The Oakden Inn
::bows:: I am Jase Malkai. Welcome to my abode, the Oakden Inn. Here you shall find
information on anything and everything that I consider important, as
well as news that I post here. Please, sit back, enjoy a drink, and relax while browsing my libraries and notes.
This site is no longer in service. However, I am currently hosting one on my computer, at the link Go there if you wanna see anything of interest, eventually the real site will be hosted there.
8.5.2000: So much has happened. I got 7th at the 2000 National Math Competition (Alpha Gemini Test), school's about to start, enjoyed my vacation, and what I've done around here. ::smiles and laughs::
5.25.2000: Long time no update, but I've got reasons to now. Two poems added, one of them, Mountain Vigil, is getting published in an anthology! Huzzah! And, life has taken a turn for the better. If there was some supernatural, preternatural, unnatural, or any other source of help that arranged for this, thank you! I like you alot, really! ::grins and laughs::
12-19-99: TetraQ system has been updated a lot recently, while this place has not been updated. Thanks to CDS' help, I've been able to create a mini-page for the Halfmen race, which you can find here.
9-24-99:Added a few pictures (on player pages and at the bottom of this page), still waiting to get the new TetraQ system from its creator. Gonna add a new story to this page if I have the time to. Until next time, fair paths to my friends!
9-6-99: System Status: Hyper Mood Status: Happy LABOR DAYS MEANS FUN!!!! ::begins laughing like mad, tossing Leonardo lightly through the air, glancing evilly at Tom and Chris:: 13 HIT C-C-C-C-COMBO!!!!
8-24-99: Defenses are once again raised. Banners are flying half-mast. But the demands of my life call, so I must ignore the pain inside and continue as Pathfinder.
8-21-99: Got my first parking violation ticket last night, it sucks. Besides that, working on adding some more stuff to the game. Not much else!
8-6-99: Game testing showed some major problems in efficiency. Beyond that, life is normal. Hope ye feel better soon!
7-31-99:Game is finished, its time to test it! And m'lady is coming back tomorrow. Life is good.
7-24-99: Everythings going good. Game is growing, just finishing up the thief systems. And then its on to the first campaign and thats it. And my romance life has been growing stronger by the day. And if you ever get a chance to read Starship Troopers, read it.
7-14-99: Life couldn't be better right now. Everday something new is happening, and morale is rising by the hour. And now July 10 has some competition for the best day ever, July 12. ::grins::
7-11-99: The past week has been the best week in my life. As yesterday was the best day ever. ::grins:: If you don't know why, your only hope is to ask me . . .
6-30-99: Still at summer school, boring as hell. But I've decided to buy myself a CD-R, the PlexWriter 8x20, so soon I'll be making CD's like mad.
6-22-99: Screwed up my left knee really bad in Team Sports. It hurts like mad. Other than that, I haven't done much. Except I talked to Tamara a lot. And made a fool of myself.

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