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As you step into the portal you seem to fall heavily down, going deeper and deeper into it. Your body and eyes are sorounded by the clear blue light in this air like portal. You gaze upwards to where you came from to see how far you have fallen, but the light blinds you making you only see the clear blue colour of the light. As you fall deeper into the void you feel the "air" get thicker making it harder to breathe. You soon feel like under water swallowing a bit of the blue substance before holding your breath, desperately looking round, still not seeing anything else than the evergoing clear blue light. A feeling of anxiety grabs you as you attempt to swim for the surface, back, upwards to the opening of the portal. As you feel to not move... your despair increases as you deperately wave your arms and legs round. Your now realise that you dont even know which direction is up anymore. The normal sence of direction is gone. The fluid gradually thickens clutching round your body making it harder to move. You open your eyes again seeing into the thick substanse, now almost not able to move. But as you see into the blue light with your blurred vision it seems to penetrate into your mind as a calm voice whispers to you. You relax the tension in your muscles letting the substance clutch closer to you body as your mind finds a calmness unlike none you have ever felt before. You are no longer afraid to die, for you know this is not death. As your reach the limit of your ability to hold your breath, the second before your body colapses, you see the silouette of a shape outside the substrance pressing round your body. Then all turns black. As you wake up you find yourself lying on your back in a clearing. As you slowly blink your eyes being blinded by the bright morning light you feel the soft fresh grass under you hands. Trying to focus you slowy get used to the bright light noticing the large creature sitting by your feet. You stare in amazement at the dragon calmly looking down at you with his wise emerald green eyes. The silver diamond shaped center of his black scales shine in the bright light. He lowers his head curling his majestic long neck down at you. Welcome to the Outer Realms, Im glad to see yet another make it through the portal. I am the High Gemkeeper. I welcome you to the domain of the Dragons of the Gemstones. The great dragon makes a circular movement over the area with his right paw as to show its glory to you. The large clearing stretch far into the horizon ending in a large rainforest like leaf forest, with trees high enough to even hide a large dragon. This is our home. A hovering large mass of land at 3000ft above the ground, as big as a huge country as the humans border them. It is hidden from the curious eyes below in a cloud, and has never yet been seen by any creatures exept dragons, griffons and those true to the clan. Its a green and blooming land with great riches of plant life and minerals. It has many caves, lakes and forests for the dragons to dwell in. Round the mainlad small islands hover round. The land has its own atmosphere making the air as thick as if in the inner world. In the area of the yellow gemstone just outside the circle lies the temple of the Oracle. This temple is the home of the Oracle Grathrum. Its beauty and design exeeds all other buildings in the land. The elegante and detailed carving along it tells great stories of ancient history. The old gold dragon Grathrum lives in the temple guarding the link to the circle. With him lies all the knowledge of the Keepers and the gems. He is the one that shows the path to knowledge of the world and the ways of the gems. He is no God, no almighty that tell you how you must do things, merely a guide that knows the paths you can choose from. The Oracle is the one that gives the powers of the gems to its keeper. He is the links the the circle, and without his blessing the stone will not enter the dragons body, merely be a pretty stone to him. But with his blessing the dragon can be one with the gem and use its skills. Taking back a gem however is a more difficult and power demanding task. This demands help from at least two keepers. One to give the Oracle life energy and the other to keep the unwanted keepers magic guard down. Otherwise this demanding prosess will kill the oracle draining him from energy. About this land: It is divided into 7 areas equal in size. In each area a gem has its power center. Round these centers a temple and a castle, for the keepers are built. The leaders of this beautiful haven are the Gemkeepers. 7 Keepers wil be blessed by the Oracle to complete the circle, and reclaim the power of the gemstones. The Keepers are chosen by the High Keeper after their skill, leading abilities and knowledge of magic. Each gemstone has their special skills and color, completing the circle:
The Green Gemstone: Controling plantlife and animals
The Black Gemstone: Controling the shadows and the dark The yellow Gemstone: Controling the light and gravitation The White/silver Gemstone: Controling the holy powers, things of the spirit and healing The Red Gemstone: Controling fire and acids The blue gemstone: controling water and storms The Aura gemstone: controling psi and psyic Gathered these gems make one of the greates forces know to any creature. All magic done in the circle is given +1/2 prep power to the spell binder. Im the middle of this hovering haven is a large clearing sorounded by a thick leafy forest. A wonderful green grass clearing lies there, seeming to be perfectly flat. In a circle of 1000ft radius six 10ft tall 5ft wide cylinders of gold are placed. In the middle a larger cylinder 15ft tall and 10ft wide stands shining as if it was just made, not showing its ancient age. This is the circle. In this place the keepers meet to gather their power and counsel. Round the circle at the border of the forest is a small area of marshes. In these marshes a unike type of plants grow, the gemplants: From these small green plants gems of various colors grow, being fully grown at the size of a small plum. Beacuse of the magic activity in the circle these gems are loaded with magic, easy to use as tools of magic chanalisation by the gemkeepers. As for the purpose of the clan: The first and closest goal is to close the circle of the gems with capable keepers, and create a well orgainzed net of dragons round this to keep them safe and powerful. That makes the second purpose natural as this is to create a secure and well organised system in order to keep the clan and the glory of our race alive . Part of this goal is the gathering of all dragons against common threats when threathened. I do not talk words of war but of peace, peace amongs dragons. I therefore urge all dragons and creatures that want to keep our glorious race alive and honoured to join this clan. The Dawn of the keepers will rise as we stay patient growing in power and numbers as the Keepers learn to control their gems. |