welcome to the extra credit portion of my homepage. i am constructing this for my P.E.S teacher for a little bit of a point booster. if you have any classes dealing with government or need to find out your rep or senator there are links below that send you where you need to go. now that i have introduced this page let's get the show on the road.
->house of represenatives<-
in the house of representative there are 435 representative total, each state has at least one representative. depending on the size of the state depends on the amount of representatives issued from that state. a census is taken every ten years to determine what percentage of representatives for each state. representatives are elected by regions within the state. newt gingrich is the speaker of the house
to qualify to be a representative you must be a citizen of the united states of america, lived in the state which you wish to represent for at least 7 years, amd be at least 25 years of age
/\/\/term length\/\/\
a representative has a term of 2 years and must be reelected every 2 years. there is no limit to the amount of terms any one representative wishes to run for
click here to go to the house of representative
in the senate there is equal representation from each state, there is a total of 2 senators from each state which would total to 100 senators. the vice president is the chairman of the senate, which at this time is al gore. there is also a majority leader and a minority leader of the senate
to qualify to be a senator you must be a citizen of the united states of america, have lived in the state of which you wish to represent for at least 9 years, and be at least 30 years of age
/\/\/term length\/\/\
a senator has a term length of 6 years. there are elections every 2 years for senators so there is never a 'new' senate. there is no limit to the amount of terms any one senator wishes to run for
click here to go to the united states senate
how a bill becomes a law another section of my site dedicated to average surfer so that they may learn more of our government.
other legislative sites to visit
government printing office - the government printing office (gpo) prints, binds, and distributes the publications of the congress as well as the executive departments and establishments of federal governmnet
library of congress - the library of congress mission is to make its resources available and useful to congress and the american people and to sustain and preserve a universal collection of knowledge and creativity for future generations
center for
legislative archives, national archives and records
administration - the center for
legislative archives is the repository, reference center, adn
outreach facility for the historically valuable records of teh
u.s. congress at the national archives and records administration
%** president of the united states of america **%
the president of the united states of america is the most powerful man in the world. have the sole power of commander in cheif, the president has the power to utilize 500,000 troops before getting permission from congress
the president must be a 'natural-born' citizen of the united state, be at least 35 years of age, and to live in the united states for at least 14 years
/\/\/term limit\/\/\
president is elected to a four year term, no president may be
elected more than 2 times, or a total of 10 years
the president is elected by a majority vote of the electoral
click here to go to the whitehouse.gov online address
the presidents cabinet
departmens of: agriculture, commerce, defense, education, energy, health and human services, housing and urban development, interior, justice, labor, state, transportation, treasury, and veterans affairs
all of these are assigned by the president, most of the heads are secretaries, and then these secretaries report back to the president what needs to be done in each field. the president then compiles their advice and makes a decision
click here to follow these or click on the name below to go straight there
usda | commerce | defense | education | energy | health/human | housing/urban
interior | justice | labor | state | transportation | treasury | vet affair
independent federal agencies and commissions
cia and fun stuff like that, if you want to know just follow the link below.
link to independent federal agencies and commissions
the federal judicial center
the (fjc) mandate is "to further the development and adoption of improved judicial administration" in the courts of the united states
that is all for this page for now, it is getting late at the moment and i wish to get some sleep. if you have any questions or comments write me crazyspock@bigfoot.com and i would be glad to respond. thank you for reading through my page, i hope that it was useful to you