Mara Jade:By the Emperor's Hand

Mara Jade

Star Wars
Mara and Luke by MJade
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    **8/8/99**As you can tell, the page has been going through alot of changes. The Images section is up and running, the main page has gotten a whole new look, and I have put up some new stuff in the Mara Jade News section. I have also gone through all my Mara Jade links, fixing broken ones, re-evaluating some, and adding new ones to keep up with the times. If you have a Mara Jade site, feel free to email me and I'll put up a link. I also finished posting what has been provided to me of Sharon's new story, Mercy of the Force, in the Fanfix section. Check it out.

    **8/5/99**I revamped some parts of the site (more to come) the Images section is soooo much better now. Check it out.

    **7/24/99**Ahh this is sooo cool...some really really nice person (V)made me an award with my drawing on it!!! It's so nifty. So before I run out of adjectives I'm going to show it to you

    Thanks so much V!!!. And I fixed the

    **7/14/99**I finally got my new page up and running. Go to to see the About the Author, new poems, some new artwork scans, and the old quote archive. Enjoy!

    **6/18/99**just joined the Shout Out Webring

    Mara Jade Updates

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    **8/8/99**Information from the transcript of a chat at to me by Bror Jace. Michael Stackpole is currently scripting a four issue Dark Horse comic series; "Star Wars:Union". Subtitled, "The Marriage of Luke Skywalker" (hmm I wonder to whom?? heh heh), Stackpole describes it with " will be a fun story that shows off the skills and heroics of all the characters we've come to know and love." It will run starting in November, ending around St. Valentine's Day, with art done by Robert Teranishi(Qui-Gon Jinn One-Shot Artist). He is also working on a duology for the NJO series.
    Tip of the Hat(special edition)! I'd like to offer a bunch of thanks, well wishes and tips of the hat (Yes Doof it's back) to my good buddies. First the people who helped me give life to this page and spent many a sleepless night answering my inane and completely dim-witted html questions, Corey (the slacker's back and more obscure than before*HUGGBEES*), and Jamie (although I haven't seen him in a dogs age), and Chewy (who has since risen to fame as webmaster at think I knew him when his page was worse then Jamies.*sigh*) Thanks a bundle! And now, a Tip of the Hat to *big breath*...Mae (aka ruffles), Doof (aka han), Lynne (aka Evillynne), Chris (aka the absent minded stud), Emily (aka Pineapple brains), Nate (aka oh boy I could be really mean here or really nice...I'll go with greaser, Jeffy (aka Betty), Timmy (aka there is no other name for timmy really), Gae (aka crazy canadian), Rave and Sky (aka partners in carnage), Leah (aka Best buy guys best gal), Fool (aka I don't think there was a nick for fool), Jess(aka Janet)and all me other compadres from the Emp's chat, the BDD board and ICQ!!

    Note from MJade

    Thanks for coming to my page. It is currently undergoing drastic renovations. I would greatly appreciate any advice or comments(be vicious, I need criticism.) If you want me to put a link to your page up, tell me. I'd be more then happy to. Thanks for your time. Comeback Soon!