>Well by now, if you've perused my site, you have discovered that I love flashy 60's tyedye backgrounds. This one is called Inagadadavida (sound it out):+)

I've been thinking alot lately about "limitless thought" and magick. Limitless thought meaning= not restricting, no doubt, total belief in ones actions. Let's say you are doing a spell and during the ritual you wonder to yourself (even just a little) if this will work. Our thoughts are profound things; they take form and go out into the mystic. Now if you doubted your spell will work, it won't.
BEWARE:: Do Not Tell Others About Your Spells As You Are Working Them !! Why? This allows them to give their opinions to you; be them good or bad. And of course, bad, brings "limited thought".
I guess, if you are older and know of such things, you can relate this to "Postive Thinking". I know a friend who needs money pretty bad. She got a Money Candle from a Wiccan friend, wrote her wish on a piece of paper, carved it on the candle, burned the candle, and as she was doing the spell she told her husband. In turn he added his two cents worth of information as to what she should have done. She asked me a few days later if the spell would work since he said she didn't do it right.
Ah, "limited thought".

My thoughts on doing Spells
A couple of years ago I did a basic love spell(wince) and it worked(wince-wince!) I am wincing because I got what I asked for but, not what I wanted. This basic love spell was to bring me my true love, the kind of man I wanted.(No one person in particular. That is a NO-NO!) I did everything right. I planned months ahead by checking the calandar for the right day of the week, the moon in the right phase, the right zodiac sign, I bought a candle from a cool Voodoo shop in New Orleans, I wrote down on a piece of paper what I was looking for in a man and I did the spell as exactly as it was listed in the book. 2 months later I had a man in my life who fitted exactly what I had written down, but he lacked certian things that I took for granted and didn't list.(ie: respect/pride in himself,similar interests and a myriad of things)
So the addage here is "be careful what you ask for, you just might get it." I wasn't detailed enough in my listing and I haven't done any "serious" spellwork since. I realized the hard way that doing spellwork is serious business. You have to be specific in every detail of what you are asking for. Totally and throughly accurate.
)O(AfterThought:I was recently talking to a friend on a List and she mentioned that doing the "list" didn't sound too good of a idea. She suggested just asking for your soulmate and leaving it to the God and Goddess since they are the one's who know who that person is. Sort of leaving it up to Fate I guess.:O|?(Ah...there's that Limited Thought again:O) )

I've had this article on my 'puter for awhile now and I just thought I would share it. I just love the sarcasism the journalist uses to get his point across...and why not!
March 2002 - NEWS RELEASE
The Assisi Decalogue by David Waters
What if leaders of the world's major religions got together
one day and denounced all religious violence? What if they unanimously agreed to make this plain, clear and bold statement to the world? "Violence and terrorism are opposed to all true religious spirit and we condemn all recourse to violence and war in the name of God or religion."
It could change the world. It could save the planet. At the very least, it would be big news, wouldn't it? Apparently not.
More than 200 leaders of the world's dozen major religions
did get together Jan.24 in Assisi, Italy. Maybe you missed the story about it the next day. Most newspapers didn't carry it. And it was hidden inside many of those that did.
There was a lot of other news that day. The Enron hearings
opened in Washington. John Walker Lindh made his first court appearance. It's no wonder the largest meeting of world religious leaders in history couldn't even make the front page.
Pope John Paul II and a number of cardinals were at the meeting. So was Bartholomew I, spiritual leader of all Orthodox Christians. So were a dozen Jewish rabbis, including some from Israel. So were 30 Muslim imams from Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Pakistan. So were dozens of ministers representing Baptists, Lutherans, Anglicans, Methodists, Presbyterians, Pentecostals, Disciples of Christ, Mennonites, Quakers, Moravians, The Salvation Army and the World Council of Churches. So were dozens of monks, gurus and others representing Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs and Zoroastrians and native African religions.
They ignored the personal and political risk of attending
such a high-profile gathering. They convened and talked and prayed. They unanimously agreed to condemn "every recourse to violence and war in the name of God or religion." They also said, "No religious goal can possibly justify the use of violence by man against man." And that "Whoever uses religion to foment violence contradicts religion's deepest and truest inspiration."
They called their statement the Assisi Decalogue for Peace.
It consists of 10 mutual commitments to work for peace and justice in the world, including this one: "We commit ourselves to stand at the side of those who suffer poverty and abandonment, speaking out for those who have no voice, and to working effectively to change these situations."
On March 4, the Pope sent a copy of the Decalogue to all of the world's heads of state.
Maybe you missed the story. It didn't even make the newspapers the next day,hidden inside or not. There was a lot of other news that
day. Seven American soldiers were killed in Afghanistan. Israeli troops killed 17 people in the West Bank. Mike Tyson got a license to box.
What if leaders of the world's major religions got together
one day and denounced all religious violence-----and no one cared?
((David Waters is a columnist who writes about religion for
the Memphis,Tennessee, 'Commercial Appeal' and appears here and
there in syndication.))

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