Serena's Sailormoon

Lady Sita's Sailormoon

Hello, and Welcome to my Homepage. My name is Lady Sita. This is the Universe of Sailormoon.

I am from the isle of Illusion, in the land of Imajica. I am comparable to the Fey, but I am not a child of Oberon, like my friend, the Lady Arianna of Annwn. I am beyond all of that...beyond any human classification.

This site is devoted not only to Sailormoon, but also to all of my favorite things. I hope that you enjoy your stay here in the world of Sailormoon.

Character Overviews

-- Here you can find some of the Character studies and descriptions I've done of the Sailor Moon Characters.
The Library -- Here you can find original stories, and fanfics, by both myself and Lady Arianna of Annwn.
Art Galleries -- Here you can find the pictures I've collected and drawn.
Annwn -- The Home of Lady Arianna


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Sailor Moon and all character thereof are properties of their creator. N o money will be made off of this page or anything on it.