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Modern Age of Heroes
8 years ago |
[9 years ago] | [Home page] | [7 years ago]
8 years ago
- John Henry Irons moves to Washington, D.C.
- Superboy moves to Hawaii
- Hawaii Special Crimes Unit forms
- Green Lantern V (Kyle Rayner)
- Outsiders reform
- Darkstar II (Donna Troy)
- Donna Troy divorces Terry Long
- Bruce Wayne reclaims Batman mantle from Batman II
- Superman transports Doomsday to the end of time
- Triumph returns from the void
- Faust joins Outsiders
- Impulse (Bart Allen)
- Alpha Centurion
- Zero Hour - Parallax attempts to remake reality
- Hourman I, Atom I and Dr Mid-Nite I killed by Extant
- Flash I, Wildcat I and Starman I stripped of magical aging energies
- JSA retires
- Team Titans wiped out of existence except for Mirage and Terra II
- Damage helps restart universe
- Green Lantern V destroys Oa
- Green Lantern I changes name to Sentinel
- Warrior (Guy Gardner)
- JLE disbands
- Starman VI (David Knight)
- Starman VI killed by Kyle, son of Mist I
- Starman VII (Jack Knight)
- Manhunter III (Chase Lawler)
- Fate (Jared Stevens)
- Vril Doxs son usurps L.E.G.I.O.N., core group becomes R.E.B.E.L.S.
- Primal Force - Dr Mist, Jack OLantern II, Meridian, Red Tornado II, Claw, Golem
- John Stewart leads Darkstars
- Green Arrow I apparently dies while saving Metropolis
- Green Arrow II (Connor Hawke)
- JL Task Force
- Circe reveals hidden location of Themyscira
- Diana loses a new contest to choose the new Wonder Woman
- Wonder Woman II (Artemis II)
- Aquaman acquires cybernetically-controlled hook
- Starman VII kills Kyle and defeats Mist I
- Flash II becomes the first speedster ever to enter the Speed Force and return, manifests new and advanced powers
- Bruce Wayne hands Batman mantle to Dick Grayson in order to attend to personal matters
- Batman III (Dick Grayson) defeats Two-Face
- Bruce Wayne reclaims Batman mantle from Batman III
- Swamp Thing runs for governor of Louisiana
- Swamp Thing meets the Lord of Misrule at Mardi Gras
- Tefe meets Matthew the Raven in the Dreaming
- Tefe abducted by a psychopath
- Lady Jane appointed by the Parliament of Trees as Tefes governess
- Connie Sunderland assumes control of The Sunderland Corporation
- Anton Arcane returns from Hell and possesses Tefe
[9 years ago] | [Home page] | [7 years ago]
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