~Magic: The Gathering~

Magic: The Gathering is a game that has been around since 1993, and until Pokemon came out, was the number 1 rated game in the World. Literally billons of people play this game, and more come in each year. This is a complex game that requires a lot of thinking, pracitce, and skill to play. All of which I have very little of, but still manage to do okay in the game.

Some of my favirote cards are(keep in mind these are some, I couldn't find pics of all the cards I like):

Cataran Overlord, good for mercenary decks. Not really a bad card.
I think just about everyone would discard a card for this one
Juzam Jinn (nothing more needs to be said)
My favirote counterspell!!
My NEW favirote power card

I've been playing magic for about 5 years now, I'm decent at it, I'm not saying I'm the best or even good at that. I have about 10 decks, and TOO many cards. If you play and you just can't find those cards from tempest up, and maybe even farther back, give me a shout I'll see if I have it and maybe we can trade.

That's about it about magic. oh yeah a good place to go to is magicthegathering.com to find out more about the game. okay click here to return to the main page. Or if you want go check out my other hobbies (Japanese Animation, Role Playing, Chatting on the Internet, and Playing Bass)