Mara's fountain

a poem by vanhunks


I had a great desire once

to find a place of rest,

for I was weary, thirsty, sad  -

began my burning quest


I searched for fountains near and far,

And though the perfect spring

lay quivering in the desert sun -

t'was my imagining.


Sometimes I drank, t'was not enough

To fill my thirsty soul;

It only filled me halfway through,

It never made me whole.


But then one day I found that spring

My search had reached its end,

I drank and drank and could not stop,

I knew my heart would mend.


My life was perfect, without pain,

I lived from day to day,

The fountain of my life, my all,

I didn't have to pay.


How could I know I drank too much,

the spring just gave and more,

It never told me when to stop,

I dried it to its core.


And so I was alone again,

Distraught, in wretched need.

The one thing that I counted on

Could only sadly bleed,


I did not heed its crying call

to put my thirst aside,

All that I needed I just took,

I saw not how it died.


My rage boiled over at my loss,

lashed at my fountain still,

I turned my anger to my Lord -

He bent me to His will.


"My child," God said, "I'm not surprised

you wail your selfish loss.

You took and never really gave,

bemoaned your heavy cross,


When you go looking for a friend,

there's one thing you should see:

I am the everlasting brook,

You have a friend in Me."


