Kathryn Janeway exited the turbolift on her floor carrying a squirming Tara on her hip and the baby bag slung over her other shoulder. She was tired, it was late, Tara had been fractious all evening according to Ensign Leeorah Guinness and she was not looking forward to a confrontation with Chakotay. She winced as Tara pulled her hair and tried to bit her ear.


"No, sweetie. Don't do that..." she instructed the baby.


While the baby continued to disobey her mother's instruction, Kathryn walked briskly to her quarters and entered the codes. Chakotay was probably up and still waiting for her. B'Elanna had been flustered earlier in the evening when she met her in the nursery. Chakotay had cornered B'Elanna first and with something  that had remained such a burning issue between her and Chakotay for a long time. Kathryn inhaled deeply when the doors opened. She had to deal with Tara first because the baby was still restless and needed her late feed, and needed to get into her own bed. Kathryn smiled wanly. Even Tara had a proclivity for preferring her own bed when she wanted to sleep, except when she was rooming with one of the other babies.


"Okay, honey. We're here and it's bedtime for you..."


Tara slapped her mother's cheek with her tiny palms as if she understood. Kathryn knew the baby was tired and it wouldn't be too difficult to get her to sleep tonight. Chakotay was lying on the couch, as she had agreed, albeit reluctantly.  She quickly tiptoed past him so as not to wake him but Tara had seen him and she suddenly started wailing loudly.


"Shhh...sweetie, don't wake Daddy now..."


She sat down with Tara in the rocking chair and the motion of the chair lulled the baby to some calm while Kathryn murmured softly to her. Chakotay had, as soon as they learned she was pregnant, started making things for their baby, even though Kathryn has protested it was too early. Funny thing, she had protested to so many things that Chakotay did for her, but indulged him, because he never smothered her.


"Nonsense, Kathryn, darling. Before we know it, nine months have passed and our baby will stare at us and ask why we didn't get her a crib and a mobile and a play pen and a - a...Treevis!" Chakotay had stopped, looked sheepishly at Kathryn and said simply: "I love you, Kathryn. Indulge me, please?"


How could she refuse? Chakotay had made this rocking chair with wood he had replicated and built in the cargo bay in every spare moment he had. Only the best for you, honey..." he always said. She had been glad. For months he had stopped going to the holodeck to get beaten up by Baby Jake in the boxing ring,  so he could do things for her. "Besides, my priorities have changed, Kathryn, love of my life..." She sighed. He had been - and still was - like that on New Earth...doing things for her because he loved her so much. New Earth... She pulled her thoughts away from New Earth. There was pain there that  she prayed, Chakotay wouldn't remember...


For a few minutes Tara played happily, always tugging at something, especially her mother's rank pins. Chakotay had grumbled on several occasions when he appeared on the bridge without his pin because somewhere between their quarters and the nursery or whomever was going to look after Tara for the day, his pin would be lost. Kathryn and Chakotay had had some scary moments of trauma once when they couldn't find one of her rank pins.


"And Commander, that is the last time I'll transport a rank pin out of a baby's stomach," the doctor had declared acidly.


"Doctor," Chakotay had responded with equal firmness, "you had better get used to it. It's going to be a health hazard on this vessel, something not entered into our equations of telemetries for a route home."


Kathryn hadn't wanted to laugh then. Chakotay had been so completely deadpan that the EMH had merely raised an eyebrow at being bested at his own game. It wasn't long after that that baby Miral was rushed into sickbay with one of Tom's chess pieces stuck in her throat. 


Kathryn placed Tara in the crib. She pressed her finger to her lips and Tara tried to imitate her, somehow knowing that she had to be quiet. Many times Chakotay had taken double shifts - working in hers as well and he had been so tired returning to their quarters that she always kept Tara busy with something while he rested. The baby's pink pyjamas - it was Chakotay who insisted on so much pink because he had been so convinced Tara was going to be a little girl - were lying on her baby chest of drawers and Kathryn kept it ready while she prepared the baby's bath. In the crib Tara pulled herself up to a standing position that made Kathryn wonder how soon their child was going to walk. Already Tara  was so strong on her legs, and they had to watch her all the time whenever she crawled around on the floor, which is why Chakotay built Tara and Miral and baby Jamie play pens. .


An hour later Kathryn was finished. Tara looked scrubbed, polished and patted, had her feed and looked sleepy. But Kathryn sat down in the rocker with her again and started telling her a little story. Her voice was a soft murmur that lulled the baby.  Sometime later when Kathryn came to, she realised that both she and the baby had fallen asleep.


Kathryn was tired. Her day had been long, and this afternoon after lunch with Chakotay and the way he kissed her left her thinking too much about it, and consequently drained. Tara hadn't helped, but Tara was a sweet baby whom no one could help forgiving, she was so loving. For a moment Kathryn held the baby closer to her bosom, reluctant to lay her down in her bed. Tara was still fast asleep and mercifully she and Chakotay had not had trouble with their baby sleeping through, except when she was teething. Kathryn smiled as she remembered how Chakotay  had ordered her to remain in bed, he'll do the pyjama drill with pleasure. She rose finally and gently laid Tara down, allowing for only about twenty percent illumination. Tara's cheeks looked rosy in the glow and as always, her little fist traveled to her mouth where she suckled in a subconscious imitation of her bottle.


Only then Kathryn walked back to the lounge area where Chakotay was still fast asleep. She allowed her thoughts to focus on what happened this afternoon and B'Elanna's recounting of their meeting in Engineering. Chakotay had been studying the logs and she had known he would have questions, especially about Seska...all the things that were kept out of official logs. Chakotay's own personal logs... Kathryn sighed. She didn't want to go there... He had deleted everything pertaining to New Earth...


Chakotay lay on his stomach, his hand trailing on the floor. He wore only his boxers, something he favoured to sleep in. Most times...he wore nothing. He had not bothered to cover himself with a blanket, nor got an extra pillow. It was so like him that her heart contracted for a second as she bent down next to him and caressed his hair, his cheek, her fingers gently resting against his lips.


She rose again and returned a minute later with a light blanket and pillow. He was not going to sleep with her in their bed. Not tonight and probably...she sighed. She needed him, needed the strength of his body, needed to spoon herself against him and inhale his maleness, dreaming....dreaming of their

lovemaking and his love before she drifted into sleep.


"Kathryn..." he murmured her name, then he shifted to lie more comfortably and gave a deep sigh as he turned his face away from her, facing the backrest of the couch. Kathryn rose slowly, remembering belatedly that she hadn't had anything to eat. She removed her jacket, throwing it down on the bed as she walked to the bathroom. Half an hour later she felt better after a shower. On lazy evenings she always relaxed in the tub Chakotay had made for her and installed in her bathroom. Her mouth curved into a gentle smile at the memory of the many times they had  made love... Shaking her head, she tied the cord of the burgundy dressing gown a little tighter round her waist and walked over to the replicator.


She ate her dinner in silence, cocking her head to listen to the slightest sound that came from Tara's room, or from Chakotay. Her heartbeat had quickened when he murmured her name in his sleep and her hope had flared for one wild second  that he might have remembered her. She'd made up her mind to speak with the doctor tomorrow to discuss some radical treatment. Chakotay didn't seem to be anywhere near regaining his memory, and mostly to her, it appeared as if he regressed. The way he kissed her this afternoon was, she realised belatedly, a tester. Chakotay was trying through the kiss to feel some connection between them and while... Kathryn gave a deep groan at the memory. She had melted into him like she always did, her body responding to his nearness, and all that happened for him was in reality...nothing. She couldn't bear it if he touched her like that again. She couldn't. Yet, how could she resist the temptation to take him in her arms, to ease his tortured mind and kiss him like she always did? There was so much passion in him and now, he looked at her like a detached stranger who tried to remember he was her husband.


She heard him groan again and rushed from the table to kneel at his side.


"Chakotay...." she whispered. She stroked his cheek. He had turned again and was facing her. His eyes flew open suddenly and fixed on her concerned face.




"'s alright, sweetheart. Sleep. You were dreaming, maybe. Rest, please..."


Chakotay groaned again and held his head, his face drawn in pain. Kathryn rushed to the bathroom and returned with a med-kit. Seconds later she filled a hypospray.


"I don’t want - " Chakotay still protested but Kathryn held him gently back. "Doctor knows you haven't had any medication today, and no injections, Chakotay. You need this..."


"Kathryn, it makes me more sick..."


Kathryn looked at him for such long moments in which her eyes misted over that he responded with:




"You always said that, did you know?"


Chakotay tried to sit up and she helped him to a sitting position, seating herself next to him but in such a way that she faced him. She lifted the hypospray to his neck and one familiar hiss later, the injection was administered.


"Thank you..." he said stiffly, aware of her nearness.


"No problem, Chakotay. I did say you should hail me any time you felt the need to."


He looked at her and knew she was referring to his conversation with B'Elanna, and he couldn't miss the slightly accusing tone to her voice. He knew she might have resented that he went to another person, even if that person was B'Elanna Torres. But he got what he needed to know from her. Kathryn's eyes got a shuttered look, one that a moment ago had misted over with tears.


"Seska was always between us, wasn’t she, Kathryn?" he asked quietly. Kathryn looked away, but he pulled her closer to him and held his finger under her chin, forcing her to look at him. "Wasn't she?" he asked again.


"It's over, Chakotay," Kathryn said quietly.


"Some things lingered, Kathryn, and I can't remember them. I need to know them..."


"There has been too much...pain..."


"For me?" he asked.


"For both of us, Chakotay. I - " she paused, her throat suddenly thick with unshed tears. She wondered absently why now, when Chakotay's memory was gone, he needed to understand all the pain and heartache that accompanied their union right until Tara's birth. There had been so much heartache. Too much, she thought. That she had finally become Chakotay's wife had been the end of her longest struggle against herself and the beginning of new ones, ones in which Chakotay had been at pains never to hurt her. He was always so sensitive to her, caring of her needs and mostly, afraid that she'd... Kathryn shook her head. When Tara was born, Chakotay had been terrified... He didn't remember any of that now... God help him.


She felt him draw her closer to him. Her instinct was to stiffen, to withdraw, but his touch had been gentle, not threatening, and with a soft sob she curled herself into his embrace.


Some twenty minutes later she had no recollection of Chakotay lifting her in his arms and tucking her in her bed. She had fallen fast asleep resting against his hard, assuring chest, like she had done so many times in the past. On her side of the bed the cover had already been drawn back. Kathryn had stretched out her hand to his side and for a moment Chakotay experienced a pain in his chest. She was like Tara, he thought. Or, was Tara like her? Kathryn's palm rested against her cheek and she gave a deep sigh as she settled again and slept. The lapels of her gown had fallen away and he could see the spaghetti straps of her nightie, the low neck line, her creamy breasts. Chakotay stood there and watched Kathryn for a long time; he had the urge to lean over and gently kiss her cheek. He bent down and smoothed her hair from her face. "Chakotay..." she whispered his name. He wanted to kiss her, but he withheld himself, thinking how her heart broke in her eyes this afternoon when he had kissed her.


Chakotay walked back to the couch and wondered how he had the discipline not to take advantage of his wife who in those moments looked so completely vulnerable and desirable.




The sun shone today, laughing down as dappled rays on the forest floor, and kissing the stones and branches that lay in the clearing. In the clearing the river widened into what he could only call a very large pond, and deep enough to swim at least fifty metres to the opposite bank. He found this spot only days after their arrival, and after a two hour trek through the forest.


The river was flank by boulders on both sides, and Chakotay lay on a large flat rock that he thought the spirits created just for him and Kathryn. She had laughingly christened it "Breakfast Rock" after he hauled her with him one morning to share in his find of  the largest rock pool on New Earth. After that, whenever the weather was pleasant, they made the trek to Breakfast Rock to have breakfast. By the time they reached the clearing and the pool, they had worked up an appetite.


Breakfast Rock...


The first time he made love to Kathryn, it was on Breakfast Rock.


Now Chakotay looked down where Kathryn was stretched out, in languid enjoyment of their togetherness, allowing the balm of the sun's rays to kiss her creamy skin. She was beautifully naked. His breathing stopped every time he just looked at her, like now. He  exhaled carefully, then swallowed  some air again.


Kathryn was lying on a blanket, her head propped against a cushion and her hair fanned golden bronze about her face. She had her arm draped lightly across her face to shield her eyes from the sun but he could see her lips, watch the way her eyelids flitted. Here, in their Eden, her lips were red, naturally red, and soft...soft. He resisted the urge to kiss her and rather tortured himself sweetly into enjoying the view.


"You're staring, Chakotay..."


"You know..."


She shifted only slightly, the movement so subtle that the colours around her also became alive. Her skin was creamy-white and in the late afternoon sun the combination of her bronzed hair, her red lips, the fawn-coloured blanket, and the dark grey of Breakfast Rock and her blue-grey eyes that stared so dreamily at him, became an impression of textures.


"You remind me of a old 16th century painting..."


"Like Tintoretto?"


How did she know?


", more like Titian, perhaps. Danaë dreaming in her bronze tower..."


"And you are Jupiter? Chakotay, sweetheart, I'll have you know, their women were fleshy..."


"But erotic, way too sensual not to inspire so many painters to eternalise women in the nude..."


"I am erotic?" she teased, "and sensual?"


"Taut skin, yet soft to the touch...a combination of infinite possibilities of softness and hardness, light and shade, changing colours and textures that move as the light falls on your hair..." he carried on, stroking her thigh, his fingers tracing lazily from her hip down to her inner thigh.


Kathryn lay still, and he knew just how she enjoyed his exploration of her body. He felt her move and her skin tingled under his touch. Chakotay smiled inwardly, sensing victory. Out here, in the open, they could lie naked and never concern themselves with decorum or rules that belonged to a life they no longer yearned for. After breakfast this morning they had made love and Kathryn... He groaned at how totally free and generous she was with her body. He claimed her in such a primal way  and they never noticed how the birds suddenly fluttered from their trees when two human voices in the throes of their lovemaking cried out and their cries mingled with the morning air. Like that Kathryn loved making love with him. They were rarely in the shelter on his bed or hers. It was always somewhere else, on a bed of soft grass or leaves, next to Kathryn's precious tomato patch, or here. He had that feeling after the first time they came together here, that she needed to endorse her final shedding of her reserve, a moment in which she sobbed afterwards in his arms, crying and laughing that she was free, and do it in a place which bore no official markings and protocols of bed, walls, darkened rooms... 


Kathryn turned lazily on her side, bracing herself on one elbow, and gazed at him. An open regard, Kathryn was utterly oblivious of her nudity and in total harmony with her surroundings. Her eyes were... Chakotay felt the stirrings of anticipation, the prospect of now and later... He gave a contented sigh.


Tonight in their shelter, she would be the cat, victoriously clawing and biting her way all over him, but now, sweet Danaë purred and he was the shower of gold come to seduce her. Her eyes became soft pools of heaven in which he could lay dreaming forever. His heart thundered and he drew in his breath sharply. Sometimes, Chakotay wondered who was the conqueror and who was the vanquished. Kathryn could melt him with her eyes... His fingers splayed possessively over her warm centre and he watched with barely concealed ecstasy how her eyes closed slowly and her breathing became shallow, low gasps.




He became bolder, bending over low to brush his lips against her belly. When he straightened up again, he was not surprised to notice how aroused he had become. But Kathryn invited, it was sweet Danaë who beckoned him to join her and become one with her. Her breasts were perfect, pink aureoles he had suckled time and again during foreplay, and which drove her wild with sensual frenzy. He pressed her down on the blanket, the knowledge that in the next few minutes the birds would again flutter nervously from their boughs only fleeting as he groaned and positioned himself between Kathryn's thighs and merged his flesh with her in a slow, smooth movement in which Kathryn moaned her approval. She was heated moist which spilled around his flesh and he groaned loudly with satisfaction.  His palms cupped her face and all the while that he moved in her, he kept his eyes on her and watched the emotions play on her expressive face; like the colours of Titian's Danaë in her tower, Kathryn's face became alive. He knew the moment she would come and just before he drew painfully to his climax, he gave a shuddering sigh; when Kathryn screamed, his own cries joined with hers seconds later.


"I love you, Chakotay," she breathed some time later, her eyes still smouldering with passion. Chakotay was far gone himself. He pulled her up with him and hugged her tightly.


"Love of my life..." he whispered against her hair.




"Race you to the other side!" he challenged Kathryn days later as he stood on Breakfast Rock and prepared to dive into the pool.


"Oh, no, you don't," Kathryn yelled, then pulled him back. A second later she executed a neat dive into the water, mindless of the coldness of it and started swimming strongly.


Chakotay dived in after her and soon  he was alongside her. A few more strokes and he was ahead. "See you later, sweetheart!" he shouted before kicking faster and sculling like mad. When he reached the other side and stood up in the water, he was surprised. He couldn't see her. Where was Kathryn? For a moment he panicked, then Chakotay felt himself pulled under.


"Hey - !"  He choked and splashed about. When Kathryn came up, she laughed brightly at him. For several minutes they splashed and played until Kathryn dunked him again.


"That's for not making love to me last night!" she complained loudly when he recovered, but his recovery was short-lived.


"Oh, yeah? Come here, you little vixen," he threatened.


His arm shot out and he caught her, pulling her closer to him. The sun caught in her wet hair and her hair flashed golden sparks. Her eyes had gone soft again - soft and mysterious and warm and smoky all at once. The water glistened on her skin, and from her parted lips water droplets hanged precariously like little pear-shaped diamonds before lazily plopping down.... Kathryn was sensual woman, eternal mystery that baffled men through the ages. Chakotay was stunned into silence, dazed for a moment, just gazing open-mouthed at Kathryn standing in his embrace in more than a metre deep of water and all he wanted to do was...spread her legs...


A deep growl grew in his chest as he bent low, gripped her buttocks and lifted her, sinking her down on his waiting rock-hard member. Chakotay groaned as her warm, moist folds welcomed him; her arms gripped his neck for support. Then Kathryn smiled -  a slow, brilliant, triumphant smile that joined the brilliant, triumphant gleam in her eyes.


"I love you, Kathryn," he said gruffly.


For the next few minutes he thrust in her, riding her so sweetly that she cried until she climaxed.




"Do you ever think of Seska?" she asked him that night, lying in his arms and idly tugging at his chest hair.




"You loved her?" Kathryn asked, her head lifting slowly so she could look at him.


"Maybe. In the beginning. When I met you, I knew about love, honey..."


"But she made a baby with you, Chakotay," Kathryn persisted.


He sighed. When he turned on his side to face her, he said, "love...there is pain in giving, Kathryn. Seska stole from me what I would gladly share with you a hundred times over, in the flesh, Kathryn."


"Do you think of the baby?"


He sighed again. Sometimes Kathryn was persistent.


"It's going to be my son, Kathryn. He  - he should be born by now...I think."


"I'm sorry, Chakotay. You can't know how sorry I am..."


"That I turned to her when you - when you...." He found himself unable to voice it.


"Rejected you, Chakotay. You - you wanted to marry me; you loved me and I - I took off like a hunted doe..."


Chakotay pulled her so that she lay on top of him, her legs straddling him. He looked deeply into eyes that suddenly clouded over with worry.


"I love you, Kathryn Janeway. Our life is here, on New Earth. Love of my life.... Don't - don't crucify yourself..." 


Then he kissed her gently, his lips lingering infinitely softly on hers. He felt the tears sting behind his eyelids and before he could prevent himself, he gave a sob and cried.




Always, he could see in her eyes whatever mood took her at any moment. On those golden days on Breakfast Rock there were never any shadows, or odd turbulences that disturbed Kathryn's equilibrium. She would have that peaceful look in them in her quiet moments when he knew she wanted to be alone, and both valued that they could give one another the breathing space that they desired. The blue-grey was tinged then with flecks a little darker. Kathryn would not speak for hours but he knew that she was at peace.


Her eyes laughed on most days; the day she acknowledged that she would be spending her life on New Earth, her eyes bore resignation in them, and then later, the resignation turned to acceptance, and acceptance turned to joy.


"Because, I am not alone, Chakotay. You are here, my rock."


On other days she would be sad, and he knew she'd be thinking of Voyager, her vessel and her crew and he sensed she'd wonder how far they were on their journey home. On those days he simply sat with her on Breakfast Rock and stroked her arm. He never did more than stroking her arm, and she always appreciated that his understanding lay in his heart and his nearness alone. On those days her eyes changed to a dark grey colour that gradually became lighter as the sadness left her.


Today he felt uncomfortable in his uniform. He wondered if Kathryn felt it too. They hadn't worn it since they arrived here, and had never, after a while, even thought about it. They were standing together outside their shelter, ready to be beamed to Voyager. But it was not the uniform that made his heart feel like it was going to break into pieces and become fodder on the floor of their love. Their idyll lay there in fragments that will never quite come together and be healed again. They were waiting to return.


Voyager came.


They were leaving.


Kathryn was leaving.


He saw it in her eyes. She did not need to speak. The old shadows were there, and if he had given himself any credit for being able to know her intimately and understand Kathryn, he should have known the shadows were never really gone. They had just respectfully shifted away for a brief time to allow her the freedom with which she could liberate her mind and her body and her soul and love Chakotay with all her heart.


Now, Voyager was going to claim the love of his life; her vessel was going to assimilate Kathryn Janeway into her bulkheads, all ship's systems and the chair on the bridge, and turn her into Captain Janeway of the Federation Starship USS Voyager. It was an entitlement that came back in Kathryn's eyes and made her dwell again on Earth as Home, and New Earth as home away from home.


For here, on New Earth, he had been her equal. Perhaps more than that.


When they sat in their chairs again on the bridge of the ship that belonged to Captain Kathryn Janeway, Chakotay would be again Commander Chakotay, First Officer. The role of consort would be one in name only, with none of the privileges of uniting bodies, and never of joining hearts.


He knew with a sickening dread deep in his being, that their Eden was over; their idyll was only a memory and his love for her would be again his torch song of pain.


Even as he stood next to her and stole a glance at her, Kathryn Janeway moved slowly away from him. Further and further away she floated. She became a haze, a grey blur that receded into the distance. Chakotay reached out a trembling hand to bring her back, his eyes begged for mercy of her return, but the blur deepened into a dark mist which even concealed the moon.


He wanted to call her.


Come back, my love.... Come back, my love....


" of my life... don't - don't leave me, please... Come back to me..."


Still, the moon was gone and night deepened.


"Love of my life..."


He touched his face and realised his cheeks were wet. Did the mist do that? Someone was shaking him and calling his name. He tried to drift back through the fog.


"Chakotay...Chakotay, wake up...wake up, please.... You're dreaming..."


Chakotay slowly opened his eyes, struggling to focus. He was drenched in sweat and Kathryn was looking at him with deep concern in her eyes.




He touched his cheeks. They were wet...


"Shhh... you were dreaming, Chakotay. It's okay..."






He tried to think, tried to gather the fragments of the dream Kathryn spoke of.


It was a thick fog, an impenetrable fortress that trapped his memories behind grey walls.


He tried again. Nothing. His body started rocking; his breathing was erratic.




"I don't remember what I dreamed, Kathryn," Chakotay said, his voice trembling as he started to hyperventilate. "I don't remember, Kathryn!"




He held his head in his hands and rocked, only vaguely aware of Kathryn's arm round his shoulder.


"What do you feel, honey...?


He stopped rocking and stared at her with wild eyes. The words burst heatedly from his lips:


"There is a chasm, of - darkness and - and no moon.... I feel - I feel deep, deep sorrow.... Why, Kathryn? Why am I feeling so indescribably sad...?"


She couldn't answer him, but her eyes filled with tears as Chakotay began rocking again, whimpering incoherently:


"Oh, dear God, help me..."

