I'll admit it...I used to hate Star Trek with a passion,
lol! I'd only known of the original series, and...let's face it
hehehe...Captain Kirk isn't one of the best Star Trek characters
out there, lol... Ok, ok, I know some of you die hard TOS fans want
to drag me out and have me shot, lol!! Oh well! lol, guess you'll
just have to shoot me! :-)
Anyways, when the Next Generation came out, I figured it would be the same
as TOS, so I had no interest in watching it. My brother, a fan, tried to
get me to watch it. I was like, no way! Welllllll, the show was on for a
couple of seasons, and then I just happened to be flipping through the
channels, when I came across a show that looked really kewl.
To my surprise,
it was Star Trek, the Next Generation. lol, at first pride kept me from
admitting it, but I was instantly hooked! Where I lived the show was on twice a day
Monday through Friday, and once a day on Saturday and Sunday. Wild horses
couldn't have pulled me away from the tv at those times, lol. I'll tell ya, I was
in Star Trek heaven...hehehe!
I instantly became a major trekker.
I recorded the shows whenever I couldn't be home to watch them, and I quickly
built up a rather large collection of episodes on tape. That was almost 10
years ago, and I'm still finding episodes on tape, rofl! Out of
the 4 series, I like the last 3 the best. I've even learned to tolerate
Kirk, roflmcao, but I still like making fun of him...hehehe!
One of my favorite hobbies now is to read the Star Trek books. Since TNG
was cancelled *pout* the books are what give me my fix, lol. I have
all of the TNG books, and am now collecting the DS9 and Voyager series of
books, lol. Am I an addict or what? I also collect the cards for the CCG...
for non-trekkers, that's customizable card game, hehehe. I don't get a chance
to play it though, no one wants to play, lol. It's a difficult game, lots
of rules, ya know. :-)
Although I love Deep Space 9 and Voyager, TNG will always be my favorite. Here's
a little about the characters on the show...
Captain Jean-Luc Picard
Captain Jean-Luc Picard is one of my favorite characters. He was born
in Paris, France, Earth. He's an explorer, believes strongly in honor and duty,
and is very loyal. He has the type of personality that draws you to him. He is a lover of Shakespeare
and archaeology, and 1940's detective stories. Lots of times, you can find
him on the holodeck playing the role of Dixon Hill. He loves a mystery.
Commander William T. Riker
Will is a nice compliment to Picard, as he's just about the opposite from him.
He was born in Alaska, Earth. Riker is the First Officer of the Enterprise.
He loves to play poker, lol. He can bluff his way to a huge pile of poker chips, too!
rofl... He's very smart, and has a wonderful personality. He's definitely
a charmer!! hehehe...not to mention gorgeous!
Counsellor Deanna Troi
Another of my favorites, Deanna was born on Betazed.
Betazoids are telepaths, but Deanna is half human, so she's only an
empath. She can sense others' feelings. She can, though, project
and receive thoughts with people she's very close to, like
her mother and Will Riker. Deanna had a relationship with
Will Riker when he was a lieutenant stationed on Betazed. They are Imzadi
to each other, but just very close friends now. She is ship's counsellor.
Doctor Beverly Crusher
Beverly is the ship's CMO. I always liked the fact that she
is the only one on the Enterprise who can order Picard around, lol.
She is from Scotland, Earth. She is the widow of Jack Crusher, who was Picard's best friend,
and died under his command. Beverly is very close to Picard, though.
She is a very compassionate person, and often helps Picard see the
humane side of a decision.
Lieutenant Commander Data
Data is an android. He and his brother Lore are the only androids in
existance. Starfleet once tried to mass produce Data, until Picard
proved that he was sentient. Data doesn't have emotions, but it's
hard to remember that when you see how he interacts with his crewmates.
His lifelong ambition is to become human. He's 3rd in command of the Enterprise.
Lieutenant Commander Geordi La Forge
Geordi is Chief Engineer of the Enterprise. He's been blind since
birth, and wears a VISOR that allows him to see much more than
humans. Geordi is very outgoing and lighthearted, he has a great personality.
He's Data's best friend.
Lieutenant Worf
Worf is a Klingon. His parents died during an attack on the Khittomer
Outpost, and he was raised by his adoptive parents, the Rhozenkos. They
are from Russia, Earth. Worf is the only Klingon in Starfleet. He has
tried very hard to keep in touch with his Klingon roots, but it's
hard since he's lived among humans for most of his life. He's the
Enterprise's Cheif of Security.
Ahhh, Guinan. She's a very elusive creature. She's from a world far
away from the Federation. Her race is a race of listeners. Guinan is
very old, and very mysterious. She's very close to Picard, and he
trusts her implicitly. She's been an impromptu advisor to him on
several occasions. Guinan has a special gift for "knowing" things.
No one's quite got her figured out. Her world was destroyed by the
Borg and her race scattered among the stars. She maintains Ten Forward,
which is like a lounge where the crew and civilians onboard can go
to relax. Few things bother Guinan.
Q is part of a race of omnipotent beings, called the Q Continuum.
His favorite pasttime is bullying weaker races. There is nothing
that he cannot do, he's (as he's fond of pointing out) "all-knowing,
all-seeing". He's developed an interest in humans, Picard in particular,
lol. Picard can't stand him! Q and Guinan do not get along, lol.
Guinan can't stand him, either. In fact, Data seems to be the only
one that Q can't infuriate...hehehe
Lwaxanna Troi
Lwaxanna Troi, Daughter of the Fifth House, Holder of the Sacred
Chalice of Riix, Heir to the Holy Rings of Betazed...is Deanna's
mother. She is a very strong telepath, one of the strongest on
Betazed. She travels with Mr. Homn, her
valet, who has only spoken once and has a fondness for synthehol.
She, along with Q is one of few people that can get under Picard's
skin so easily. lol, Lwaxanna's man crazy! She's been after Picard since she first laid
eyes on him...hehehe

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