Gretchen Janeway had always thought Kathryn to be so much like her father. They were strange anomalies, stars in the firmament that appeared distant, yet warm. The warmth though, was sometimes hidden beneath the aloofness, the extreme sense of duty that kept them on the go, always curious, always exploring. They were scientists, exact in their assumptions, summations and conclusions. Yet, both possessed - perhaps Kathryn even more than Edward - a quality of humour, of quirkiness that was seen in situations that called for the handling of such characteristics. Kathryn was not a secretive person, but it seemed that since her promotion to Captain, she had become more driven, not only in her work, but in her personal life, so that what outsiders saw, was mostly Captain Kathryn Janeway. Gretchen wondered how Chakotay viewed his wife's promotion to Captain. Then again, her dear Edward had been a different man in the privacy of their home, a much more softer, gentler being, and definitely more intimate. Kathryn would never be anything but a woman with Chakotay in the privacy of their home. What she projected to her crew, was the Captain who had to maintain discipline and unity.
Kathryn took her miscarriage almost as a personal affront. She succeeded in everything, excelled at most things, even the most challenging. Indeed, such challenges were all the more attractive and intriguing, the more they appeared out of reach or appeared impossible. Did this bode ill for her person, given that she took the loss of their baby so hard? Gretchen thought personally that Kathryn had dealt with her trauma better because she had the right man as her partner.
Kathryn lay sleeping. It was late afternoon and her dead faint had given them all a fright. Kathryn had never fainted in her life, and to see how her eyes suddenly became glazed and how pale she suddenly became… Even now, her face looked ashen, the absence of lipstick heightening the air of fragility. Adam had caught her just in time and carried her here to the room with a barking puppy hot on their trail. Gretchen smiled as she watched Kathryn sleeping. Before Kathryn was born she herself had also suffered a miscarriage, but life went on; she wasn't going to sit around mourning forever. She knew there would be other babies, and she had been positive that within a year she'd fall pregnant again. As it happened, exactly a year later she had fallen pregnant with Kathryn.
Chakotay loved Kathryn more than what Gretchen believed Justin had loved her. Perhaps that thought needed some qualification. Chakotay and Kathryn's love was much deeper, filled with so much texture, depth and tones - more than what Kathryn and Justin had together. Kathryn had almost fallen apart when Justin died. How would she take the loss of Chakotay? Kathryn did everything with an intensity that was frightening. She loved with the same intensity.
There was a little whimper, the sound coming from the door. It was Kathryn's new puppy that Chakotay had given her. Gretchen scooped the dog in her arms and cuddled it. Her eyes stole to the PADD that lay on the bed stand. Kathryn had yet to read Chakotay's message. She smiled again to herself when she thought how the dog had become so agitated that they had to bring her in the house with Kathryn. Later Phoebe had taken the pup, declaring her to be still untrained in the ways of the house and that the job of cleaning up after her she'd pass on to Kathryn. It was after all Kathryn's dog. She declared, too, that the dog must have sensed Kathryn was to be its mistress because puppy as she still was, she actually growled when Adam, Phoebe and Rodea tried to enter Kathryn's room. Rodea was not too fazed by the pup's behaviour. She stated roundly that her own boxer, MaoSeDung, was just as attached to her and that Phoebe had to talk her way around Mao to get to Rodea.
Kathryn started moving and Gretchen was glad. She was waking up at last. Kathryn's collapse was partly due to her tiredness and stress and the fact that without ever saying so, she missed her husband. Kathryn's attachment to Chakotay was touching, and so at variance with the strong, independent and thoroughly tough Captain who commanded the USS Crimond.
"W-what happened?" Kathryn asked as she opened her eyes and the puppy jumped in her arms. She immediately started licking Kathryn's face, giving little whimpers, with a tail that wagged excitedly. Kathryn held the puppy still frowned as she waited for her mother to reply.
Gretchen gave her a beatific smile, took the dog from Kathryn again, risked being bitten by the dog who clearly didn't want to be separated from her brand new mistress. She wanted to laugh at the expression on Kathryn's face.
"Kathryn, you sure as hell didn't suffer vertigo."
"Vertigo? Why would I have vertigo?"
"You're pregnant, sweetie. Vertigo was not responsible for your condition."
"I - I'm pregnant?"
"I'm pretty certain. I've already called Elizabeth that you'll be seeing her tomorrow morning."
"I'm pregnant?" Kathryn asked again, falling back against the pillows.
"Well, someone in this room is, honey. It's not the dog without a lady name, or me, heaven forbid."
Gretchen studied her elder daughter and would have felt sorry for Kathryn if she didn't love her so much and was still able to look at her objectively. Kathryn was sounding like a subspace beacon gone on the blink. Gretchen could see how Kathryn was turning over the possibility in her head, how her mind worked to assimilate that possibility. Shadow and light seemed to flit across her eyes, and the exact moment when the truth hit home, Gretchen Janeway thought, was an image she wanted to preserve for the rest of her life. Kathryn's eyes glowed, warmed, misted over and when the first tear rolled down her cheek, all Gretchen wanted to do was to hug her daughter who seemed strangely enough, so like a little girl in these moments. The dog had scampered off her lap and made herself comfortable next to Kathryn.
"Oh, Kathryn, I'm so happy for you..."
Kathryn trembled in her embrace, but she remained quiet. When Gretchen sat back again, she said intuitively: "You're afraid."
Kathryn stroked the dog; her face became tender at some happy thought.
"I'll be fine, Mother."
"Good. I'll leave you now.... Hey, sweetie, you're coming with?" she directed her question at the pup who remained resolute; Gretchen imagined she heard a growl as she got up to leave.
When she came outside, Phoebe and Rodea had gone off somewhere, and Adam Ponsonby was still sitting at a small white table. He rose immediately and pulled out a chair for her. When she sat down, he asked:
"Well, Adam, Kathryn is happily assimilating the fact that she's pregnant."
His dark eyes rested kindly on her as he put his hand over hers on the table. Gretchen's heart thumped for a few seconds. The man was devastatingly handsome, didn't he know that? He could still have won the hearts of many younger women, but she felt privileged. Like Kathryn, like Chakotay, and like many, many men and women through the years, she had been given the divine gift of loving again. He'll never be Edward Janeway, but she didn't want him to be. He was so unique, so different and so achingly dear to her; she loved him on those terms. Perhaps she could appreciate the loving, the devotion, the absolute faith he had in her, more than she did before.
"Are we going to tell her?"
"Adam! My little girl is having a baby, one she's wanted for a long time. Chakotay has sworn it will be a girl this time - "
"This time?"
"Didn't you know? Kathryn suffered a miscarriage last December."
"But we will tell her about us - "
"Dear, I think everyone knows about us."
She glared at him, mutinous that he was denying her the enjoyment of meandering into the prospect of babies and diapers.
"You'll have to ask her, you know."
"Why, I have no parents, Adam. Not that young people these days ask their parents or get their blessings. So my daughters will happily oblige. But Adam dear, I'd like to know I have Kathryn and Phoebe's blessing."
"You know, Gretchen, we'll still marry, won't we?"
How could she not respond to that challenge? What was he doing? He wanted to blackmail her, that's what. He didn't even know how arrogantly self-assured he sounded. But she'll get him. Marriage to Adam Ponsonby...
Gretchen Janeway gave a sigh as she leaned forward to peck him on the cheek. A steely glint entered her eyes.
"Well?" he asked again, refusing to stand down as he too glared at her. When he smiled, her heart soared again.
She knew it now as surely as if Dr Paris herself told her it was so. Why did she miss so many signs? The slight heady feeling she had all day and indeed that had been there in the past two weeks, should have given her some indication. She had had a period and the irregular flow had not alerted her. She knew that there were some women who menstruated during the first months of their pregnancy.
Her mother had just left the room and Ceara, bless her puppy heart, had fallen asleep.
"Ceara..." Kathryn whispered softly as she stroked the pup's gleaming bronze coat. "Yes, that shall be your name..."
She gave a deep sigh as her hand stole to her belly and rested tenderly there.
A baby. They were going to have a baby. Kathryn's eyes filled with tears again. She missed Chakotay, she missed him so much. Now he didn't know they were going to have a child. She wished he had been with her. Her eyes stole to her dresser where she spotted the PADD. It had slipped from her hand when she fainted on the front lawn.
Reaching for it with a racing heart, she smiled for the first time as she entered the codes. She wondered when Chakotay had found the time to do this, but she was sentimental and ecstatic enough to be completely surprised by his gift. Her eyes stole quickly to Ceara who snored softly and Kathryn grinned.
"Just like Chakotay. I've got to tell him the dog takes after him..."
When the opening message flashed on the screen, Kathryn started reading, her heart beating wildly. One hand held the PADD, the other covering the locket protectively.
"My darling Kathryn.
I won't ask how you liked your gift. I know you'll just love her to pieces like you love me. It's May 20th again, and because I wasn't quite with you on your birthday last year, I have finally accepted that I couldn't be with you this year as well. So now I'll wish you a double wish for your birthday, and I hope you'll be doubly blessed.
"Oh, sweetheart," she whispered in a husky voice, "you don't know how true your words are. I am doubly blessed. I'm pregnant with Hannah, Chakotay..." Her eyes misted over as she continued reading.
"It was touch and go getting the right gift for you, Kathryn. I'm not going to bore you with how touch and go it was. Suffice to say, Headquarters thought us important enough to do me this favour of delivering your gift.
She's beautiful, isn't she?
"She certainly is," Kathryn agreed softly, releasing the locket to stroke the dog's coat again.
"Well, if you ask me how I know that, then I'll tell you. There was this catalogue, see? And I was looking at all these holovids of dogs and puppies and when I saw her, I knew that was the one I wanted to give you. It's Irish, but then I don't need to tell you that, do I? Then I looked into some old database files, and I want to ask you: Have you named her Ceara?
"Oh, my God," Kathryn exclaimed in wonder, "how on earth did he know...?" She looked at the dog again. "I did name her Ceara, Chakotay. Are you psychic, my love?"
I guess you did, huh. Her name means fiery red. Just like my own Kathryn! Fiery, petit, beautiful... Did I tell you how much I love you, sweet Kathryn?
"Only about a thousand times..."
Well, now that you have your little pup - I thought of all the pups I saw, she showed the most spunk. She was smaller than the other pups, did you know. But Ceara looked so fierce and courageous and beautiful at the same time. She will protect you, honey. I just know that.
"Right again, Chakotay. I just heard from my mother she wouldn't let the others near me after I fainted. Maybe she'll even protect me against my own husband. You know how some dog breeds are..."
I hope to be back by the end of the month, Kathryn, as soon as all the talks on Dorvan V have been concluded. Don't worry so much about sending me any subspace communication. I don't want our communications to be hijacked, is that okay with you sweetheart?
"But you must know about the baby, Chakotay. I'll be on the Crimond next week," she spoke again softly.
Do you miss me as much as I miss you, my love? I can't tell you how much I long to feel you in my arms again, lying next to you when the moonlight is streaming into the room, just talking to you. I miss that.
My heart is yours, always, Kathryn
"I miss you too, so much, Chakotay. My heart is yours..."
Kathryn wiped the tears from her cheeks. She saved Chakotay's message again and encrypted it. She had a dog now entirely dependent on her. She gave a little sigh. Ceara will have to stay here, in Indiana while her mistress was away. She patted the pup's head, already loving her dog so much. Chakotay had such a connection with her she still found it almost disconcerting at times. How did he know she liked Irish setters? How did he know she would name it Ceara?
Fiery red.
Kathryn rose from the bed and lifted the sleeping pup. She'd have to sleep in her box tonight until they could get her a sleeping basket. She'd have to be house-trained... Kathryn could see how busy she was going to get, what with commanding a starship, raising a beautiful little girl who'll have her daddy's dimples and black hair, and caring for a red setter. But mostly, she was looking forward to be a mother, for she had a certainty, an absolute conviction that this time, she'll have her baby.
Her life at that moment, Kathryn decided, was complete.
Karen sat up on the biobed after Elizabeth Paris had completed her examination.
"Well, Doctor?"
"Baby should be due late December, Kathryn."
"I thought she would - "
"I haven't yet said anything about baby being a "she" Kathryn Janeway. Are you psychic?"
"No, Doctor Paris. It's just that I know."
Elizabeth Paris gave the kind of sigh that made Kathryn think Elizabeth was long past the point of being surprised by her patients' self-assurance and knowledge as to the sex of their unborn child.
"Then fine. A girl it is, Kathryn. I'm sure Chakotay will be very pleased."
"He will be, Doctor," replied Kathryn as she stood up and smoothed down her pants, and then patted her hair into place again. "He's been so certain this will be a girl, even before - " Kathryn paused, not certain how to put it delicately. But Elizabeth Paris was not to be underestimated.
"Oh, before there was even any sign of a fertilised egg?"
Kathryn had no time to blush. Doctor Paris was her physician while she was on Earth, and all her medical particulars would be forwarded to Doctor Benaren on the Crimond. So, she nodded and waited for Elizabeth Paris to give her something for the very slight lingering nausea she experienced. She was lucky. She had not had the kind of violent morning sickness Svetlana had with her second baby.
"You'd think it would be all over after you've had you first child," she had complained to Kathryn when she and Chakotay visited them soon after the birth of Irina.
Yes, she counted herself lucky.
"And, Kathryn, go very, very easy on the coffee, will you? In fact, why don't you give it up altogether?" Dr Paris suggested, to which Kathryn's eyes went very wide with outrage.
"What? Me, give up coffee?"
"You need to rest as much as you can, Captain Janeway," Elizabeth said, using Kathryn's rank deliberately. The doctor sounded suddenly efficient and pure doctor. "No matter that it's caffeine free, Captain, it's still bound to make you too active. Baby needs to sleep too. Play her some music, paint, just...go easy. We're just being very careful. You do understand that, don't you?"
Kathryn nodded again. She looked for long seconds at the doctor with a query in her eyes. She felt strangely embarrassed. But Elizabeth Paris had sensed her apprehension.
"It's alright for sexual intercourse, Kathryn. As long as you're careful..."
Kathryn closed her eyes for a second and nodded. When she opened them again, Elizabeth started kindly at her.
"Thank you, Doctor."
"You're welcome, Kathryn. You'll be back in San Francisco for your confinement, but I'm forwarding your files to Doctor Benaren. You're to have a monthly check-up for the next few months - "
"Late December, you said?" Kathryn asked suddenly.
When Elizabeth confirmed, Kathryn asked again:
"Most likely, Kathryn. Most likely."
Well, Doctor, I'm on the Crimond in a few days. Well be in Sector 450 - "
"Sector 450?"
"Yes," Kathryn replied with a frown. "Why? Is there anything wrong?"
Elizabeth Paris stared at Kathryn, her light brown eyes darkening suddenly with what Kathryn thought was concern, worry. Kathryn thought how moments ago, in her official capacity, Elizabeth Paris had been the efficient doctor. Now, she was a woman whose face suddenly became more creased.
"Tom - you know Tom, my son - "
Kathryn nodded. Tom was a young lieutenant, a brilliant helmsman for whom no ship presented a challenge when it came to piloting it.
"He - he is stationed at Caldik Prime."
"I...see," said Kathryn. Then on a sudden impulse she asked: "Would you like me to relay a message for you?"
There was gratitude in her eyes. Kathryn thought Tom Paris almost didn't deserve such loving parents. But she knew his father. She had been the protégé of the toughest taskmaster in all of Starfleet. Tom, she surmised, was to him not a beloved son, but an Academy cadet, a young ensign, a lieutenant who deserved the very same brand of astringent discipline the Admiral meted out to every other cadet, ensign and command track officer. She was certain Admiral Paris loved his son, but Tom must have carried too heavy a burden of being an admiral's son. That could be forgiven still, overlooked even, but he was not just an admiral's son. He was the son of Admiral Paris. That label alone, was something Tom Paris must have found unbearable. She had heard of his exploits and rebellion...
"I'll be leaving tomorrow for McKinley Station. Could I come by and collect the message?"
"I'd be very grateful, Kathryn. Tom...he's not such a bad sort, you know..."
"I know. I understand, Doctor. See you then."
"Let me guess. You're pregnant."
Dalene Petranoff sat opposite her at their favourite table at the Headquarters restaurant and poked her fork at her. The piece of salad she had lifted dangled precariously on the edge of the tines until it fell off.
"Put your fork down, Dalene. Your salad is objecting. But yes, for your information, I am. I've seen Doctor Paris and I'm in good health."
Kathryn couldn't keep from smiling. She hadn't told anyone aside from her family and Doctor Paris, and wanted to cherish the knowledge a little longer. But Dalene was Dalene. She either took an educated guess based on certain deductive powers, or she operated on pure instinct. Dalene's expression was something else when Kathryn smiled. Her eyes went warm, tinged with something like envy and Kathryn knew that Dalene was finally accepting the idea of being a happily married woman who would like to have children. Already Maris and Pennina loved her, and the interaction between them was touching.
"So, when's baby due?"
"Around Christmas."
"Wow, how did you plan that?"
This time it was Kathryn's salad that tipped off the edge of her fork when she almost choked.
"You know, Dalene, come to think of
it, it wasn't planned that Hannah would be due Christmas -
"But she's obviously wanted. Oh hell, it's not even necessary to say that. Congrats, Kath. I can see you already love your baby. So, are you going to let Chakotay know immediately, or wait till he comes home?"
"I've been thinking about that. He hasn't wanted me to make any subspace communication for security reasons, you understand?"
"Yeah, I can just picture it. Commander Chakotay, you're wanted in the office. There's a message from your wife. All this while he's in consultation with Captain Picard of all people."
Kathryn laughed at the mental picture Dalene conjured up for her.
"Well, I'll think of some way to get the news to him. He's got to know before your wedding…"
"And you're not going to tell me, huh."
"No, I'm not. Leave some part of my life for me, Day!"
"Okay, okay, Matron."
Kathryn's voice sounded so outraged that Dalene burst out laughing. Kathryn joined in finally, giving in to her friend's mirth. She was going to be matron of honour after all. But matron sounded so…matronly… She wasn't old or a blue stocking. Anything but. She was the Captain of a starship.
"Well, Kathryn, when I see you again, it will be just before my wedding. Have a very fruitful journey to Sector 450."
"Thanks, Day. I'm leaving tomorrow for McKinley Station. See you at the wedding, then!"
They parted and Kathryn felt a little sadness at leaving Dalene. She was going to miss Dalene's company. When she left the restaurant, she'd make her way to Starfleet Medical to collect the message Doctor Paris had prepared for Tom. Now, with a baby on the way, they'd have to do a lot of rescheduling, but as soon as Chakotay was home, they'd sit down and plot a course for the Janeway-Chakotay home for the next few months. Who knows, maybe even for the next year… Another little thrill coursed through her. A baby at blessed could they be?"
Kathryn gave a sigh as her hand went unconsciously to her stomach.
"Oh, Chakotay, you don't know what precious cargo I'm carrying," she whispered.
On the USS Crimond…
Commander Eamon Daley, First Officer of the USS Crimond, wondered what Captain Janeway wanted to discuss with him as he made his way from Engineering to the captain's ready room. He had been in consultation with the Chief Engineer, Lieutenant-Commander Joe Carey, a staid, if thorough man when he received the Captain's hail.
He admired Captain Janeway. They had both Irish blood, didn't they? Come to think of it, Joe Carey had Irish roots as well. Still, Eamon thought Kathryn Janeway to be a tough Captain, one of the toughest officers he had served with. Perhaps it was that red mane of hers, though Eamon was certain that the Captain herself would argue about the precise colour of her hair. He had known the Captain's husband, though not very well. It was Commander Chakotay's reputation as an equally tough and uncompromising officer that had made him known amongst Starfleet personnel as The Angry Warrior. Eamon wondered whether Captain Janeway was aware that they called Commander Chakotay that. It was a designation that sat well with him. They had heard how tough he had been with senior cadets during their Advanced Tactical Training semester. One hapless cadet had been warned:
"Don't try your luck with that maneuver, Henderson. You're a dead man." The Commander had been blistering, according to reports, when Cadet Armstrong had botched the maneuver, endangering the lives of the other five cadets who participated in the maneuver. Even though it was a simulation, the Commander's face had looked angry, his eyes shot daggers and his voice dripped venom. That, according to Armstrong who was now serving on another vessel. These reports had come to him - although he was not a man normally given to listening to rumours - via other cadets.
"Does he ever relax, Commander?" Ensign Clopart asked.
"I suggest you keep out of his way, Ensign."
"Thank you, Commander."
Chakotay's short visit when the Captain had been on a three day leave which she had elected to take on board the Crimond, was not enough to get to know the Commander really well. They made a very attractive couple as word went around the ship. Young ensigns and junior officers appeared to drool and some had even asked him whether it was fair that Captains of starships usually ended up with such attractive partners. Was it something about being born into Starfleet aristocracy? He couldn't answer to that except to tell them to keep their private thoughts private.
They had not seen much of Commander Chakotay anyway the three days he had been on the Crimond to be with his wife. The couple had been cloistered most of the time in the Captain's quarters and gossip had been rife on board. All he could say was: "They have they right, don't they?"
One of the junior officers who had been on Gamma shift that first night when Commander Chakotay arrived, reported in a breathless kind of voice that he had seen the Captain and her husband make their way to the holodecks in the dead of night and that he had heard - from another source - that they were playing Velocity. Not only that, that Captain Janeway had beaten her husband soundly that night. Eamon was accustomed to the ship's rumour mill that always seemed to work overtime whenever it concerned such a high profile officer as Captain Janeway and her husband. He didn’t want to know how they knew the Captain had beaten her husband, and certainly, it must have been someone on board who overheard a conversation between their Captain and Commander Chakotay.
"And did you know what she said?"
"No, help me out here."
"For losing, Chakotay, you are due payment."
"Which I'm happy to settle, sweet Kathryn."
The unrepentant ensign - he had been dressed down by Eamon - stuck to her guns, and while she spoke, her eyes had gone all shiny and twinkling, as if discussing the Captain and her husband was the most exciting thing to do on board the USS Crimond.
Eamon sighed. The Captain and Commander Chakotay were deeply in love. They didn't have to say much in his presence that one or two times they had had dinner in the Captain's private dining room. It was in their gestures, the looks, the warmth that radiated from them. He had been struck by how protective Commander Chakotay was, attentive to her needs. Kathryn Janeway blossomed in her husband's attentions. Eamon had known that both of them had had previous partners with whom they had been very close, but that had been long ago.
Naturally, the ship had been agog at how Captain Janeway had met her husband.
"It's the romance of the century!" they exclaimed.
"Imagine a blind date that led to a wedding!"
"My Dad says they were the most beautiful couple at the Command Performance…"
And so it went on.
Well, he was on his way to the Captain who missed her husband, but whose eyes held a secret dream. He had seen that look in his own dear wife just before she told him she would bear their first born son. Therefore, exiting the turbolift on the bridge, he wondered what Captain Janeway wanted.
Magnus Rollins had the bridge and Eamon nodded curtly, indicating he remain there. All eyes were on him as he stood at the door and pressed the chime.
The Captain's voice sounded firm as she gave the command. Seconds later he stood at her desk where she was sitting, and for once, he saw her with a cup of tea. He wondered idly where the ubiquitous mug of coffee was.
"You wanted to see me, Captain."
"Commander," she started amicably, "sit down."
When he was seated, she put the cup down, and her eyes went first to the framed photograph of her husband before she looked at Eamon again.
"You're probably wondering why I called you from Engineering, Commander," she said.
Eamon couldn't help but notice how beautiful she was, her hair tied in a ponytail. She gave him a quirky smile as she sat back in her chair and swung it a little.
"It's not got to do with the Crimond, I take it?"
"We'll be diverting from our course, Commander. I've already cleared with Starfleet Command."
He nodded, knew that Captain Janeway could get most things right with Starfleet Command.
"Where are we going, Captain?" he asked.
"Sector 450," she said, leaning forward to tilt her vid-com so that he could see the chart.
"Caldik Prime is in that Sector, Captain." His heart had a sudden burn when the Captain nodded approvingly. He continued: "Dorvan V is also in that Sector."
"Good work, Commander."
"My sister is stationed at Caldik Prime."
"Oh? Well, I am communicating with Tom Paris tonight - "
"They're on the same vessel there, Captain."
"Small universe, isn't it?"
"It certainly is, Captain. I take it you're going to Dorvan V?"
Kathryn Janeway nodded.
"If I may be so bold, Captain - "
"Go ahead, Commander."
"My dear wife, Naiose, had the same look."
"The same look?" the Captain asked, looking a little stunned. He hoped she didn't think it effrontery on his part.
"Just before she told me about the baby..."
She blushed a little, and he watched how her eyes went to the picture of her husband again. When the Captain looked again at him, he couldn't help but keep the mirth from his eyes, and she responded with a smile that lit up her whole face.
"Maybe I'll just say I noticed you're not drinking coffee anymore..."
The Captain gave him a sheepish grin.
"I'm having withdrawal symptoms."
"Then I'm certain Commander Chakotay will be pleased." Eamon was having a wonderful time, talking like this, so freely in a relaxed manner with the Captain, and while he was on duty too. It was something he was going to share with Naoise as soon as they returned to Earth. Captain Janeway spoke again.
"Commander Chakotay has never said anything, but he's been very good, never suggesting I lower my intake. Now, I'm just...careful."
"I'm happy to hear that, Captain. I hope you enjoy your visit to Dorvan V."
"It's a beautiful planet, Eamon. When you're there, it just does something to you, like calm your spirit. I thought I could spend a day or two on Dorvan V to apprise the Commander of the latest ...developments."
I can understand that, Captain. It's not good sending a message, is it?"
"I take it your wife had you running across the galaxy," she said.
"I rushed from DS9 to Earth; I was in a real big hurry to be by her side - "
"Now, Commander understand?"
"He's knee deep in talks."
"That about sums it up, Eamon."
Eamon felt that swell of pride when she called him by his name.
"Commander Chakotay will be very happy to hear the good news, Captain..."
"Yes, he certainly will. Er...Commander, this stays in this room."
Eamon nodded severely. This was something he was privileged to hear from the Captain, not to be shared with the ship's gossip-mongers. It seemed that only Magnus Rollins and Joe Carey had their heads screwed on right and had their feet firmly on the ground, so to speak. Still, the Captain's news was confidential. It didn't matter that later when the inevitability of her condition made it impossible to hide, it would be apparent to all and sundry. Right now, that she was with child, as his great-grandmother used to say, was something she wanted to share with her husband first.
"Naturally, Captain."
"I will return in a few days. Meanwhile, you will take over as Acting Captain and all departments will report to you - "
"Thank you, Captain. Will that be all?"
"Yes. For now. I'll be taking a type 9 shuttle - "
"Too slow, Captain. You're certain?"
"No problem. I could use some slowing down."
"Now there I agree with you, Captain."
Eamon rose from his seat. The conversation was over. Tomorrow when he met with the Captain for last minute details, she would be all business-like. Her mood had been friendly and he warmed to that, not having known what to expect when he first came in.
All eyes of the bridge crew were on him as he entered the bridge and made his way to the turbolift. He was coming on duty only later today and he relished the prospect of an hour in the holodeck. Later, he knew, they would ask him and he would be non-committal.
He gave a sigh. For at least two days he would be Captain of the Crimond. It was something he could relay to dear Naiose.
When the Captain returned from Dorvan V, in brilliant spirits after visiting her husband to tell him of their baby, he was certain that the euphoria of pending motherhood would remain with her for some time.
It might even be better if Commander Chakotay returned with her.