Subject:Mara Jade

Age:3 years younger then Luke(approx. 23 in Thrawn Trilogy)



Height:1.6 meters(5'4)Wasn't she supposed to be tall?


Favorite Food:Kentucky Fried Lando


Personal Info: Mara is rather bitter, but also smart, pretty, she's mean, and tough she is also fluent in several languages. She has a slender dancers body.
Background Info: Mara was employed by the Emperor since she was old enough to remember. He noticed her skill in the Force and brought her to Coruscant to train her to be his apprentice. She used many names and took many jobs in the guise of spying for the Emperor. She was known by many names, but she was most proud of being The Emperor's Hand. She was on a mission to make sure the young Jedi, Luke Skywalker did not live to become a threat to the Emperor. She worked as a dancer in Jabba's Palace and begged for him to let her go with him on the Sail Barge. He was adamant about it though, and the young Jedi escaped. The last mistake Jabba really made (besides not binding the most powerful of his prisoners arms and legs) was not allowing Mara to go. Mara's Last command from the Emperor(see below) was YOU WILL KILL LUKE SKYWALKER!. Then the picture of the Skywalkers clashing sabers before the Emperor was projected into her mind. Her whole world crashed around her with the death of the Emperor, no one could say that they knew she was The Emperor's Hand,she was now on her own. She joined the Smuggler's Alliance and quickly rose to power within it. She became friends with Talon Karrde and his band, then the dreams came back, the horrifing images of the Emperor's death. She saved Luke's life several times on Myykr, all the time trying to push the Emperor's command out of her mind. In the end Mara and the others defeated the not-so-stable Jedi clone, Joruus C'boath. She killed Luke's clone Luuke therefore breaking the Emepror's grasp on her. Luke gave her the lightsaber that the clone had, the saber Luke had had in his hand when he lost it, the former wepon of his Father Anakin Skywalker. She accepted it and uses it sparingly(with a dash of Oregano). The only people she really trust besides her ship mates and some of her friends at the Smugglers Alliance are Skywalker and the Solos. Though Han still has his reservations, though he and Mara come from very similar backgrounds (which is probably the reason why he doesn't trust her). She has been a great asset to the New Republic but will not claim it as her ruler. Luke has asked her several times to go to Yavin 4 an complete her training but she will hear none of it. Mara retains her distrust and is still quite bitter, but at least now she doesn't do what the voices in her head tell her. Coinciding Info: Luke was visited several times by a dream of a different way the battle at the Sail Barge could have ended. In it, his lightsaber did not follow his command and glide into his hand, but was pulled away by a different Force.
* taken from another Mara Jade Page Excerpt from chapter eleven of The Last Command: For a minute Organa Solo was silent. "Where did you come from, Mara?" she asked at last. "Before the Emperor brought you to Coruscant." Mara thought back. "I don't know. I remember the first time I met the Emperor, and the ride here in his private ship. But I don't have any memories of where I started from." "Do you rememeber how old you were?" Mara shook her head. "Not really. I was old enough to talk to him, and to understand that I would be leaving home and going with him. But I can't pin it down any closer than that." "How about your parents? Do you remember them?" "Only a little," Mara said. "Not much more than shadows." She hesitated. "I have a feeling, though, that they didn't want me to go."
The Emperor trained Mara to be his personal emissary. She was known as the Emperor's Hand only to a select group of high-ranking officers and officials. Her last assignment was to kill Luke Skywalker at Jabba's Palace. Her failure ultimately resulted in the Emperor's death. When the only life she had known was destroyed, she dedicated the rest of it to finding and killing Luke Skywalker, the man responsible for her loss. This obsession was fueled by a skewed vision that the Emperor gave her of the moment of his death. Excerpt from chapter twenty of Dark Force Rising:
Between her and the Emperor two figures appeared: the dark, imposing image of Darth Vader, and the smaller black-clad figure of Luke Skywalker. They stood before the Emperor, facing each other, and ignited their lightsabers. The blades crossed, brilliant red-white against brilliant green-white, and they prepared for battle. And then, without warning, the blades disengaged ... and with twin roars of hatred audible even over the alarms, both turned and strode toward the Emperor. (text omitted for brevity) The Emperor raised his hands, sending cascades of jagged blue-white lightning at his enemies. Both men staggered under the counterattack, and Mara watched with the sudden agonized hope that this time it might end differently. But no. Vader and Skywalker straightened; and with another roar of rage, they lifted their lightsabers high--
Five years after Return of the Jedi Mara discovered the truth, that Vader killed the Emperor himself without Luke's help. Then when she killed Luke's clone her hatred for him was finally put to rest.
As of Vision of the Future, Luke and Mara are engaged. And most definitely will get married (by Vector Prime and Star Wars:Union). In a preview snippet from Vector Prime a weird thing about mara is revealed. I'm going to write it in white, as to hide it from those who don't want it spoiled. Highlight the line to see. Mara, is plagued by a rare and very fatal disease. This molecular disease has killed all it's victims thus far, save Mara and another patient (who is under constant medical observation on Coruscant). It takes Mara hours of Force meditation just to keep the disease in check, and she seems to be susceptible to bouts of weakness and blackouts. She now pilots the ship Luke got her "Jade Sabre". Jaina is a bit of a pilot apprentice. Everything seems to be falling into place....for now.