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Modern Age of Heroes
12 years ago |
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12 years ago
- Aquaman disbands JLA
- JLA reforms - Aquaman, Martian Manhunter, Elongated Man, Zatanna, Vixen, Steel I, Vibe, Gypsy
- JLA HQ relocated to Happy Harbor
- Green Lantern IV awarded complete Corps status
- Robin II (Jason Todd)
- Dr Psycho
- Trigon takes control of Raven and battles New Teen Titans and Lilith
- Kole
- Flash II in manslaughter trial rigged by Abra Kadabra
- Flash II discovers that Iris Allen is alive in 2957, travels to be with her
- Guy Gardner reactivated as Green Lantern III by divergent faction of Guardians
- Crisis on Infinite Earths - the Anti-Monitor attempts to destroy all reality
- Flash II dies
- Starman IV dies
- Dr Light II (Kimiyo Hoshi)
- Wildcat II (Yolanda Montez)
- Kole, Aquagirl and Dove I die
- The Spectre I vanishes from the mortal plane
- Kid Flash Is powers are transmogrified and severely diminished in final battle with the Anti-Monitor
- Kid Flash I changes name to Flash III
- Booster Gold (Michael Carter)
- JSA goes to limbo to prevent Ragnarok
- Power Girl, Star-Spangled Kid I and Dr Fate I are freed from limbo
- Hourman II (Rick Tyler)
- Hourman II quits after becoming addicted to Miraclo
- Dr Midnight (Dr Beth Chapel)
- The Cadre
- Batman I rejoins JLA to train new, younger heroes
- Starfire taken back to Tamaran with Nightwing and Jericho, discover Blackfire has taken over Tamaran, Nightwing and Jericho return to Earth
- Changelings father, Mento, nearly kills Cyborg I
- Wonder Girl I reorganizes original Teen Titans to defeat Chesire
- Chesires daughter, Lian, revealed as Speedys child
- Teen Titans framed for murder attempt on Brother Blood
- Nightwing infiltrates Church of Blood, finds Raven returned to Earth as a Blood acolyte
- Hybrid
- Starfire returns to Earth
- Teen Titans and other heroes defeat Brother Blood
- Black Canary II moves to Seattle with Green Arrow I
- Black Canary II captured and tortured by a drug dealer, loses "sonic cry"
- Injustice Unlimited - Wizard, Shade, Fiddler, Artemis I, Hazard, Icicle II
- Silver Scarab transformed into inhuman entity by Dr Hastor, the reincarnation of Hath-Set, killed in battle with Infinity, Inc.
- Sandman (Hector Hall)
- Dr Fate II (Eric and Linda Strauss)
- Wonder Woman I (Diana) journeys to Patriarchs World
- Wonder Woman I survives the "Challenge of the Gods"
- Captain Marvel (Billy Batson)
- Question (Vic Sage)
- Vigilante II (Adrian Chase)
- Metallo created by Professor Emmett Vale
- Superman meets Wonder Woman I
- Mindi Mayer killed
- Darkseid destroys Mount Olympus
- Olympian gods leave Earth in Cosmic Migration
- Wonder Woman Is lasso stolen by Cheetah
- Wonder Woman I meets second Amazon tribe descended from Antiopes group
- Wonder Woman I retrieves Golden Girdle of Gaea
- Steel I and Vibe killed by Professor Ivos robots
- Martian Manhunter disbands JLA
- Mr Mxyzptlk
- Lois Lane turned into mannequin by Mr Mxyzptlk
- Lois Lane trained in self-defence by Captain Margaret Sawyer
- Legends - Glorious Godfrey, working for Darkseid, incites anti-hero riots
- JLA re-form - Batman I, Black Canary II, Martian Manhunter, Blue Beetle II, Green Lantern III, Captain Marvel, Dr Fate I
- Mister Miracle and Oberon join JLA
- Dr Light II joins JLA, then leaves
- Booster Gold joins JLA
- Madame Xanadu reunites The Spectre I and Jim Corrigan
- Swamp Thing becomes a renegade to the Parliament of Trees
- Swamp Thing appropriates John Constantines body to conceive a child with Abigail Arcane to house the Sprouts essence
- Swamp Thing learns that Lex Luthor was partly responsible for his destruction and travels to Metropolis
[13 years ago] | [Home page] | [11 years ago]
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