![[DC Timeline]](dctimeline.gif) |
Pre-Modern Age
48 to 19 years ago |
[Golden Age of Heroes] | [Home page] | [18 years ago]
48 years ago
- Alice Holland visited by The Spectre I
- Alec Holland born in Stamford, Connecticut
- Flash I and all of Keystone City placed in suspended animation by Fiddler
- Max reappears from Speed Force, changes name to Blue Streak
43 years ago
- Atlan seduces Atlanna and their child is Orin
- King Trevis deposits Orin on a reef to die
- Orin is saved by Porm
42 years ago
- Krypton explodes
- Jack Knight born
- Jonn Jonzz accidentally teleported to Earth
41 years ago
- Kal-El arrives on Earth, landing near Smallville
- Atlan sires Orm Marius with an Eskimo
40 years ago
- Abigail Arcane born in the Balkans
38 years ago
- Captain Comet
- Lois Lane born
- Savitar becomes new Speed Force avatar
- Max and Johnny Quick battle Savitar
- Max and Savitar leap forward in time
34 years ago
- Clark Kent meets Lana Lang
- Bruce Waynes parents killed
- Dianas clay form given life by the Olympian gods
- Selina Kyles mother commits suicide, father dies from alcoholism
- Project Atom begins
33 years ago
- Lois Lane moves to Fort Bridwell, outside Metropolis, with family and meets Perry White
- Arthur Curry adopts and teaches Orin
- John Henry Irons parents and grandparents are killed, he is raised by his grandparents
32 years ago
- Lucy Lane born
- Lois Lane travels around the world with family
31 years ago
- Dolphin kidnapped by aquatic aliens and adapted to undersea life
- Prince Garth born
30 years ago
- Starman III (Mikaal Tomas) relocates to Opal City following failed invasion force, disappears soon after
- Alec Holland meets Linda Olsen Ridge in college and marry shortly after graduating
27 years ago
- Abigail Arcane encounters her grandmother, Anais
26 years ago
- Orin meets Kako
- Kako has a son, Koryak, after Orin returns to sea
23 years ago
- Clark Kent leaves Smallville to find his destiny
- Bruce Wayne embarks on worldwide odyssey
- Lois Lane returns to Metropolis with family
- Perry White hires Lois Lane as part-time employee at Daily Planet
- Lucy Lane loses her sight
- Cave Carson
- Sea Devils
- Sarge Steel
- Doom Patrol
- Animal Man
- Alec and Linda Holland attend the wedding of Susan Linden and Carl Thorne
22 years ago
- Clark Kent enrolls at University of Metropolis
- Clark Kent meets Lori Lemaris
- Lois Lane moves to Metropolis, works full-time at Daily Planet
- Deadman (Boston Brand)
21 years ago
- Metal Men
- Metamorpho the Element Man
- Challengers of the Unknown I
- Deadman
- Lois Lane writes first mystery novel
20 years ago
- Lois Lane spurns Lex Luthor I
- John Henry Irons enters college and majors in physics, rising to the top of his class
- John Henry Irons meets Guy Gardner
- Alec and Linda Holland work on a biorestorative formula near Houma, Louisiana under the protection of Matthew Cable
- Alec Hollands consciousness is absorbed by indigenous plant life, forming Swamp Thing
- Linda Holland killed by the Conclave
19 years ago
- Oliver Queen, stranded on a desert island, learns archery
- Lois Lane assigned to Daily Planet crime desk
- Swamp Thing captured by Un-Men for Anton Arcane
- Anton Arcane seemingly commits suicide at Castle Arcane
- Matthew Cable meets Abigail Arcane
- Swamp Thing and Abigail Arcane saved by Patchwork Man
- Swamp Thing meets Timothy Raven in Maine
[Golden Age of Heroes] | [Home page] | [18 years ago]
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