word "paranormal" and convert it to "hypernormal" (normal & then some) when referring to these experiences, thus reconstructing "reality." Then we can dispense with the "I believe..." & say nstead "It is so...."

Mike Callahan - 07/27/97 00:51:28 GMT
My URL:http://members.aol.com/njdevilxxx/home.html
My Email:NJDevilXXX@aol.com
Are you a believer?: Sure...why not?!?
Have you ever had a paranormal experience?: My girlfriend's butt
How did you come across this site?: Some short gray dude with big eyes told me about it.
I think Dave Mustaine's butt stinks.

Teddie - 07/22/97 14:29:45 GMT
My URL:/Area51/Corridor/7732
My Email:lmfap@hotmail.com
Are you a believer?: Yes
Have you ever had a paranormal experience?: Yes
How did you come across this site?: Web Ring (just joined)
Fantastic page!! I am going to bookmark this page and visit often!!! Keep up interesting work!

Marianne - 07/21/97 16:23:10 GMT
My Email:backdoor@acun.com
Are you a believer?: sure
Have you ever had a paranormal experience?: absolutely.
How did you come across this site?: you.
ian, i love you. GWAR, GWAR, GWAR!!!!! do i get a bonus point now?????

C. Murphy - 07/18/97 00:47:24 GMT
My Email:cats4cathy@aol.com
Are you a believer?: yes
Have you ever had a paranormal experience?: yes

< tr>
Eric Charlberg - 07/15/97 05:43:29 GMT
My URL:http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/redlighter/
My Email:70404.1465 compuserve.com
Are you a believer?: yes
Have you ever had a paranormal experience?: yes
How did you come across this site?: surfedin,ufo web ring
Cool site .Nice layout!!!!

Barry (Skullywolf) - 07/14/97 01:43:55 GMT
My URL:http://members.aol.com/bloodtree
My Email:bloodtree@aol.com
Are you a believer?: o ooooooYEAH!
Have you ever had a paranormal experience?: SEASONS OF THE WOLF is a paranormal experience ...we write about this kinda stuff in our songs
How did you come across this site?: leonuke
Comments:< r>Very cool site ,nice job setting it all up. Hope to see you at the next show bro!!!!Take care!

Edwin Kwan (Area51 Ringmaster) - 07/09/97 07:18:50 GMT
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Vault/8122
Are you a believer?: Of Course
Have you ever had a paranorma experience?: Not Yet
How did you come across this site?: Area51 Webring
Keep up the good work.

Mike Schilp - 07/07/97 15:13:53 GMT
My Email:Corgin101@aol.com
Are you a believer?: yes
Have you ever had a paranormal experience?: yes
How did you come across this site?: I woke up and my dog was speaking in foriegn tongues.
Ian hey smart guy good job , you got a kool websight and I will visit alot

Classified - 07/02/97 21:02:57 GMT
Are you a believer?: I don't believe, I know!
Have you ever had a paranormal experience?: yes
How did you come across this site?: Accident-At least I thought it was.
A very interesting site, I applaud you. Expect increasing vistis from colleagues of mine.

The Syb - 07/01/97 22:00:59 GMT
Are you a believer?: YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have you ever had a paranormal experience?: yes
How did you come across this site?: looking out my little bros window
C mments:
YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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