This is my brother Xavier(left) and my friend Andrea(right)
This is Andrea with my katana trying to look evil
This is my friend Jesse(right) and Xavier(left)
This is ME with MY katana
This is me doing something stupid as usual
This is Andre and Jesse with the Bokens(wooden sowrds)
This is my bother and I going at it with the bokens(I won!)
This is Andrea(left), Jesse (center), and me(right) sitting down taking a break
This is Andrea standing there like an idiot while Jesse forms a stance
This is Jesse with a cool stance (on a very steep edge with a cliff on the other side) and Andrea with a pyscho stance
This is Xavier and Jesse about to go full swing at each other
This is Jesse with the Katana, of course he cut himself on the blade like a moron and had to burn the wound using a knife...ouch!(but you cna't see that on the pic)
This is Jesse in a weird stance, but it works
This is Jesse once again on the steep edge leading to a cliff, but it's a cool stance
This is where we idiotically gave both Bokens to Jesse
This is...I don't know what Jesse was doing here....
This is Jesse! Amazing isn't it?
This is Jesse and I going at it... I don't remember what happened here...
This is Jesse and I at the gates of the Japanese tea gardens
This is Jesse(right), Xavier(center), and me(right) I think I was coughing, anyway it's us at the gates again
This is Xavier with the katana...big mistake
This is my brother and I going at it again! Rematch!
Anyway, That's it. These pics were taken the day before I came up to Sam Houton State University. We had Jesse cut himself pretty bad, my blade for my Katana craked down the middle, and no people other than Jesse or Bokens were harmed. The good news is that my blade is getting replaced and sharpened for free and Jesse got better. I'd like to thank my bother, Andrea, and Jesse for the pics.