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Technology is everything at 2031. Almost all technological fields have advanced but the science of Cybertechnology has made the greatest leap. Imbedding steel in the human body is common practice these days -starting from the all too common DNI jack and ending with Mercs cybernized to their teeth. One particular field that deserves special attention is the field of computers. Not only did hardware and software advance, but the whole concept of the global web had reached a new dimension. At 2031 there is a global computer web which connects everything. This web is called THE NET. Practically every computer or data system is connected to this net. When you connect to the net from any part, you can reach any other computer that's also connected. When you want to get into the net, you use a CyberDeck. You can also use the old fashioned computer, but then you lose the edge - anyone who wants to do real Netrunning uses a CyberDeck. Once you have the right hardware, you're only a telephone call away from the Net. When you connect to the Net, you virtually 'enter' it. Usage of sophisticated virtual reality techniques allows a Netrunner to feel the Net. You view the net as you would view reality. The world inside the Net is called CyberSpace, and is as real as anything. You can walk (connect to distant computers), grab things (download files), or even get killed (dumped). The idea that you can get to anything is a bit strange in the paranoid world of 2031. This is why ICE (Intrusion CountErmeasures) was invented. The ICE are resident programs that protect computer data. Some are harmless (passive ICE) and only make accessing the data difficult, but some are aggressive (active ICE) and attempt to dump the Netrunner or damage his CyberDeck. But the most feared ICE is the black ICE - this ICE will attempt to do physical damage to the Netrunner using the neural connection the runner is using to simulate CyberSpace. Being a Netrunner is a profitable profession in a world where information is the most valuable thing to exist, but it's also as deadly... |
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