This site was designed for 800x600 Resolution, If you are running less then that you will not get the full effect......Gutwrench
Sometimes life gets twisted, Hard times can take its toll. It takes a strong will to rise above and channel otherwise dangerous energies creatively. Sometimes a passion like the love of music will reflect what surrounds the musicians. In this such case, Gutwrench, projects the harsh real life "mean streets" from which they come. Living through all these adversities, losing a little blood along the way, They deliver the street news, through the grooves, Passing on the knowledge so you dont get caught out there. Gutwrench is a feeling you get when fear overwhelms you The truth, Hardcore , Spreads fear, So society tries to silence it, Well try to silence this...
Band Shot

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This site created by Joe M and Gutwrench all contents of this site are property of Gutwrench