I do believe that AT-Robots are the greatest thing since sliced bread. If you don't know what an AT-Robot is, go here. Otherwise, stay here.
My best robot is named Zoomer, after his speed&en;he is theoretically the fastest robot ever written. His only tactic is to run around the edge in a zigzag pattern to avoid shots and fire at his opponent when he gets a chance. The only robot that I know of that can whip him 20-to-nothing is Burger.
Zoomer is currently reigning as #1 in the AT-Robots Homepage Royal-Rumble Class Tournament and #3 in the Standard Class Tournament. I'm so proud of him!
I have twelve other robots:
I am starting an AT-Robots tournament which does not yet have a name. Send me an e-mail with your robot attached to it and maybe a description or some notes about your robot. I'll stick all robots with descriptions on a page for everybody to see, and all robots will be added to my online archive. If you do not want your robot added to my archive, just let me know in your e-mail. No robot will be entered into the archive until after they have been in the tournament.
The tournament will be held whenever I get enough robots (>10). I will also enter all robots that I already have, but no more than 50 total. For example, if your robot came in 45th place in the last tournament, and I get 10 more robots for the next one, your robot will not be in the next tournament unless you resubmit him.
Also, all robots will be tested so there will be no "do-nothing" robots entered in the contest. This is so robots like Suicide and SDuck won't worthlessly be entered into the contest. However, robots like Trapper will.
You can download my archive here. It's 77K.