Weder Family Page

First are a few pictures taken on Easter Sunday, at our family get-together.
Here is a picture of my brother Joel, grandmother Hilda Weder, and my brother Mike (with the guitar). Grandma looks pretty good for eighty-eight, doesn't she?

Here is my brother Mike with his guitar.
Here is a sound clip.

Here is my father Bob Weder with Mike's guitar.

Here's Dad joking with my nephew Cole. Cole was trying to gross me out with his inside out eyelids - it didn't work!

These pictures go back a ways ....

First, here's Grandpa Albert Weder, when he was working in South America.

Click here to read the inscription on the back.

Next is Grandma Weder, disturbing my concentration. When I was a teenager, nothing could get between me and Electric Light Orchestra, or Supertramp for that matter.

Last up for now is my old '69 Mustang coupe. All show, not much go, and don't look too close either. Well, it was fun while it lasted.
