~Role Playing~

I've been Role Playing since I was 11. However, I didn't have the internet till I was 13 or so. So when I got online I was just wondering around looking for people to chat with and I found this place that role played online. At first I was a little skeptical, but I got used to it and it was a lot of fun. This place is called the East Wing, located in the Chathouse. This place has changed so much in the last 5 or so years. It went from being only 50 people at max visiting a day to current which is like over 1,000 people going there a day. I met a lot of cool friends off this chat system. I know some people are worried they'll be stalked through the internet if they go to places like that. But I never though that, and I have never been stalked , or stalked, anyone. Mainly I think they are just myths to be safe on the net. But there are some sickos out there.

The main places I role play in the East Wing are the Vampire Court and the castle. I won't put up links for these rooms because you have to be a member to enter these room. Becoming a member is free all you have to do is go register with an acceptable e-mail adress. It's not hard, and it's a lot of fun if you are interested in such things. Or for the occasional person who doesn't want to bother regiestering there are 8 non-registering rooms.

If you are interested inthese rooms, which I encourage. You will find an assortment of new firends, both IC(in Chracter) and OOC(out of character). The registered rooms use HTML, which is basic stuff: font color=whatever, font size=whatever, i(itallics, u, underline, font face=whatever. Of course you have to put <> around them so they actually work.

I'm not saying that the internet is the best place to role play. In fact, the best place to role play is at home, or someones home, who you are friends with. It makes it easier to understand the full context of the people playing, sometimes on the internet it is impossible to understand what people are saying. Being with friends at home you can hear the context of the speech and understand that it's ajoke and laugh, on the net you don't know if the person is joking or not and might take it the wrong way and get mad at a person, this has happened a lot to me.

Another good system of role playing is live action or LARP (live action role plaing). This ,however, is differnet, there is no pyhsical contact or weapons of any sort like that so no one gets hurt. In fact, you play paper, rocks, siccors, to decide who wins. It's a lot of fun. This is best done somewhere private. Otherwise, running around the city acting and dressed like a vampire is a strange thing t omost people. Usually you get the cops called on you, then you have to explain to them what you are doing, and it's a lot of hassle. So LARPing is a private thing..

okay click here to return to the main page. Or if you want go check out my other hobbies (Japanese Animation, Magic: The Gathering, Chatting on the Internet, and Playing Bass)