


My Janeway and Chakotay Treasure Trove

The Janeway and Paris Omnibus

The Paris and Torres Collection

The Another Time über series [P/T]

The Paris and Seven Collection

The Carey - Wildman Nest

The Chakotay and Paris Cell

Janeway and Tuvok's Security Briefs


The Next Generation

The Captain's Quarters  Picard/Crusher

T.O.S: The Original Series

The following stories and drabbles for the pairng: Spock/Uhura

All my hopes  A vignette 

Spock undergoes the fal-tor-pan, and Uhura wonders whether he will remember everything she had meant to him.

The drabbles

1.    McCoy's Brain?

2.     This, my land

3.     The heart of you

4.  Spock's Brain

5.    Sing to me

6.     Red sky at night

7.     Lusting (after her)

8.     Lobola