Now then, as you've chosen to tread on, brave soul,

Welcome, brethren. You have found enlightenment known simply as...

In the process of being totally revamped for about the fifth time so as the cliche goes, yes, this page is under construction.

Wow, I've actually been working on this? Better bet your sweet bippy! I got to looking at these pages, wincing as I went, and thought to myself..."MAN, they take a hella long time to load. And since I hate saying "hella" to myself or any other individual, I decided that a change was necessary. So there may be a few broken links here and there, but I have been trying to catch them all. {Psst...wanna know the real reason I'm changing all this? This is my vain attempt to be listed on Yahoo! =P}

Things that probably shouldn't be, but are (kinda, anyway)...

My X-Files/Millenium page -- Pretty much out of date (ahem, I make references to the X-Files movie coming out soon), but I'm redoing these pages, so, know that they'll be updated soon enough. Come take a look at what I consider brilliance...Chris(t) Carter's fine work. Even if Millenium has been sucking this season. ;) But hey, Krychek may be starring in Carter's new show! Woo!

My South Park page -- I cannot get enough of this show...there are few things I watch with any regularity, and this is one of them. I was there from day one, hoping it wouldn't be just another Beavis and Butthead clone. And imagine that! I fished my wish! May South Park (ie, the show my little sister says is about "kids who cuss") live a very long life.

My Michael Hutchence page -- On a sober note, these pages will always be dedicated to the memory of Michael Hutchence, late lead singer of INXS. I love them dearly, and miss Michael very much. Take a look at my bit of webspace devoted solely to him.

My new Picture Pages! Not quite as good as the old Bill Cosby ones (Mortimer rules!) but some pictures I drew up and scanned for the heck of it. If you're either a fan of fantasy art or FoC (or you just want to sneak a peek at me, since there's an IRL pic there as well), take a look, and hopefully you won't be disappointed.

My Ramblings -- Go on, take a look. It's like a car wreck, you just can't look away. This is stuff I wrote quite a long time ago, and gives you a little insight into none other than me! ;) Added a little updated material round about the end of '98. Go on. You might find something a wee bit humourous in there.

Things that are in the process of being (read: I'll get to em when I have time)...

My Tribute to Joseph Michael Linsner's Dawn -- JML is, without a doubt in my mind, the premiere fantasy artist around today. And the best of his best? Why, Dawn, of course. I'll hopefully soon have some great content here, including some pics my very own dear husband drew of her. Maybe I'll even scan some of my signed stuff. *drool*

My Voltron page -- This has got to be the best cartoon of all time...and now it's back on and better than ever! Now that I can watch it every week, I'm sure I'll finally get off my ass to write about it. Form blazing sword!

-- My Bill Hicks page -- Definately one of the best, most talented comedians of all time. Why do the good ones always die? Anyway, as I get more stuff on Bill, I'll be putting up a page on him. In the meantime, if you're never heard him say "I'm Bilbo Hicks and this is Hobbitown" go buy Arizona Bay. Now.

Whatever Else Comes to Mind -- I mean this. I have very ecclectic tastes. You never know what you might find on these pages. Oh, and the mandatory link page.

Also, eventually (read: when my husband and I get them scanned), there will some pictures of your altar priestess, yours truly. Maybe one or two of The Man, plus the cats who are taking over my home: Seamus, Dimitreus, Mirri, and Persephone. In the meantime, think Sarah Gilbert. For me, natch, and not the cats.

Inspire or be inspired. Either way, take a look at my guestbook!

I know that I don't have that links page up yet, but I think this is great. So your priestess recommends this link if you remember how good Metallica used to be.

Do you seek truer redemption? Questions whose answers cannot be found among these depths? Ahh, the priestess has a remedy for it. The balm for your soul lies below.

This is my bad ass faerie of protection, whom I warmly refer to as 'Li'l Fehn.' If you don't laugh at this page, she'll kill you with her mighty, bad ass magicks. You think I'm kidding, don't you? Doesn't look tough to you, does she? Hell, underestimate her, think I'd actually have something like a bad ass rottweiler of protection?

This is my pet Goth, Tina. She doesn't like you.Tina the
     Troubled Teen

And no, I'm NOT a Goth.

Did I mention where I got this kickass background set?

Free Graphics!

Okay, I did now. ;)

An incredible souls have been saved at the Altar of Sacrificial Bliss.

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