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The things I bought!

Greetings all. Money supply running low. For those who does not know, food in US is expensive like hell. And luck be it, I land in US top 5 most expensive place to stay (New York,Washington, LA, SF, Silicon Valley). Land here is ludicruosly expensive. If you think Damansara is expensive, think again. Anyway, with whatever money I had left (now eating bread and rice only), I actually went out shopping. I actually saw lots of stuff that I want to buy, but due to monetary limitations, size limitations, custom limitations and practicallity limitations.

For those who love high-tech equipments, MP3, CD players, walkman, computers, video, audio/video, gadgets or anything electronical in nature, you are in heaven. Its just incredible, never had I been to so many shops what sells so many things. Imagine Giant. Most of the supershops I been to, each are that size. Just 5 mins walk from my hotel are:

    1. Bestbuy (Electronic Shop) www.bestbuy.com
    2. OfficeMax (Office ware) www.officemax.com
    3. The Good Guys (another Electronic Shop) www.thegoodguys.com
    4. Petstore
    5. Walmart

In addition, within 20 miles from my hotel, they are numerous Radioshacks, FOUR Fry's Electronic stores (this places are huge, cheap and lots and lots of variety.) plus numerous other stores and outlets. Fry's is my favourite. Just too bad they do not accept AMEX card. That limits my spendings alot. So far, I have visited 3 of the Fry's. Each have their own motive. Been to one with Egyptian motive, Wild West motive and high-tech motive (Peng Aun: Overclockers heaven) You have 30 day money back guarentee (15 days for PC parts). Just buy, try, and return.:) They have things from ranging from:

    1. Computer hardware (full PCs, laptops, monitors, motherboards, CD Writers, Memory, Processors, heatsinks, etc)
    2. Digital Camera
    3. Video Camera
    4. Audio/Video (TV, DVD, Hi-fi, Speakers, Cables)
    5. Home Appliances ( Microwave, Fridges, TVs, Radios, Food processors, vacuums, etc)
    6. Software (Books , games, software)
    7. Game Consoles (Xbox, PS 2, Gamecube, games and assessories) Free play with huge screens.
    8. Music CDs, DVDs
    9. Phones, PA system, Home security,
    10. Lightbulbs, fans, stands, transformer, tools, nails, wires, etc..
    11. Do I need to list more?

What else are they other than all these geeky stuff? Well, I wanted to buy Conan the Barbarian Sword and the Sting from Lord of the Rings (seriously) but I think I could not get it past Malaysian Custom. Oh, yeah, samurai swords on sale too (US 100-300). Most are just for beauty only (real but not sharpened or reinforced) but some are battle ready swords.(meaning U can swing and cut someone's head off). So any orders?


For those not so offensive oriented, they are numerous clothes shops, linens shops or just simply gifts shops. Clothes are expensive and not recommended while others are just stuff you buy if you actually stay here in the US. For us tourist, only gifts, gadgets or trinkets. I yet to visit the Intel Musuem so no pics of those. If anyone wish to tumpang me buy something, I be glad to help. Just email me:).


First week purchase. Bought some cute kittens calendar. Expensive actually but I was inexperienced and didn't wander far and wide. US 4 (RM16). Weeks later, I found another place having 75% discount. I could have gotten LARGE calendars for US 3 (RM12). Sighh.

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Me and my 7" plasma ball. Wahhoooooo. Something I always wanted (other than swords and suits of armor). Found a few in Malaysia, but they expensive (>RM200 for 4/5" balls) This one cost me US40 (RM160). Trouble is ... it runs on 110Volt AC.

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So, I bought myself a 110 V to 220 V converter. I came upon this by luck. Usual price is US 30 (RM120) but the shop was closing down and this one was in a horribly tattered box, so I got it for US7 (RM28). Hopefully, it works in Malaysia.

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Its working and my oh my, I have the power to control Lightning. Wish I have the one in Amcorp Mall. (Lowest Floor, near the escalators). Nice eh? (yeah, I am a electric freak) Leon always hang around high electricity equipments. Plasma balls, Varian machines, Computers

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Postcards for my dear friends. For those who given me their addresses, I mailed some postcards for all of you. Stamps cost me US0.70 (RM 2.80) which is triple the cost of the postcard itself!. Ridiculous. Also bought a poster with the same picture below (at the Pinnacles National Park)

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All stressed out. So some stressballs for me. Bought 3! Which was out of the ordinary since the cashier enquired whether I am stressed out or not. US 4 (RM12). Fun stuff. Its a thick latex ball filled with memory gel. You sqeeze is as hard as u want, and it returns back to its ball shape. Really fun.
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Compact Flash from Fry's. The left one is a no brand (Made in the US) 128 Mb CF from Fry's, the other, SanDisk (Made in China) 32Mb CF from Malaysia. The left one cost US 40 (RM160) the other RM160. Which one offers better performance? (I tested) Well, the one on the LEFT! Wohoo, its on sale, and now I can take 4 times more pictures! My Chinese New Year gift to myself. Bought yesterday.

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Look at the Made in USA! I expected China or Taiwan. Long term performance unknown, but for the price, its a steal.

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