Hello, this is The Unknown's Guestbook, welcome and feel free to view what other alien abductees and UFO watchers have said... |
10/15/98 00:12:39
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just surfing and came accross your page Thanks
Kara Townsend - 07/02/98 01:30:35
My URL:http://www.dynamicSex.com
My Email:dwebmistress@yahoo.com
Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara
s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!
*becky* - 06/17/98 04:49:21 My Email:starrgrrrl182@yahoo.com Are you a believer?: yes Have you ever had a paranormal experience?: yes, once when i was a small child , my refrigerator talked to me. i did whatever it told me to do. and to this day i still do. How did you come across this site?: i cant remember | Comments: very interesting ian. i believe that you are a truely odd , but yet, gifted person. i believe that you are an alien, thats why i want to kill you, (plus my refrigerator tells me to) |
Reeb - 01/02/98 07:19:41 My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ks/reeb4/ My Email:wheatstate@hotmail.com Are you a believer?: ...yes. Have you ever had a paranormal experience?: no How did you come across this site?: Alien search. | Comments: Hello,Please look at my homepage.And then e-mail me.See I wanna totally redo my homepage to JUST aliens you'll see what Im talking bout when you visit my page.I wanna do just aliens but I need some pics.Mainly just alien head pics.So please e-mail me.Than s! |
Steve Berrier - 11/27/97 23:22:03 My URL:/Area51/Cavern/5309 My Email:drwcsb@bellsouth.net Are you a believer?: Sure am Have you ever had a paranormal experience?: Nope How did you come across this site?: Area 51 web ring | Comments: I really like your site - nice layout & some very nice pics. Keep up the good work & If you get a chance, visit my site - I have lots on different alien species, crop circles, Mars face, hubble pics & a strange occurance section (City X, Lost city of Atl ntis, etc.) |
Dr. Giggles - 11/02/97 01:19:03 My Email:Dr.Giggles@mailexcite.com Are you a believer?: yes Have you ever had a paranormal experience?: no How did you come across this site?: looking for comedy central | Comments: |
Mike Callahan - 10/05/97 02:45:20 My Email:Satan@kdn0.attnet.or.jp Are you a believer?: I believe it's not butter Have you ever had a paranormal experience?: One time Sybil's butt threw up How did you come across this site?: That's gross!!! | Comments: I don't think there are any aliens in Japan. I haven't seen anyone with big eyes yet. I guess I'll keep looking. Oh, I gotta go...my sushi is almost done cooking! |
ETD's StarDust - 09/18/97 20:10:42 My URL:http://www.ewol.com/cli My Email:spamspamspam@usa.net Are you a believer?: Yes Have you ever had a paranormal experience?: Yes How did you come across this site?: Anal Probe | Comments:One time I got beamed up and they forced me to look at your page. They also put this camera.... ahhhhhh they're beaming me away!
Dan - 08/30/97 15:21:13 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TelevisionCity/6210 My Email:brownmj@magna.com.au Are you a believer?: OF WHAT? Have you ever had a paranormal experience?: MANY MY WATCH STOPPED ON THE PLANE How did you come across this site?: ABDUCTED BY GREEN MEN | Comments: COOL SITE, VISIT MY ALIEN AND PREDATOR SITE. TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK. |
Icecoldwizard - 08/30/97 10:42:35 My URL:/Area51/2534/index.html My Email:icecoldwizard@geocities.com Are you a believer?: Hell yeah!! Have you ever had a paranormal experience?: I live in Oregon... nothing ever happens here. How did you come across this site?: You signed my guestbook. | Comments:![]() |
LARRY! - 08/28/97 19:41:41 My URL:/Broadway/Stage/4723 (not working yet) My Email:lowery@sunline.net Are you a believer?: I like that song "I'm A Believer" its kinda old, though. X-Files is kinda cool, but I knw what really goes on!!!!!! -Hi Ian! Have you ever had a paranormal experience?: Knowing Ian Medhurst is abnormal enough for me. How did you come across this site?: I know, and I could tell you, but then I'd have to abduct you and change your memory and stuff. | Comments: Ian Medhurst is cool. Who he is, you may !!!NEVER!!! know. I WANT MY BONUS POINT!!!!! Oh, and a warning, my site will not be up and running until about . . . Febuary. Or when I'm actually inclined enough to work. School sucks. OH! You want comments about your site! My bad. I haven't seen it yet. . . I think. I was missing for a couple hours singing Seasons of the Wolf and PANTERA with short gray and green guys with big black eyes and ray guns. They were pretty cool, in fact I think a few of them go to our school in good-b t-see-throughable-disguises. If you don't believe me look at Ben Essenburg and Justin Porter! AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! |
LARRY! - 08/28/97 19:29:55 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Broadway/Stage/4723 My Email:lowery@sunline.net Are you a believer?: I believe in mosquito bites! Just kidding. -Hi Ian! Have you ever had a paranormal experience?: Knowing Ian Medhurst is abnormal enough for me. How did you come across this site?: hmmm. . . I don't know . . . | Comments: Ian Medhurst is cool. Who he is, you may !!!NEVER!!! know. |
-=Mr Prassard - 08/22/97 08:52:56 GMT My URL:/Area51/Zone/7062 My Email:prassard@hotmail.com Are you a believer?: yes Have you ever had a paranormal experience?: yes How did you come across this site?: yes |
Comments:![]() |
Connor - 08/06/97 04:48:03 GMT My Email:LLetts7160@aol.com Are you a believer?: yes always have been Have you ever had a paranormal experience?: nope How did you come across this site?: looked for it |
Comments: aliens are cool |
Ada - 07/31/97 03:02:43 GMT Are you a believer?: obsessive-compulsively, yes Have you ever had a paranormal experience?: what is "normal"? How did you come across this site?: celestial slide XY, fifth star on the left |
Comments: The words we use define our reality: I propose that we usurp the word "paranormal" and convert it to "hypernormal" (normal & then some) when referring to these experiences, thus reconstructing "reality." Then we can dispense with the "I believe..." & say nstead "It is so...." |
Mike Callahan - 07/27/97 00:51:28 GMT My URL:http://members.aol.com/njdevilxxx/home.html My Email:NJDevilXXX@aol.com Are you a believer?: Sure...why not?!? Have you ever had a paranormal experience?: My girlfriend's butt How did you come across this site?: Some short gray dude with big eyes told me about it. |
Comments: I think Dave Mustaine's butt stinks. |
Teddie - 07/22/97 14:29:45 GMT My URL:/Area51/Corridor/7732 My Email:lmfap@hotmail.com Are you a believer?: Yes Have you ever had a paranormal experience?: Yes How did you come across this site?: Web Ring (just joined) |
Comments: |
Marianne - 07/21/97 16:23:10 GMT My Email:backdoor@acun.com Are you a believer?: sure Have you ever had a paranormal experience?: absolutely. How did you come across this site?: you. |
Comments: ian, i love you. GWAR, GWAR, GWAR!!!!! do i get a bonus point now????? |
C. Murphy - 07/18/97 00:47:24 GMT My Email:cats4cathy@aol.com Are you a believer?: yes Have you ever had a paranormal experience?: yes | Comments: /td> |
Eric Charlberg - 07/15/97 05:43:29 GMT My URL:http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/redlighter/ My Email:70404.1465 compuserve.com Are you a believer?: yes Have you ever had a paranormal experience?: yes How did you come across this site?: surfedin,ufo web ring | Comments: Cool site .Nice layout!!!! | <
Barry (Skullywolf) - 07/14/97 01:43:55 GMT My URL:http://members.aol.com/bloodtree My Email:bloodtree@aol.com Are you a believer?: o ooooooYEAH! Have you ever had a paranormal experience?: SEASONS OF THE WOLF is a paranormal experience ...we write about this kinda stuff in our songs How did you come across this site?: leonuke | Comments:< r>Very cool site ,nice job setting it all up. Hope to see you at the next show bro!!!!Take care! |
Edwin Kwan (Area51 Ringmaster) - 07/09/97 07:18:50 GMT My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Vault/8122 Are you a believer?: Of Course Have you ever had a paranorma experience?: Not Yet How did you come across this site?: Area51 Webring | Comments: Keep up the good work. |
Mike Schilp - 07/07/97 15:13:53 GMT My Email:Corgin101@aol.com Are you a believer?: yes Have you ever had a paranormal experience?: yes How did you come across this site?: > I woke up and my dog was speaking in foriegn tongues. | Comments: Ian hey smart guy good job , you got a kool websight and I will visit alot |
Classified - 07/02/97 21:02:57 GMT Are you a believer?: I don't believe, I know! Have you ever had a paranormal experience?: yes How did you come across this site?: Accident-At least I thought it was. | Comments: A very interesting site, I applaud you. Expect increasing vistis from colleagues of mine. |
The Syb - 07/01/97 22:00:59 GMT Are you a believer?: YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have you ever had a paranormal experience?: yes How did you come across this site?: looking out my little bros window | C
mments: YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |