I only write these things for fun. I don't have any hopes of making a profit from these stories, of winning any awards, etc. etc. I've also since learned that these disclaimers don't technically keep me out of any trouble. Nevertheless, for my own peace of mind, I've included one here.
DISCLAIMER: All of these stories are copyrighted by an agency other than myself. Ranma was created by Rumiko Takahashi, and she owns the rights to that name and those characters. Street Fighter was created by Capcom, and that company owns the rights to characters from that game. White Wolf owns the copywright to Werewolf: the Apocalypse and all terms associated with that game. Games Workshop owns the rights to Necromunda, Warhammer 40,000 and all terms used throughout the Necromunda story. Robert Jordan owns exclusive rights to characters and situations pictured in the World of Time section of my page. NOTE: the Wheel of Time section is fan art, as Robert Jordan has specifically asked fans not to write fan fiction based on his work.
All of these copyrighted names are used without permission. I don't envision that any of these companies would feel threatened by me or my humble little site, but if they do, a simple e-mail or other contact asking me to remove my work will be done immediately. I don't want any trouble!However, all characters, names and situations not created by any of the above companies are of my own creation, and are copyrighted by me, © 1997, Joshua Dyal. Use of them must follow my specific permission, granted by e-mail or in writing.
Anyway, I hope everyone who stops by enjoys what I have to offer. Please send any comments or questions to j_dyal@hotmail.com