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History Of Runes
Before the Germanic peoples of ancient Western Europe possessed a true alphabet, they used pictorial symbols to carve into stones their ideas and thoughts. The earliest of these pictorial writings date from about 1300 BC. They were probably linked to Sun and Fertility cults. Among the signs were parts of the human body, weapons, animals and variations on the circle, square, and swastika. These pictoglyphs later evolved into the more abstract glyphs that were composed of lines resembling no particular objects.

That there was power endowed to those who were adept at the use of these glyphs is indicated by the name given to the glyphs themselves. These glyphs were called Runes, from the Gothic Runa, meaning 'a secret thing, a mystery.' The Runic letter or Runastafr was use to foretell the future by Runemal, or the casting of the Runes.

The Runes were inscribed into tools, weapons, rocks, alters, and other personal items. Runes were also used by the clergy as an alternative to the Latin alphabet. It is believed that Runes were derived from a northern Etruscan alphabet used among Italic tribes in the Eastern Alps. They may have been developed by people living in the area of Bohemia.

From the beginning Runes were used for the casting of lots, for divination and to evoke higher powers that might influence the 'luck' of man. There were Runes that influenced the weather, the harvest, curses, the tides, love, and healing.

The Practicianer of Runemal was easily recognizable by the very clothing they wore. As the 13th century author of the 'Saga of Erik the Red' said, "She wore a cloak set with stones along the hem. Around her neck and covering her head she wore a hood lined with white catskins. In one hand she carried a staff with a knob on the end and her belt, holding together her long dress, hung a charm pouch."

As you can also see from this passage, many of the Rune Masters were women. As time wore on, the Runes themselves became standardized through out Europe. Although in some places the Runes numbered as many as 36 or as few as 16. Twenty-four of these were the basic Runes, or futhark. The name futhark comes from the first 6 Runes. There were 3 families of 8 Runes each, named after the Norse Gods Freyr, Hagal and Tyr.

These three aettir, as they were called were:

Freyr's Eight:Fehu, Uruz, Thurisaz, Ansuz, Raido, Kano, Gebo, Wunjo
Hagal's Eight:Hagalaz, Nauthiz, Isa, Jera, Eihwaz, Perth, Algiz, Sowelu
Tyr's Eight:Teiwaz, Berkana, Ehwaz, Mannaz, Laguz, Inguz, Othila, Dagaz.

The Anglo-Saxons are credited with spreading Runes and Runecraft through out Europe. It is unfortunate that more than 300 years ago the last of the Rune Masters died taking with them the true art of Rune casting. In recent years people such as Ralph Blum have tired to revive the ancient art of Rune Casting through books, casting Runes, and through research into ancient books and manuscripts for references to Runes.

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