The history of the Rhydin Doom Guard
The RDG has alays stood upon the principle of destroying the light to keep darkness in power in the lands of Rhydin, but it has always done this with three important virtues....
1. Honor
2. Courage
3. Determination
Throughout this history of the RDG one man has maintained power as the Grand High Overlord, this mans name is Antony Haze LeVey, he has not only been the leader, but also one of the team by fighting along side the valiant members of the Doom Guard. The Doom Guard was established in Febuary of 1997, from the moment it was started it had the power to take on guilds others could only dream of their first target.... the Brotherhood of Justice, once the BoJ was destroyed a new era of terror was Formed, all those who thought of the RDG as weak, saw the new found power in the guild, a virtual powerhouse of destruction.
Throughout the span of merely weeks, an time of extortion, manipulation and all out abuse of other guilds was enacted, but like all things, everything must change.. The old, and bigger guilds had seen the RDG had grown strong, they werent about to let it get stronger. It all happend when RDG tried to manipulate a smaller guild named the United Council of Rhydin, well lets just say it was like a trap, hores of guilds ganged up against the RDG in hopes to stop them, or at least keep them in check honor above all kept RDG from continuing the attack it would be the final time RDG would involve itself in attacking smaller guilds
The remainder of the history is based on RDG's destruction of legendary guilds like the Brotherhood of the Rose and the Windriders of Darkness, other guilds have faced RDG's might, but in the end its all up to the future.. will RDG continue its reign of terror.. or will it be doomed like many new outstanding guilds.. only time will tell
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