Earth, 2048: Three decades after the
Third World War, a new world awaits. The result of progress, revolution, and over a
century of untied loose-ends, has reshaped the landscape and brought humanity to a
crossroads where the nature of the species itself has been called into question.
Ultimately, this is the world you, those before you, and those after you will have
created. In a world in transition, hopelessly divided along military, economic, cultural,
and ideological lines, change will take place, but how and when is anybodys guess.
Will the world awake to a new era of prosperity and unity or, charging in different
directions at once, pull itself apart once and for all? Undertow is an independent RPG that can easily be
niched in either the skiffy (that's "sci-fi" to you) or military/adventure
genres. Its gritty and hardcore, especially when it comes to realism. It takes place in
the near future, so it'll have many easily recognizable concepts, but the world is also
very advanced both technologically and philosophically, so there'll be some very alien
ideas smattered in as well. Undertow has elements of space adventure, cyberpunk, and other
well known sci-fi paradigms, but the world of Undertow is not so simple and standardized
as to be pigeonholed into such a narrow description. The domain of man is split into
myriad factions, divided into weakened nation states, autonomous ethnic regions, corporate
city states, vast military confederations, collectivist enclaves, and phyles of
like-minded individuals. And of course, mankind's oldest profession, warfare, has matured
and diversified as much as the rest of the spectrum.Take a look around the site to explore
the detailed world of Undertow, and find out about any aspect of life in 2048. If you like
what you see, you might consider buying the upcoming full version or even joining our
Undertow Rules:
Every game needs rules, at
least if it has any self respect. So here's the latest version of Undertow rules and
character sheets we've come up with. They're not the best, nor are they all encompassing,
but they're workable and straightforward. Game Masters, feel free to add and drop whatever
you will to customize it to your game (you'll do that anyway). If you really have any
comments or ideas, send them on over.
Undertow Rules
Undertow Character Sheet (requires Acrobat Reader) Undertow -The Book:
This is it, the ultimate
production that the website will ultimately be used to support. Currently in development,
Defenestration Games offers you a 12-page sneek peek at the world of 2048, highlighting
the world's societies and some transcendent technology.
Undertow (requires Acrobat Reader)
Extensive use of biotechnology and genetic engineering, exploring this field's full potential and danger.
Exploration of dozens of different societies founded on vastly different ideologies and cultures. There will be no shortage of exciting campaign locales in this dynamic setting.
The colonization and exploitation of space and the ocean is explored in a hard scientific style. Get ready to come face to face with the awe inspiring sight of a Beanstalk and struggles of terraforming a planet or the unforgiving rigors of ship to ship combat amidst the vacuum.
The world of Undertow is based on realistic and plausible scenarios and technology, secured in an understanding of real world economics, socio-political understanding, science, and military knowledge. No unfounded predictions here.
See in-depth focus on artificial intelligence, uplifted animals, and the very evolution of humanity, along with the startling effects on society. Witness full scale warfare, including powered armor, orbital conflict, and weapons of mass destruction , without giving into the influence of anime or Rifts-style powergaming.
Undertow is the only game on the market today that embraces a full blown explosion of nanotechnology. This is the real deal here, filled with wide spread molecular manufacturing abilities, nanocomputing, and body modifications are abound. Its not limited to secret government or corporate labs, this is mainstream and everyday life.