Welcome to the fifth installment of my guestbook. Please enjoy the comments others have left, and check out the older guestbooks.

Guestbook 12-98 to 7-99
Guestbook 4-98 to 12-98
Guestbook 12-97 to 3-98
Guestbook 7-97 to 12-97

Cayra,the Salubri - 05/21/00 15:17:35
My URL:http://www.cayrahouse.hpg.com.br

this page is very cool,cingratulations i'm from Brazil and love Stryteller...

Luke Derricks - 04/06/00 18:23:06
My URL:http://www.echocomics.com
My Email:captfuture@echocomics.com

I really like your page. Keep up the good work. Very well done. :)

Scott G. - 03/30/00 01:47:04
My Email:zaboem@juno.com

Greetings, I'm very much impressed by this website. In my area, the players often gripe about how hard it is to find any Changeling:tD materials in local stores. When I ordered a copy of _Fool's Luck_ at my local gaming shop, it took the proprietor two weeks ju t to find it. He told me that the gaming distributors and even the WW sales associates claimed to have never heard of it -- and this was their NEW BOOK! Searches for C:tD materials on the web are usually as frustrating, but this website alone makes up f r much of that. I especially like the java programs myself. Thanx for the time and effort.

Louis Kolkman - 03/28/00 12:59:05
My Email:lkolkman@wordhouse.nl

Nice site! Because of the kiths mentioned i'm now trying to make a local (dutch) one myself. Or maybe an Indonesian. Lots of Indonesians in Holland. Thanks again for the inspiration.

James - 03/20/00 08:30:17
My Email:steelrat@bwsys.net

sorrey to be a pest! when is a good time to visit the chat room?

james - 03/18/00 11:59:50
My Email:steelrat@bwsys.net


James - 03/17/00 18:19:39
My URL:http://jpanter.homestead.com/Dometrie.html
My Email:Pant83@altavista.net

I like the page really i do but can i make a Suggestion? How about a link to your Homepage from ALL the other pages it might help when someone stumbles onto it from a search engine like Me?

D.R. Goodnough - 03/16/00 20:28:20
My Email:dgoodnough@mcghan.com


James - 03/16/00 01:32:15
My Email:steelrat@bwsys.net

very beutiful site. Even to a Sluagh. Thanxs

Yvette - 03/13/00 17:29:25
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Hotel/1466/

Nice page, but where is everyone?? Thanks for all the interesting info on Changeling.

James - 03/09/00 10:01:43
My Email:steelrat@bwsys.net

you have a great sight. if you have any questions about James Ratz feal free to e-mail me THANXS

dean - 03/08/00 23:30:49


- 03/08/00 21:27:18


moonbeam - 02/27/00 11:28:18


Fux - 02/19/00 00:21:44
My URL:http://republika.pl/fuxszyk1
My Email:Fuxstrona@poczta.fm

Hi nice site You've got here... BEST WISHES

BrittDra - 02/17/00 04:31:54
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/brittdra
My Email:brittdra@yahoo.com

Hello, I read your' story.Loved it would like to learn more about your role playing game. I have never played online would like to give it a try. Thank you, BrittDra My page is not great do to I'm learning to make one. I would welcome any ideas! Thanks again

- 02/16/00 20:36:05


LADY OF THE NIGHT - 02/14/00 18:03:40
My Email:i_sanderson@excite.co.uk

that is cool and sexy

Emily Gutowski - 02/12/00 20:28:28
My Email:gutowske@badger.jsc.vsc.edu

Very nice webpage! One of the nicest Changling ones that I've seen.

Kathy Adams - 02/05/00 08:29:08
My URL:http://web.idirect.com/~aaa
My Email:aaakmm@aol.com


A wonderful site...come visit us at AAA Communications....

H&H Tutorials

Chelsea - 01/29/00 21:50:35
My Email:

I love fantasy if you can send me something my screenname is Lilpicklejuice.

Lord Minter - 01/20/00 18:56:07
My Email:www.sabbat_black_hand@email.com

Your pGE IS GREAT!!!!!! I am overjoyed to see such productive commoners.

StrangeAsAngels - 01/15/00 01:27:32
My URL:http://www.gblarp.org
My Email:ben@gblarp.org

Excellent page, if a little on the unupdated side. Still, overall wealth of information makes up for it!

yay - 01/14/00 17:23:55


Occasional Fish - 01/11/00 11:26:27
My Email:blowfish_ph@yahoo.com

This is a lovely page. Sometimes I wish I could do this sort of thing. But then again, if wishes were fishes ...

Tigress - 01/07/00 02:19:30
My URL:http://www.jungletigress.com
My Email:tigressjungle@home.com


From one LOTH Sister to another! "Your Cyber-Home is just fantastic".... great work here! I did not get to see everything - You can be sure I will be back to see you again soon! Your Forever Friend 'n Sister Tigress ;-))

Come visit Tigress' Jungle whenever you have time. The animals will greet you with love! *smile*

Joćo Gustavo - 01/02/00 17:37:54
My URL:http://geocities.com/fsimonstein
My Email:fsimonstein@escelsa.com.br

What a page, hey man, how have you done such a page, this is so so so so so good.

Fantasy_Knight - 01/02/00 04:11:58

Hi,This page is the best! I like the pics,lots of stuff on here! :) I like it! Cya

Lady Mystique - 12/29/99 00:10:42
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/ChaplinCt/ameythest_6/
My Email:mdd@abts.net

Wonderful site! I enjoyed it immensely. :) Dissipates into a shimmering blue and purple mist and drifts away on the wind... leaving the smell of starlight behind. Lady Mystique: sidhe noble

- 12/20/99 15:18:03


Euclid - 12/13/99 00:44:29
My Email:euclid@worldonline.fr


Lord Matthias - 12/11/99 21:28:34
My Email:rhinod@hotmail.com

Your Freehold looks great! My kingdom will be much more diverse from now on.

Samael Moss - 12/11/99 17:36:54
My Email:moss666@hotmail.com

this site is great, a pleasure to view. I hope it's around for a long time to come. If anyone knows of any groups in the london england area that need a new member, i play the lot, changeling or mage if possible, but i'm open to anything! have fun and tha ks for a really good site...samael at moss666@hotmail.com

AEthernaut - 12/11/99 06:10:37
My URL:http://www.adelaide.net.au/~xristo/
My Email:xristo@camtech.net.au

WoW, i really like this site, its going on my links page for sure :) Keep up the good work!

Tirian Everblue - 11/29/99 18:29:04

What a pretty page. I`m very impressed.

j gavin - 11/25/99 06:16:10
My Email:chinadrgn@hotmail.com

I have been at school for a year and havn't been able to keep up with changeling. I was shocked to read that White Wolf is not going to publish Changeling any more. I hope I read wrong and that this piece of news is not right. I would like to know any mor info on the subject please.

Jimbob - 11/25/99 04:20:19
My Email:jvincent@parks.vic.gov.au

My goooooodddddddd! This site is absolutely incredible! If only all RPG based sites were this comprehensive - congratulations the extra care you have taken (and obviously the hundreds of hours) have really paid off - congratulations!

Coruscio - 11/23/99 11:48:02
My Email:sennythebastard@hotmail.com

Sorry to hear it , sir.

Erik - 10/31/99 21:35:39
My Email:Rummelmuffin@hotmail.com

Hi, I only have a simple quest to all of you out there, can you tip me of any soft rp music that is suitable for vampire and whrait?

Rainer Lenz - 10/31/99 18:24:33
My Email:RedRainer@gmx.net

Sorry, but I forgot two thiks: 1. the @gmx. net in my frist sight 2. to say thanks for a wonderfull page. It keeps the Dreaming alive

Rainer Lenz - 10/31/99 18:19:14
My Email:RedRainer

I' m from Germany and I must say there are so less People Playing Changling, that I for must fight feas not to be forgotten

Ranko Marinic - 10/31/99 11:43:39
My Email:g0ranko@yahoo.com

All my love to the lady of the site. Even if I didn't like the writting I enjoied the feel and the look of Moonlit Trod. keep up the good work.

SEAN SMITH - 10/09/99 15:39:40


Valadriel , bard of House Fiona - 10/07/99 22:09:43
My Email:walter.pawlat@chello.at

Greetings fellow dreamers ! Listen to my songs ; here the stories , that keep us alive , and never , NEVER grow up !!!!

Jonathan H - 10/07/99 19:51:06
My Email:Chaucerboy@yahoo.com

As a player and a lover of all things fantastic, Changeling has been inspirational, humerous and an important change of pace for me. I'm glad Ian Lemke is continuing his support. I'm only sorry that the world is just a little too Banal too fully support a RPG about Dreams.

Daniel Nixon - 10/05/99 21:05:12
My Email:skeevekst@hotmail.com

Great site! Lots of good resources here in a nice looking format. =) Kudos

Melissa Gay - 09/29/99 21:38:32
My URL:http://www.yak.net/melissa_art/
My Email:melissa@yak.net

Thanks very much for this wonderful site! If you are interested in some more art that reflects Changeling and characters in the game, or if you would like to have your own character sketch, drawing, or painting, please check out my website. Thanks!

SueCat - 09/29/99 08:13:31
My URL:http://freecenter.digiweb.com/family/SueCat
My Email:sjcurry@lycosmail.com

Just read your post in Tidbits...good luck to you!

Zephyr - 09/29/99 00:22:50
My Email:zephyr@computan.on.ca

I love your page. Changeling is my absolute favourite game (Mage is a close second!) Thank you for the invaluable source of information. I will definitely be back soon. May all your dreams be bright and beautiful.... Zephyr (a pooka at heart :)

A Number - 09/25/99 12:58:21
My Email:A-Number@email.msn.com

I've always thought Changeling as being the most creative of the five World of Darkness games, and I'm sorry to see the greatest Dreamer of that game leave. Good luck on future projects, and I hope to see your name in many more Changeling book-credits.

riko - 09/24/99 21:43:13
My Email:passcall@poczta.onet.pl

Great site.

Zhane Mackenzie - 09/22/99 21:54:13
My URL:none, I'm homeless
My Email:zhanemackenzie@bolt.com

Merry Meet,I really love this site, it is nice to see that others enjoy the Dreaming as much as I do. I've tagged your site as a favorite and will be visiting almost daily (you have been warned). Well, Merry Part and Blessed Be, this Kinain Maruader is ff to stir up trouble, bbl.

sdf - 09/09/99 22:40:40


Midnight Lady - 08/17/99 12:19:11
My URL:http://home.seol.net.au/shentall/midindex.html
My Email:shentall@seol.net.au

Hello Lady Jane Very interesting site I have enjoyed my visit Take Care Midnight Lady :o)

Angelo - 08/13/99 23:53:28
My Email:wolfmansbroth77@hotmail.com

This is such a great site. It's so great to see so many changeling players, sometimes it feels like we're so scarce (maybe elite is a better word) I visit this site almost daily just to see what might have cropped up. Keep up the good work!

Lady Shensi - 08/09/99 21:13:37
My URL:http://www.ldyshensi.com
My Email:ldyshensi@home.com

To My Dear LOTH Sister,
I have come to your lovely Cyber-Home to say hello, and to tell you how proud I am to be your Sister you know. To share this my humble gift I made for you, also that all your days be filled with skies so blue.

Your Sister Lady Shensi ;-)

Come visit Lady Shensi's Dominicus whenever you have time. The angels, animals 'n fairies will greet you with love! *smile* Your Cyber-Home is just fantastic.... great work here! Keep it up!! WUV Your Friend 'n Cali-LOTH Sister Lady Shensi ;-)

Zoe Mitchell - 08/09/99 11:53:04
My Email:ZzzZOEeee@aol.com

Me no like this site at all. It isn't the bestest one I's ever come across that is all abouts us. Me's no think you should be proud of it!!

Creed - 08/05/99 07:37:39
My Email:Face_less1@hotmail.com

The Best Site I Have Seen In years!!!!! You Are Doing A Great Job!!!!!! Keep It Up!!!!!!

Rayne Starchaser - 07/13/99 07:18:02
My URL:http://www.Concordia.iwarp.com
My Email:Rayne@concordia.iwarp.com

I loved your site, it's a bit shaky in the links, but all in all it's great. If you need any help with graphics let me know, I am a Graphic Artist and a Webmaster/Designer. Visit Concordia Online(My site) soon, it should be up before too long. I am trying to make it THE source for Changeling on the internet and I know I can't handle it myself, perhaps you could help me too.

flaming cabbage - 07/09/99 20:52:06
My Email:flamincabbage@hotmail.com

I love your website! However, I would like some interesting weapons if you could find a list of them. some treasures would be nice, too! If antbody has some cool new kiths e-mail me!

Nicky Rea - 06/29/99 00:58:51
My Email:larpform@aol.com

Most wonderful. I just wish someone would teach me enough about computers so I could sign up for some of this, it keeps saying "oops, something wnet wrong" and I'm too much of a Virtual Inept (TM) to know what to do about that. Help is appreciated. But it s been really fun to look, anyway.

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