~Japanese Animation~

I have an extensive collection of Japanese Animation. This of all things has to be my longest going hobby. I have attended a major convention each year in may called A-kon. For those of you who have no idea what Japanese Animation is, it's kind of like a japanese version of cartoons. The only differnece is that japan has differnt stand points, moral, or whatever you'd like to call it, on facing what cartoons should be. So therefore there are usually a lot of violence and other things of that nature in them. Don't get me wrong there are the pasive animations from time to time, but they are rare. A few japanese animations that I think just about everyone has seen, or at least heard about are DragonBall Z and Sailor Moon. Yes, in my opinion the ones released in the United states aren't very good, that because going back to earlier with the different standards. In the DragonBall Z and SailorMoon episodes there is very little violence, However in the Japanese versions it's a whole other dimesnion almost.

My favirote Animation is Ruronin Kenshin. Obviously I don't want to give away why it is my favirote unless you want to know; then you can e-mail me and find out why. I'll give you the basic story line though and some pics.

Basically Kenshin is a Samurai at the end of a bloody era. He becomes the best sword fighter at the age of 16, and is incorporated into a civil war. His side wins the war and he dissapears in hopes of atoning all of his sins. Twenty years later he ends up in a town where he cannot refuse to stay, and has various adventures because of it.

Okay now some cool pics...

One of the opening scences
Kenshin and Karou
Kenshin with flowers in his mout ha a sowrd in hand
Kenshin when he was younger talking to someone on a bridge
Kenshin the legendary killer (comic book pic, and my favirote pic)

okay that's it for my little anime section for now, come back later to see if I've updated, once again if you have questions e-mail me, and if not that's cool too. To see more anime click here.

okay click here to return to the main page. Or if you want go check out my other hobbies (Magic: The Gathering, Role Playing, Chatting on the Internet, and Playing Bass)