The Eclectic Wiccan's Digital Postcard Offering
After searching for awhile I chose this PostCard Service to use on my site.
Although it is not programable for me to set up wonderful looking witchy pictures for you to use on their site, there is a feature about it that I love. Besides the thousands of images available, this card server allows you, the Card Sender, to make a completely Personalized PostCard to send to a fellow Pagan, loved one or friend.
How To:: Once you are on the Card site click the "your own picture" link at the very top of the page. Once you get to the next page -- If you have a picture you have downloaded on to your computer(See below for a link to some images) click the browse button, find the picture(.gif or .jpg)in your files and click OPEN. This uploads the picture onto the card site and you're ready to complete your card! Sounds like a mess I know,but once you start it's easy. There are "Thousands" of images available on the Card site to use if you do not want to try this.
(Please DO NOT 'link to' any .gif's or .jpg's that are on my website or anyone elses. This is stealing bandwidth.)
NEW:: A few Postcard Images for you to download.
Create Free Greeting Cards
Pick Up Your Free Greeting Card
If you have any questions go to the FAQ.
~Bright Blessings To You~ and Thank-You for using the Eclectic Wiccan Digital PostCard Service
