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Modern Age of Heroes
10 years ago |
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10 years ago
- Superman returns to Earth
- Matrix exiles itself into space posing as Superman
- Matrix battles the intergalactic ruffian Draaga
- Matrix resumes identity of Supergirl
- Eradicator creates Fortress of Solitude
- Maxima
- Superman transforms into Krypton Man, later overcomes Eradicator with Kents help
- Clark Kent becomes Managing Editor of NewsTime magazine, later returns to Daily Planet
- Clark Kent and Lois Lane start dating
- Supermans powers temporarily robbed by Lex Luthor I, using Red Kryptonite provided by Mr Mxyzptlk
- Lois Lane breaks off with Clark Kent, starts dating Jose Delgado and Jeb Friedman
- Lois Lane and Catherine Grant expose Morgan Edge as leader of Intergang
- L.E.G.I.O.N. forms
- Valor
- Doom Patrol mourns loss of Celsius and Scott Fischer
- Lucas "Snapper" Carr forms Blasters
- Rip Hunter pierces the time barrier
- Wonder Woman I leaves JLE after first mission
- Crimson Fox joins JLA
- Mister Miracle replaced in JLE by robot double
- Booster Gold quits JLA
- Justice League Antartica
- The Extremists
- Despero returns, destroys Mister Miracle robot
- Booster Gold forms the Conglomerate
- Orion and Lightray join JLA
- General Glory
- Martian Manhunter leaves Earth after "Breakdowns"
- Bloodwynd (Jonn Jonzz)
- Spoiler (Stephanie Brown)
- Flash IIIs costume changes
- Wally West meets Linda Park
- Flash III regains top speed in battle with Reverse Flash
- Robin III (Tim Drake)
- Clark Kent and Lois Lane are engaged, he reveals his identity to her
- John Henry Irons fakes his own death and moves to Metropolis, becomes a construction worker
- Cancer-ridden Lex Luthor I fakes his own death
- Lex Luthor II
- Supergirl comes under the influence of Brainiac I and attacks Earth
- Eradicator returns to Earth
- Cadmus Project begins top-secret super-hero cloning experiments
- Deathstroke helps New Titans defeat lycanthropic creatures
- Titans West reassembles
- Phantasm
- Jericho nearly destroys New Titans before being killed by Deathstroke in "Titans Hunt"
- Golden Eagle killed
- Cyborg I nearly destroyed
- Titans Tower demolished
- Phantasm revealed to be Danny Chase, killed by Arella
- New Titans defeat Wildebeest Society
- Raven transformed
- Pantha and Red Star join New Titans
- Cyborg I recreated through Russian technology
- Guardians return
- Green Lantern Corps reinstated
- Green Lantern II reclaims control of space sector 2814 from Green Lantern III
- War of the Gods - Circe attempts to destroy Gaea
- Hermes and Circe killed
- Ray II (Ray Terrill)
- Ragman (Rory Regan)
- Hawk I becomes Monarch
- Team Titans created by Monarch, journey from possible tyrannical future
- Armageddon 2001 - Waverider prevents Monarch from killing Earths heroes
- Thunderbolt II (Peter Cannon)
- Darkstar I (Ferrin Colos)
- Existence of the Linear Men revealed
- Hawkman II (Katar Hol)
- Hawkwoman II (Shayera Thal)
- Green Lantern IV takes charge of "Mosaic" after defeating "Old-Timer"
- Bruce Gordon frees Eclipso
- Eclipso - Eclipso attempts to plunge Earth into eternal darkness
- Starman V "killed" fighting Eclipso
- Heckler
- Manhunter II, Wildcat II, Dr Midnight, Creeper and others are killed by Eclipso
- Abigail Arcane reemployed at the Spanish Acres home for the elderly
- Tefes soul enters Hell and escapes
- Matango takes an interest in Tefe
- Swamp Thing learns from Yggdrasil that he has been manipulated by the Parliament of Trees
- Swamp Thing and Najagarjuk attempt to create a new body for Tefe but are sabotaged by the Greys agents
[11 years ago] | [Home page] | [9 years ago]
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