Famous Officers of the Rhydin Doom Guard

Antony Haze LeVey
The first and greatest Leader of the Rhydin Doom Guard a fine example of strength, honor, courage and determination, his Dark ways are Renoun throught Rhydin, he is also the famous nephew of the Late Lord Grimm LeVey

Marishna Haze-Tuor
The beloved Daughter of Lord Haze and the most wicked second in Command to have ever grace the lands of Rhydin, if not for her the RDG would be nothing more than dust

Silphion S
The Famous elf has caused trouble among the RDG, but has still won a great place in the among the greatest of the Doom Guard, his loyalty and courage have often been subject to question, but he has always proven any question wrong, again if not for him the RDG would not be what it is today

Rina Haze
RinaHaze, another daughter of Lord Haze has stood by her father her sister and the guild through many hardships, she is also the winner of many famous battles, she also holds the best battle record, despite a loss her first time fighting

|IronDrake Tuor
The Drakester as he has come to be called has also been a loyal servant of the RDG and a good co-second while he was there, he instituted force and discipline to everyone in the guild, his work is greatly missed, for Drake has moved on to lead his own guild, the Legion of the Night

Bombos Essang
Bomber, although somtimes unruly and a bit of a loose cannon is still one of the RDG's greatest members, his courag, and will to fight have spread RDG's name far he is also great at supplying the guild with his great "mental" supplies

Lord Sly
although he has not spent much time on the battlefield, most of everyone in the RDG knows sly, because he is always there when you need him, from helping in the RDG art gallery, to posting messages in the Citadel, Sly can be considerd the great moral officer of the RDG

Sss-Thox, although currently not with us, was the a man of true honor and loyalty, his deeds gave the RDG a winning edge over everyone else, his labrotory still remains in the halls of the Citadel of Darkness, but Thox seldomly comes by anymore. He has recently returned.

Having been through alot along with Haze, he was a former member of the Windriders of Darkness, he now takes his time to live in the Citadel and defend the Pride and honor of the RDG, a great warrior, but an even greater assistant

Eric Randolph
The Late Eric was the most remembered RDGer of the all, truly great spirit with an even greater sense of humor, along with sly eric kept the halls of the Citadel fun and exciting, and on the battlefield eric proved his stuff time and time again. Eric will be missed, but his son Gordon proves to be just as great

Callista Uth Dravon
Callista is the famous and powerful leader of the Doom knight division of the Rhydin Doom Guard the evil servant of Takhisis is known for her blade and her cruel actions towards her victims

Fionna Arens Haze
The Wife of Lord Haze, she is the current leader of the Turk Assasin force and the head recruiter of the RDG although fairly new she is a great asset to the RDG and is loved by all

Lord Daemeon
The Ex War Chancellor of the RDG, his war tactics lead the Doom Guard to many victories including a very descisive one of the Windriders of Darkness. He will always be rememberd as well, and perhaps one day he will return


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