The Island
Chapter 1
Written by the Mighty Megraw
The Mighty Megraw stretched his mighty wings. Ah, it felt good to be the ruler of this castle on an island in the middle of the gigantic lake. Megraw flapped his wings experimentally, then spread them wide and launched himself off the battlements. "Kreegha! Kreeeeghaaa!!"
he screamed. He felt the exhilaration of flight fill his massive frame. "Kreeeeeee!!" Soaring above the treetops, he dove towards the ground, wings folded. He spread his wings, fully seven feet from tip to tip. He extended his talons and landed back on the battlements. "Ah'm th' Mighty Megraw!" he screamed to the skies. "Kreegha! Mah mother was lightnin', an' mah father a thunderbolt! Kreeeeeeghaaaaa!!" He felt a tap on his shoulder. "What??" he yelled, startled.
Gultor, a once-bad water rat turned good, like the rest of the water rats inhabiting the castle, once ruled by Queen Silth of the Marlfoxes, stepped backwards, startled. "Ah, ah, yer 'ighness, I jest wanted ter tell yer that there's a great fleet of ships comin' ter the island."
"Ships, where?"
The good water rat pointed east. "Over thar, sir, see?" Megraw turned his head in that direction. Sure enough, there were at least a score of huge ships headed at a fast rate towards them.
Gultor snapped to attention. "Sire?"
"Go get my special telescope."
"Yes, sire!" The faithful water rat scampered off to do Megraw's bidding.
"Haharr, me hearties, step lively now, we're almost to th' island!"
Ribscarr, the fearless pirate rat, stepped onto the bow of the lead ship, the Bloodprow. "Blodtail!"
Blodtail, a ferret fully as evil looking as the captain himself, scurried over. "Yes, Cap'n?"
"See that dock over there?"
"Yes, Cap'n."
"Steer us toward it."
"Yes, Cap'n."
The evil Ribscarr laughed wickedly. "Hahaaaarrrrr!! The island will soon be mine, an' that rotten fish eagle, that Megraw feller,
he will be mine to slay!" The ships headed closer.
Chapter 2
Written by Snowflower
Megraw peered into the eyepiece of his old, metal telescope.
"Kreeeghaaa!" he screeched. Gultor gulped, he knew this meant nothing good. He chanced to ask his king of the problem.
"Um, sire, what d'you see?" he asked timidly.
Megraw turned to look at Gultor as he spoke.
"It tis me ole enemy. I meet 'im once in the north. He killed me family an' now 'e must die! "
Megraw's eyes flashed as he spoke. Gultor was beginning to regret ever asking his king of what he saw.
Megraw spread his wings gracefully and like a flash of lightning, was on his way to the 'Bloodprow'. "Kreeeeeeeeaaaaaaaahh!" he yelled angrily
as he flew towards the mighty vermin ship. "I'm a'commin' ya vermin an'
I'ma not takin' prisoners!"
"Cap'n look!" yelled a strong and burly ferret.
Ribscarr looked up just in time to see the Mighty Megraw swoop from the battlements of his castle. Ribscarr acted quickly giving out orders.
"Get that net set up! Hurry up or you won't be here long enough to enjoy this!"
Megraw came at them with all of the speed and strength he could muster.
He was driven by hate and revenge, unknowingly straight into the waiting paws and swords of his enemies.
"Kreeeeeghaaaahh!" he screeched as he neared the 'Bloodprow'. "I'm the
Mighty Megraw an' you vermin are no more!"
Suddenly there was a swishing sound behind him and Megraw was brought
down to the deck of the 'Bloodprow' by a heavy fishing net. He squirmed
and tore at the strong ropes, but could not free himself.
Megraw stopped fighting the nets at the sight of newly polished boots in front of him. Megraw looked up into the sneering face of Ribscarr.
"Well, what have we here? A bit of a morsel for my victory feast, I suppose." Ribscarr jeered.
"I am the Mighty Megraw, an' I've come ta slay you, vermin!"
The crewbeasts laughed at Megraw.
Ribscarr kicked out at him.
"There will be no slaying of my crew!" he said, then turning said, "Blodtail!" Blodtail stepped up.
"Yes Cap'n?"
Ribscarr kicked Megraw again and pointed at his cringing figure.
"Tell the cook that we have something new for him, Mighty Megraw Stew!"
Chapter 3
Written by Sabrefyre
In the large lake, a ripple slowly started to form on the
surface of the water...it grew larger and larger until, finally, the large, sleek head of a handsome, green-eyed otter appeared as if out of nowhere...he looked around cautiously, and shook the water from his eyes with a deft movement of his head. He swam to the shore with smooth strokes of his mighty limbs, and he glided out onto the bank with natural grace, and he stands, revealing his chocolate brown furred, muscular, well-built form, his tail alone capable of smashing through a stone block without so much as a second thought... The otter strolls over to the tree where he had hung his clothing, and he slips it back on, the clothes were simply the smock and breeches of a travelling warrior...he straps on his scabbard which held his prized
sabre, with which he was a master...he stands tall and proud, his green eyes scanning the beautiful horizon as the reddish-orange tendrils of color snaked their way across the increasingly bright and clear morning sky. In a deft move, the otter swiftly withdrew the sabre from its casing, and swung it through the air in a few quick movements, loosening up his arm. He looked down at the handle of the sword, on which was inscribed his name in elegant, curving script: Sabrefyre Lutrastorm....his father had given him the prized blade as a gift before Sabre left on his journeys, as was his family tradition, and Sabre was
extremely proud to be a member of that family...the family of
Lutrastorm. Slipping the blade back into the scabbard which hung
diagonally across his back, the young otter turned and hefted the sack which held his supply of food over his shoulder, which was quickly running low. He stretched, and began to walk in the opposite direction from which he came. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of a large ship, a ship that looked very much like....a pirate ship! He whirled around quickly, and hid quickly behind a tree, so he would not be seen in case there was a lookout on the ship. The ship looked as if it was headed toward the dark shape of a castle in the distance. Although he knew not who lived in that castle, it could have still been
those treacherous Marlfoxes for all he knew, he still thought it his duty to warn the inhabitants of that castle about the deadly,
treacherous, thieving cargo that was headed their way. Making sure the ship was gone, Sabre swiftly swung the sack back over his shoulder, and trotted swiftly in the direction of the castle, moving at a fast clip. He was a Lutrastorm, and he would warn them if it was the last thing he did. It was his duty.
Chapter 4
Written by the Mighty Megraw
Megraw's mind was working furiously for a plan to escape. His beak was throbbing with pain from trying to gnaw through the thick ropes that made up the large net. Suddenly he thought of a plan as a searat came toward him. He half-closed his eyes, groaned pitifully, and retched.
The stolid searat growled at him, "'Ey, wot's th' matter wi' ye?"
Megraw coughed, breathing raggedly. "Cut ropes... ah cain't... breathe..." He choked again, spittle dribbling out of his black, hooked beak and pooling on the wooden deck floor.
Now the searat look worried. "I dunno if'n I should,..." he hesitated.
Megraw retched again, his large golden eyes rolling wildly as he fought for air, choking as foam flecked his beak. That made up the searats mind. He drew out his dagger, reached down, and fumbled with the thick ropes. As one side of the ropes were cut, Megraw lunged forward, grabbing the searat's neck in a vice-like grip with his beak. The searat gurgled, struggled briefly, then went limp. Megraw grabbed the searat's dagger, and slashed free the ropes that he could reach with his beak, then struggled out of the rest of the tangled up net.
As the Mighty Megraw spread his powerful wings to fly away back to his island, he hesitated. Should he attempt to get revenge on the evil pirate captain, or make good his escape? He heard footsteps coming up from below deck. He heard Ribscarr speak. His voice sounded muffled from behind the door. "'E's right outside this door," the searat captain laughed evilly. "The dish for th' victory celebration." Ribscarr cursed as he fumbled with the lock. "Stoopid lock, it always did git stuck."
Megraw stood, torn by two choices. What should he do?
Chapter 5
Written by Sabrefyre
The castle grew closer and closer and Sabrefyre leaned against a
tree for a quick rest before moving on. Out of his sack he took a few
small and gnarled apples, a couple dry biscuits, and a small canteen of
water, all that was left of his food supply. He finished them in a few
minutes, being ravenously hungry, and he dusted the crumbs off of his
fur with a flick of his large paw. He picks up the empty sack, and,
being very resourceful, he takes out a small dagger from his boot, and
cuts down the side of the bag, so it opened into one large piece of
fabric, so he could use it like a fishnet, to catch something later,
perhaps...he stored the net in his small pack that was strapped to his
back, and with a smile, he starts on again.
The midday sun glared down from the unbelievably blue sky, baking
the land below with its warm rays. Sabre trudged on, the castle
becoming closer and closer, though with the heat and his gnawing hunger,
he was not sure if it was a mirage or not. He had been walking under
this sun for over six hours nonstop, and he was starting to feel
lightheaded, and a bit ill. He carefully wiped sweat from his brow, and
looked around, squinting his eyes from the glare. In the distance, to
the left, just behind him, he could have swore he saw movement, as if
someone was coming his way. He continued on, knowing that he had to
make it to that castle, otherwise many innocent creatures may die, if it
was innocent creatures that lived there.
The movements behind Sabre were actually there, they were not a
figment of his imagination. He did not know that a small band of four
robber foxes were headed his way, them having seen him earlier by the
tree, and seeing his scabbard, they thought that that sword inside maybe
could have fetched them quite a few pieces of silver. The head fox,
who was a rather large, burly fellow, carried a long dagger in his belt,
and he drew it carefully as they came closer to Sabre.
"Eh, that one looks like easy pickin's, c'mon, lets get th'otter!!"
The four foxes charged in Sabre's direction. Sabre heard them, and
whirled around, drawing his sabre, ready for them when they came....
Chapter 6
Written by Snowflower
Megraw looked around at the almost deserted deck. Creeeek! The cabin
door swung open, revealing the ship's cap'n. "Eh! What'r you doin' out?"
he cried at the sight of Megraw. Within seconds, the Mighty Megraw was
surrounded by the vermin crew. "Ach. Oim in a bit o'trouble, ain't I?"
he said to himself. Just before a corsair lept upon him, sword drawn,
Megraw took flight and soared towards his castle. "Kreeeghaaaah!" he
screeched. "Oim am the Mighty Megraw! None can trap me for long!" The
Mighty Megraw let out one final screech and flew off laughing.
Megraw looked around, spotting some movement in the distance. "Ach!
What's this?" he asked himself. "Well, I guess I'll just 'ave t'go an
take a look." He turned in flight and headed for the figure in the
distance. Little did he know that it was actually a struggling otter,
and a group of thieving foxes.
If you want to write the next chapter, e-mail me!
Where do you want to go...?