david - 01/24/00 07:14:28
My Email:rez71Comments:
Murder toy - 08/28/99 00:33:42
My Email:Sixdaysdead@aol.comComments:
I wanna join.. but no application..
Tharees Aziabelis - 08/18/99 22:40:24
My URL:http:// N/A
My Email:VxThareesV@aol.comComments:
Nice your puts me in "battle mode"..heh...
DefenderM9 - 08/14/99 19:26:16
My Email:DefenderM9@aol.comComments:
I'm having a hard time finding the rule of the Rhydin AOL Chat rooms. HELP!!! Thanks:)
10/15/98 00:01:16
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me Comments:
Just surfing Thanks
Wyvern the Young - 09/29/98 20:39:39
My Email:VxWyvernxV@aol.comComments:
Greetings milords and ladies. I am the GC of a newly started, still unforumed, guild. And wish to make an alliance with a guild as powerful as yourself. We need this so we can get on our feet without worry. Sincerely, Wyvern
Sir Brian - 07/19/98 06:24:00
My Email:LameFlame@aol.comComments:
Hello, I am the guild leader of the Followers of the Orbs. A web site for my guild will be up soon. ~ The Master of the Orbs,
Redd - 07/13/98 02:38:27
My Email:reddrpg@aol.comComments:
Nice page!!! (It'll be under my FFRPG->Rhydin->Guild section as soon as I upload it!!!) Link me!
Sarah - 07/11/98 13:48:54
My Email:Sarai1@aol.comComments:
Kara Townsend - 07/02/98 01:23:13
My Email:dwebmistress@yahoo.comComments:
Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!
SADISTIC FREAK - 06/24/98 13:22:27
UM Nice page
Jacen Solfatera - 05/12/98 14:21:05
My Email:Solfatera@aol.comComments:
Nice page.
Chris Keough - 05/08/98 00:53:39
What the fuck is this you fagots. You bunch of fucked up pussies. You all should be ashamed of yourselves, you internet freaks. Wankers!!!
SirKender - 05/07/98 00:31:23
My Email:Sirkender@aol.comComments:
RDG is an awesome guild. Even kenders can enjoy it.
Maxwren - 04/27/98 19:03:24
My Email:maxwrenComments:
I would like to join your guild but it won't let me please send an app.
The Lady Cruel - 04/05/98 21:10:27
My Email:LdyCruel@aol.comComments:
A fine web page, but perhaps you could add musice to every screen?
Dylok Ian Athuer - 03/13/98 02:08:55
My Email:LrdDylok@aol.comComments:
Though I dispise Haze ((IC)), the site is well constructed. And Mo, if you ever read this thing, I've got nothing against the man behind Hazer... -Dylok
markon - 03/04/98 12:26:55
My URL:/area51/dimension/1950
My Email:markon@geocities.comComments:
Hi, you have a fine homepage! I just moved to your neighbour.
Pilzb69249 - 01/16/98 07:39:56
My Email:Pilzb69249@aol.comComments:
Thanx For Giveing Me this Page it Is Very Cool and I'm Going to Injoy Being Allies With You Eddie King Cane High Commander §„§„§ WoRL §„§„§
Strider of the Tower of the Thorner - 01/10/98 18:07:11
My Email:Strider Th@ aol.comComments:
I am hoping this guild is unlike the unorginized so called guilds through out this realm. Looks good so far!
OPRESSOR - 01/10/98 17:46:24
My Email:OPRESSOR@aol.comComments:
I am looking forward to joinig this guild
OPRESSOR - 01/10/98 17:45:19
My Email:OPRESSOR@aol.comComments:
I am looking forward to joinig this guild
Justarius Luke Fenris - 12/24/97 01:53:56
My Email:LukeFenris@aol.comComments:
Very good page!!!!!
Kerrinne Lynne Kl'ramordan - 12/20/97 17:35:53
My Email:kerriklr@aol.comComments:
Very nice page, M'lord Haze. Look me up sometime for all of your information needs. ::winks::
Kent Klinzman - 12/02/97 04:43:30
My Email:Whitehawk@aol.comComments:
very nicely done page, even if I disagree with your summation of the LoL, thsy is probably only because I am part of it... I would like to say that the music was a good touch... see you guys around in the next war...
- 11/17/97 01:21:07
My Email:VVicked101@aol.comComments:
:::Nods her head toward haze::: Very good page Haze...Also, I'm very happy to be apart of RDG!
Wyrdrune0 - 11/14/97 22:53:58
My Email:Wyrdrune0@aol.comComments:
Antony, I like this....tis Awesome!
Wyrdrune0 - 11/14/97 22:50:45
My Email:Wyrdrune0@aol.comComments:
Antony, I like this....tis Awesome!
flamclown - 11/07/97 18:46:58
My Email:flameclown@aol.comComments:
the RDG are a poweful group but they should showsome respect to other guilds.
Brad - 11/07/97 07:08:47
My Email:brad@peebles.comComments:
Dahlgen Moondagger, Lord of the Darke Mist - 10/24/97 00:38:46
My Email:Dahlgen@aol.comComments:
Nice page, Haze, though it could use a long overdue update... ;)
Lady Reigna Nicholson (soon to be Mailith) - 10/23/97 18:15:21
My Email:LadyReigna@AOL.COMComments:
Wow... I am impressed... Don't believe I have seen a website as nice as this one ::Smiles:: I am now glad to be a part of RDG...
ILDERA SAI - 10/17/97 17:46:23
My Email:ILDERA SAI @ AOL.COM.Comments:
Sierra Drasanya Arasoril (Jennifer Ezell) - 10/17/97 17:36:59
My Email:Sierrao0o@AOL.comComments:
Jashaw - 10/16/97 16:09:59
My Email:Jashawwz@aol.comComments:
Oh what fun.. oh indeed.. happy days all here ::giggles:: Think about it! "I see you watching where I walk through the moonlit Jasmine field, Listen closely as I talk of the stars and thier lovers past" -Malkav The Malkavian Primogen
Chapel113 - 10/16/97 15:32:28
Penance - 10/14/97 18:51:46
My URL:Coming Soon
My Email:PenanceOoS@aol.comComments:
To the RhyDin Doom Guard: Absolutely commendable job on the web page!I'm proud to have you in RhyDin. Excellent art work, plus interesting things to read. Well done! Yvette St Croix- Starsmore Leader of The Order of Sensation
Abyss63010 - 10/05/97 21:27:28
My Email:Abyss63010Comments:
DrgnStryke - 10/02/97 15:29:10
My Email:DrgnStrykeComments:
Good page, but the music get a tad annoying after a while. why not something like the music from the game Chrono Trigger
~~< Soul Taker >~~ - 09/30/97 20:43:50
My URL:DARK Web Site">DARK Web Site
My Email:SoulTaker@aol.comComments:
One more thing...
::puts up a pretty poster::
Soul Taker - 09/30/97 20:34:18
My Email:SoulTaker@AOL.COMComments:
Nice little page ya got here Tony. Actually giving DARK's page a little competition... Of course, I am the superior web page designer. :) Anyways, do you plan on updating anytime before the next millenium?
::smiles:: - 09/26/97 16:41:18
My Email:::shakes his head slightly::Comments:
I must agree 100% with Michael. But anyway, nice page Tony... I wonder who made it for you. ::grins, walks away slowly into the darkness..::
Kyle - 09/18/97 22:20:46
My Email:Tiger0886@aol.comComments:
Nice web page!
Gaylin Mnemroth Weyr - 09/14/97 15:33:42
My Email:DrkstDragn@aol.comComments:
The page is getting better Haze... ::wonders if he reads these very often:: I figured th' point of signing th' guest book is so people know you've been to the page. So, I with DrkstDragn am now signing for the third time. GO RHYDIN DOOM GUARD!
Branden Lann - 09/12/97 17:43:26
My Email:Brand Lann@aol.comComments:
Great Page!! How do I joing the RDG?
combatlord - 09/10/97 22:20:34
My Email:Combatlord@aol.comComments:
if u could please send me some info on how to join please
Jeremy R - 09/05/97 05:54:43
My Email:perfctdrg1@aol.comComments:
i think this page was cool and if they ever open back up to new recruits i hope they pick me
Keirra Malkir - 09/04/97 20:35:25
My Email:KeirraComments:
Runamuck - 08/22/97 02:41:40 GMT
are you ever gonna update this thing?! i mean it's nice and all but after a while it gets stale man.
vlad m. huntington - 08/20/97 07:42:04 GMT
My Email:emmitt514
i want to join so please let me
Fire Sunstrike Aldrack Haze - 08/17/97 16:21:49 GMT
This is one of the best designed pages I have come across in my web travels. Impressive !!
Argonn - 08/13/97 01:43:54 GMT
My Email:you know me
Looks cool Haze I'm impressed
"§oulßreaker" Š'daiy'monn DarkWynd - 08/11/97 09:31:37 GMT
Testing a link in my pages to the RDG, then decided to poke around...excellent work...
"§oulßreaker" Š'daiy'monn DarkWynd - 08/11/97 09:30:53 GMT
Testing a link in my pages to the RDG, then decided to poke around...excellent work...
DragnHartt - 08/01/97 03:03:46 GMT
My Email:DragnHartt
um like, it was a really col Web Page, and like um i liked it, but like somethings i wanted to see were under construction, and that sucked
Genevieve - 07/30/97 21:49:53 GMT
anthony - 07/29/97 17:28:51 GMT
Cool. The Rdg rules!!!
Jule - 07/27/97 19:22:01 GMT
My Email:Juleigh237@aol
::trying not to dimple as she commits the words onto the tablet:: I am impressed by the dedication an' organization shown by RDG. I am almost saddened to say that I am too ::lips quirking:: "innoscent" to ally m'self with such a guild, but I can assu e all of ye that I will be watchin' fer future actions made by RDG. Advice: Continue t' have recruits reference this page, tis a great source of information an' very impressive. An' always chew with yuir mouth closed!
Gay£in Šragn ĒlųuŠ - 07/21/97 19:29:58 GMT
::grynz his thin lips arching up slightly sharply quirking his left brow:: RDG! ::his grin now arching to his cheak bones:: This Home Page is absolutely Rhydin Doom Guard material. Those of you who are recruiting, I suggest that you use this... It answers alot of th' questions your recruits probably will ask. Plus, it's neat-o looking and it sometimes impresses your recruits. I had t' sign th' guest book again. I just love this site! ::smiles:: Signed, Gaylin
QnOpalWndR - 07/18/97 08:23:24 GMT
~I just wished to take the time to tell thee I think this is one of the greatest webpages I have ever seen in all of M'Life. I feel honored I was able to see it....I especially liked the graveyard and the playing of Amazing Grace. I just at there and listened to the music for probably 10 minutes. Thank thee and the best of luck to thee and yours. Sincerely; Lady Queen Opal WyndsoR
QnOpalWndR - 07/18/97 08:18:02 GMT
My Email:QnOpalWndR@aol.comComments:
~I just wished to take the time to tell thee I think this is one of the greatest webpages I have ever seen in all of M'Life. I feel honored I was able to see it....I especially liked the graveyard and the playing of Amazing Grace. I just sat there and listened to the music for probably 10 minutes. Thank thee and the best of luck to thee and yours. Sincerely; Lady Queen Opal WyndsoR
Elaxrim - 07/17/97 19:21:24 GMT
My Email:Elaxrim@aol.comComments:
Nice page..I really like how the guilds are finally getting easier to follow.
Lord Shane De Maxx - 07/17/97 08:50:55 GMT
My Email:Stinkatron@aol.comC mments:
The page looks fairly well done, with interesting graphics and nice descriptions. I think that most who saw this page would be interesting in the guild, and from personal experience let me tell you RDG IS indeed a fine guild. A little mor work and this page would be perfect.
- 07/17/97 06:35:09 GMTComments:
Commander Raven de Wolfe - 07/13/97 19:32:50 GMT
My Email:RavnWolf1@AOL.ComComments: guild sounds good...nice Webpage too... Commander Raven de Wolfe League of Shifters
RastlinMaj - 07/13/97 10:15:09 GMT
My Email:rastlinMajComments:
Tasha Adria Darkwynd - 07/13/97 04:23:38 GMT
Wonderful page...Hail to RDG May it thrive and last forever... Adria
SonGohan12 - 07/13/97 03:45:32 GMT
My Email:SonGohan12@aol.comComments:
Hi Family!
Mogor Greymane - 07/12/97 22:56:00 GMT
My Email:Mogor812@aol.comComments:
Nice work...
**I'm not tellin'** - 07/12/97 14:15:05 GMTComments:
Your page is kinda weird but nicely put together! GOOD WORK MY FRIEND!
**I'm not tellin'** - 07/12/97 14:04:44 GMTComments:
Your page is kinda weird but nicely put together! GOOD WORK MY FRIEND!
Falconclif - 07/12/97 00:42:18 GMT
My Email:Falconclif@aol.comComments:
Lord Sly - 07/10/97 21:49:47 GMT
My Email:Lord Slyii@aol.comComments:
My hats go off to all those in this guild and to the one who took the time to lay this page out it realy rocks< r>
Mel - 07/09/97 23:43:36 GMT
My Email:wolfeyes77@aol.comComments:
Loxana Rose Ther - 07/09/97 22:05:44 GMT
My Email:Loxana@aol.comComments:
Hi! Your interesting, and have a dramatic way of writing things. I like it. :)
Lord Gįlen Kś'tellįnt - 07/04/97 20:38:26 GMT
My Email:Lord GaIen@aol.comComments:
I'm impressed.... Can I have this guy do the BR's? Seriously man it's cool!
Cristina - 07/04/97 05:19:18 GMT
My Email:Cris880@aol.comComments:
I thank you for your information...I am now thinking about what I will do about a guild, I will find you, if that's a right, when I decide to join you. Thanks again!
Gaylin Dragn Cloud - 07/03/97 17:29:47 GMT
My Email:XGuarDragn@aol.comComments:
::smiles being very happy of th' final release of RDG's home page:: congrats Doom Guards!
Dracon Eric Cortez - 07/03/97 03:13:58 GMT
My Email:Dracon23@aol.comeComments:
Kewl page....although..I have no idea why I'm not on the great commanders list..::grins:: For being just an all-around kewl guy...sure..I'm kinda new..::smiles::and I'm sure it probably just slipped his mind...::chuckles::It happens though. Seriously...Nice Job!
Faunius Capricious - 06/29/97 16:26:05 GMT
My Email:FeralGuard@aol.comComments:
Not quite sure if you should have the roster posted within this homepage, for security reasons. Nice ob otherwise.
Irondrake - 06/28/97 06:16:19 GMT
My Email:irondrakex@aol.comComments:
Cool page! Figures it'd come up as I'm heading out the door ::grin::
Lord Rocky Haze - 06/27/97 15:25:09 GMT
My Email:RockyHaze@aol.comComments:
Cool Page, Haze! Rockster
Eric Randolph - 06/27/97 04:42:16 GMT
My Email:RealGordon@AOl.comComments:
Can you get my credic card number when I sign a guest book?
Deamos Thane - 06/26/97 03:59:17 GMT
My Email:deamosthne@aol.comComments:
Nice little page! :) Nice to see we finally got on the net!
Alejandro Selin - 06/26/97 02:12:36 GMT
My br>Comments:
Mo, just wanted to sign the guestbook. Drop by my site when you have a chance.
Gunther Haze - 06/25/97 23:27:12 GMT
My Email:Gunther HzComments:
Whya ren't I on that wall...everyone hates me...hee hee
NightDrake - 06/25/97 21:55:57 GMT
My Email:NghtDrakeComments:
Marishna - 06/25/97 21:34:19 GMT
My Email:Marishna@AOL.comComments:
It looks great!!!!
Jeremy Fyrehart - 06/25/97 21:09:17 GMT
My Email:LordofDth@aol.ComComments:
RDG is one of the greatest guilds in Rhy-Din
Sss-Thox - 06/25/97 20:02:30 GMT
My Email:NeoThox14@aol.comComments:
Damn you Haze, you're too hard to stay mad at. ::chuckles:: By the way, Viper's right...chew with your mouth clos d.
Lord Traductis Korax Eeodae D'thon, of the Royal and Sovereign House of D'thon - 06/25/97 15:49:16 GMT
My Email:Traductis@aol.comComments:
::smiles::well Haze, i don't know if you di this page or if you got someone else to do it, but i congratulate you on a job well done, and its about time the RDG got there own Web page. ~Trad
GabeMarley - 06/25/97 06:48:21 GMTComments:
W'zup RDG!!!
Michael Prometheus Damascus - 06/25/97 06:16:40 GMT
My Email:MDViper999@aol.comComments:
::quirks a brow..:: Interesting. ::nods..:: Well, Antony, you have done well for yourse f. Do take a moment from time to time to remember those who aided you when you needed it most, hmmmm? And, if anything, for the love of God, Antony... 1) Listen to me, I'm always right. 2) No matter how strong your guild is, there is always someone mind your manners before you go charging off into the battlefield. Words are a lot cheaper than lives, and much easier to manipulate. Much like opponents, hmm? 3) Chew with your mouth closed. 4) See rule number one.
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